A report suggesting girls begin school a year earlier than boys in order to raise Korea's birthrate has faced strong backlash.
"Notably, Chang's report claims that biological females develop earlier than males do, so requiring girls to enter school at younger ages will create classes in which the two sexes are of more equal maturity as they age. This, the author posits, makes it more likely that those classmates will be attracted to each other, and marry and have children further down the line."
"The report does not include evidence of any correlation between female students' early enrollment and the success rate of their romantic relationships with men. The author also does not detail specific mechanisms by which his proposed policy would increase romantic attraction or birthrates."
"We've got a birthrate crisis, maybe we should make it so a single income of someone working 40 hours a week can support a family of 4?"
"... Or we could explore literally every other option no matter how ridiculous and not do anything which would impact corporate profits even a single penny."
Any sensible country will think about providing more incentives to women & couples to have more children and fix financial stressors that's scaring people away from parenthood.
Won't fix it, unless women want to stop working and stay at home, couples aren't having more kids.
The solution is better population distribution, we've got overpopulated countries and countries where the birthrate isn't high enough, no need to be a genius to get it.
Edit: Thanks for the downvotes, how about you propose an actual realistic solution? It's not 1850 anymore, people have goals other than making sure their family name lives on, no matter how easy you make it to have kids, more and more people just don't want to have them because it's socially acceptable and they don't want the burden. What then? Let the population go down until the average age is over 70? There's not a single birth policy that respects people's freedom of choice that has achieved the objective of making the local population have its birthrate go back over 2.1, none.
How does that fix anything? You keep some parts of the world as human breeding mills and send them to the places where quality of work/life balance is so bad that they can't have kids there either?
Rebalancing is only a temporary solution. Birthdate in developing countries is also dropping: they may still be in the “good” part of the stop, but there’s no reason to expect it won’t keep dropping. Predictions vary widely but in about half a century, the overall population will start dropping, regardless whether you rebalance.
The thing that really hasn’t been tried is to value parenthood, value children. Sure, we may culturally and may even give a few incentives, but it has always been a huge burden on parents. Very few countries with the possible exception of a couple Scandinavian ones, do much to help make this easier
US is particularly bad at this
parental leave is minimal
healthcare is expensive
childcare is even more expensive
many jobs don’t give flexibility to take care of kids (especially since schools insist on you going there during their business day)
pre-school is mostly not public, expensive
college is extremely expensive
housing is extremely expensive, especially trying to fit more people
if a child has special needs, now all of these are even more expensive, and may be needed for their entire life
I’ve read estimates that parents spend on average $250,000 to raise a kid, and that’s an old number so I don’t see how it’s anywhere near that low. Who can afford that?
And that’s not counting the work, the attention, the hardship of raising kids. I always wanted kids and regret not having more than 2, but raising them is neither easy nor cheap, and society does very little to help
Give women AND men the opportunity and means to stay at home for childcare and stop putting the burden solely on the women might actually help.
But I guess treating women like actual people and with equity is way too much to expect.
South Korea has a huge misogyny problem to the point where young women choose celibacy and staying single over marriage and family to escape their bad situation under the current patriarchy. They actively choosing not to have children, because men treat them like shit.
This idea is a complete non-starter from a practical standpoint. Parents would complain about it either way. Either they wouldn't want girls in school early or they'd want boys in school early, too.
It's just much easier to treat children all the same.
Also, I personally think this plan would backfire. Girls graduating wouldn't want to have to be adults earlier than boys, so they'd stay in school longer. And from what I've heard, the most reliable way to reduce birth rates is to educate women more.
I think everyone also knows how to ethically increase the birth rate. Make having children easy and affordable. Lots of government assistance. Make sure everybody has access to cheap or free childcare.
And there's also the generational problems. Young adults can see the problems that the previous generations caused. You can't go back in time to fix those. It will be expensive to change this sort of thing.
But quick fixes aren't going to change the underlying problems.
Why has birthrate been lower than 2 in most developed countries starting in the 60s/70s even if there were social programs and people were able to afford to have a family with a single salary?
Maybe people who don't have access to birth control have accidents and they need to deal with the consequences and in fact, when given the choice, people don't have enough kids to renew the population? Crazy, right?
Really, there's nothing specifically wrong with having a low birth rate. On a large scale, we have an overpopulation problem, and there's not really a negative for each person having fewer children. Of course, smarter people will decide to have fewer kids. But eventually, it will all balance out.
Being this out of touch with reality is the problem with countries right now. The elites and politicians don’t know what’s going on because they are staying in power long past their usefulness.
This report imparts the image of a sweaty old man with steepled fingers tapping against each other panting heavily and grunting "little girls...develop faster..." And then letting that statement hang in the air, festering.
It's almost like once you've stopped exerting religious and social pressure for every woman to have five kids and given access to birth control... The birth rate is going to drop.
I'm of the opinion we just need to stop focusing so hard on raising the birthrate and focus more on taking care of the people and population we have. We don't need more people on the planet - 8 billion humans is plenty. We need to figure out successful economic strategies that don't require perpetual population growth rather than trying to breed our way into economic security.
They have a problem with patriarchy and not with birth rates. Birth rates are just the symptom.
Seeing that there is a big trend in young Korean women to abstain from men, marriage and family, I'd say starting to treat women like actual people could very well make a difference.
But yeah, getting them into school earlier and probably indoctrinate them earlier into good obedient wives could work too.
I would like to see a large scaled research on that statement, like I know women hit puberty sooner but does that really mean mentally they do as well. Is it more of how woman are rear vs men. I do wonder if we thought me about emotions/feelings and teaching them younger how to deal with emotions and to be more if that would even the gap. Does anyone have any good research I could parse?
According to my experience , girls start acting more imature when they hit puberty while boys acts more imature before they hit puberty in comparison to each other.
The sience on development in male female is correct. It obviously won't fix birth rates, like just fix your privatisation of housing. But I think it would be good to do regardless, maybe female 1 year sooner and male 1 year later or just male 2 year later. That way being in the same class they actually are able to study the same topics without any gender development impairments holding them back. Some studies are required.