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Man who posted deliberately offensive thing on social media can’t understand why people are offended

    Conclusion Existing research on content warnings, content notes, and trigger warnings suggests that they are fruitless, although they do reliably induce a period of uncomfortable anticipation. Although many questions warrant further investigation, trigger warnings should not be used as a mental-health tool.

  • And if not US, it's UK, France or Russia
  • You're the one saying that all extra hands are beneficial to the economy, yet we intentionally refuse people who apply for immigration, why? By your logic we should be welcoming everyone to boost our economy, right?

  • And if not US, it's UK, France or Russia
  • I mean, why should a rich country accept people from other rich country if they don't bring any necessary qualifications to the table? You're not a refugee, the fact that the situation is shit in the USA is on the people that live there, it's not our responsibility to save you guys.

  • Price will increase by $10 for v1.0 after the Steam Summer Sale
  • Paid subscription services increase because constant work has to consistently be put into them at a regular rate.

    So like an early access game that requires constant work to fix bugs and add content?

    The literal only other game to increase the price of a game over half a decade old has been Factorio.

    Even you said that Minecraft did the same (and I'm sure I can find plenty of early access games that did the same).

    As I said you're just mad that they're being honest, you're angry that inflation is a bitch and you would prefer that some sectors pretend it isn't, that makes you unable to analyze the situation objectively so you keep contradicting yourself. But I'm the one arguing in bad faith somehow.

    I'm done here, goodbye!

  • Price will increase by $10 for v1.0 after the Steam Summer Sale
  • They actually are affected the same way tough, hosting cost, labor cost, the programs used for development, the computers used for development, all of these things cost more and more, just because some people in the industry don't act on it doesn't mean that the same thing doesn't happen...

    Oh wait, what's that? They actually do act on it by selling paid DLC for extra content and people are too dumb to realize that it's exactly the same thing as increasing the price of the complete game while continuing to provide updates? Dang...

    Also, look at paid subscription services, are prices staying the same forever or they're increasing? Because I'm looking at Netflix and they haven't released a new program, they've just added more content and the price is going up! Plex's lifetime price nearly doubled in 2014, they didn't release a new program, it was the same thing just getting updated.

    You're just mad because the Satisfactory team is being honest about why they're increasing the price and it makes you angry because it doesn't fit your vision of how the world should work but everyone else is doing the same thing just without mentioning inflation and that's fine to you.

  • Price will increase by $10 for v1.0 after the Steam Summer Sale
  • Pay is handled by the studio. If the devs want a pay increase, which is more than deserved, then the studio needs to find the funds for that. If they don’t have the funds then they need to create more product. Simple as. Artificially boosting the price of existing products isn’t the answer.

    So contrary to any other industry, game development studios don't have the right to increase their price on products that are already on the market to follow inflation and to have the funds to increase their employee's wages, that's what you're saying?

    Regardless, office pay has next to nothing to do with this. The consumer doesn’t directly pay the worker’s salary. The worker makes the product, the consumer buys the product, end of transaction.

    It's funny because your next paragraph makes it seem like it's the exact same thing happening for games, there's a third party in-between the consumer and the employee doing the work in both cases.

  • Price will increase by $10 for v1.0 after the Steam Summer Sale
  • That's exactly what Minecraft did...

    Free then 5 then 10 then 15 and so on, all price hikes that happened while the game was still in development and had not reached 1.0. it was one of the first mainstream example of an early access game!

    You just don't want to recognize that Satisfactory today is different from what it was when it was first made available, just like Alpha and beta Minecraft weren't the same.

    But hey, I guess I'm the one that's not arguing in good faith by pointing out that the situation is pretty much exactly the same and that the alternative is worse for all current owners.

    Again, if you keep doing the same office job as before, do you refuse to ask for a pay increase and prefer to become poorer over time just because your job hasn't changed?

  • Price will increase by $10 for v1.0 after the Steam Summer Sale
  • I mean, they get to decide when it's finished, if it's stable and there's enough content that people are playing hundreds of hours then they can say that that's the basic experience and if people want more they need to pay for it, in the end it's even worse than just not having paid DLC and increasing the price as the game gets more content and life becomes more expensive.

    Not as if there was anything new to doing that, Minecraft cost about 5$ for the people who bought it as soon as it was made available, now you don't even get the mobile version for that price.

  • Price will increase by $10 for v1.0 after the Steam Summer Sale
  • So they should just stop development on a game that's still considered early access and leave it in an unfinished state and start working on something else that they can charge more for and just stop working on it once inflation catches up no matter the state it's in? That's what you're saying devs should do?

    EA, Activision, Ubisoft don't do it this way, instead they charge you for all extra content separately.

    Maybe that's what the Satisfactory team should do, release the game as is as being complete, not change the price and then release paid DLC that would otherwise have been updates so in the end people need to pay more to get the full game... Damn, we're back to square one but now people who already paid for the game also need to pay for updates...

  • Price will increase by $10 for v1.0 after the Steam Summer Sale
  • Selling the game is the devs income, if everything else costs more and you don't increase your income you're just becoming poorer.

    Just because you're doing office work do you believe you shouldn't get a raise?

  • Qu'est-ce que vous avez pensé de Simple comme Sylvain?

    On vient de le regarder et je suis plutôt déçu je crois... Le film était prévisible du début à la fin, les personnages n'étaient pas particulièrement intéressants parce qu'ils étaient stéréotypés gros comme le bras... J'ai l'impression que je ne m'en souviendrai plus dans deux jours...

    2 Russian opposition leader Navalny has died, prison service says

    Jailed Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny has died, Russian media report, citing the prison service

    Russian opposition leader Navalny has died, prison service says

    More details added (no cause of death at this time):

    The prison service in the Yamalo-Nenets district said he had "felt unwell" after a walk on Friday.

    He had "almost immediately lost consciousness", it said in a statement, adding that an emergency medical team had immediately been called and tried to resuscitate him but without success.

    Firefox's profiles implementation sucks

    (On Windows anyway, don't know if different on Linux)

    Just wanted to share that as a user of both Firefox and Chrome, it's one thing that makes me hate switching to Firefox. I often need to use two different profiles and the way Firefox does it sucks.

    With Chrome I've got two shortcuts (that Chrome creates by activating an option) pinned to my taskbar that look distinct from one another and the instances that I open are combined under their respective profile shortcuts.

    With Firefox I need to manually create two shortcuts, assign two distinct icons to differentiate them, change some properties so they open the right profile, pin them and because they're "regular shortcuts" instead of the default Firefox launcher shortcut, when I open the program I end up with a third Firefox icon in my taskbar (it does not open under the shortcut I used, it acts as if I clicked a shortcut on my desktop) where all instances get merged together no matter which profile they're associated with.

    32 Un gros projet d’éoliennes pour Rio Tinto, sans Hydro-Québec

    L'incapacité de la société d'État à fournir de l'électricité à tous les projets industriels crée un engouement pour l'autoproduction privée.

    Un gros projet d’éoliennes pour Rio Tinto, sans Hydro-Québec


    J'espère qu'on va finir par ravoir un gouvernement avec un peu de vision avant qu'il soit trop tard...

    I think the Limited edition wasn't as limited as we thought

    Still seems to be available now (not going to order a second one to confirm 😂)

    The scalpers trying to resell them for 100% profit must be mad right now!

    Les motards avec leur patch

    Est-ce que c'est juste parce que je suis déménagé en Estrie? Me semble que j'ai pas vu autant de Hell's Angels s'afficher depuis une vingtaine d'années... C'était pas interdit au Québec de toute façon? Je trouve des articles sur des essais de faire interdire ça au niveau fédéral, mais rien comme quoi la loi aurait changé au Québec...

    Yes, that's a door back there


    31 Le taux de criminalité en hausse au Québec

    Le taux global de la criminalité au Québec, calculé à partir des statistiques d’infractions fournies par les corps de police de la province, est en hausse pour une deuxième année consécutive, a appris Radio-Canada.

    Le taux de criminalité en hausse au Québec

    Qui aurait pu prévoir qu'une succession de gouvernements qui ne s'occupent pas de prévenir la hausse des inégalités sociales finirait par avoir des conséquences?

    Bug report: When checking our own comments and tapping "Show context" the comments don't follow each other like they should

    FiskFisk23 and my comment are both replies to Botree's comment, it gets even more confusing when tapping Show context a second or third time.

    Le monde à Sherbrooke sait pas conduire.

    J'en ai plein mon casque de passer proche me faire passer dessus aux arrêts parce que ça l'air que c'est totalement optionnel à Sherbrooke de s'arrêter et même souvent de ralentir. J'ai vécu dans pas mal de villes au Québec, c'est la pire jusqu'à date.

    Merci d'être venus à mon Tedtalk.

    8 Azure Power Global | Un placement de la CDPQ en Inde continue de s’enfoncer

    Le désordre est répandu chez un producteur indien d’énergie solaire contrôlé par la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ). En une journée, Azure Power Global a vu son auditeur – chargé de passer ses finances au peigne fin – jeter l’éponge en plus de se faire montrer la porte à la Bourse de N...

    Azure Power Global | Un placement de la CDPQ en Inde continue de s’enfoncer

    Je me demande si le monde va en faire quatre fois le scandale que Celsius a été vu que c'est quatre fois l'investissement qui a été fait là dedans ou si vu que c'est dans une industrie verte les gens vont juste faire comme si de rien n'était...

    For a person that defends freedom of speech and complains about safe space...

    You sure do spend a lot of time ridiculing people's opinions in your safe space...

    Also, reposting content from a defederated instance? must have defederated from it for a reason, right? Like not wanting to see lemmygrad's content on their instance 🤔

    Michael Sabia touchera 639 000 $ chez Hydro-Québec Michael Sabia touchera 639 000 $ à la tête d’Hydro-Québec

    Le nouveau PDG, dont le mandat de cinq ans débutera le 1er août, touchera un salaire de base de 639 000 $, ce qui est plus que sa prédécesseure.

    Michael Sabia touchera 639 000 $ à la tête d’Hydro-Québec

    C'est drôle parce que quand la vérificatrice générale avait critiqué les bonis pour les gestionnaires dans les sociétés d'État, Legault avait dit qu'il pouvait pas y mettre fin à cause que les contrats étaient déjà signés, mais qu'il allait arrêter ça... Et là c'est un nouveau contrat et Sabia a droit à des bonis...

    Québec veut changer la loi sur la protection du territoire agricole Québec veut réformer la protection du territoire agricole

    Le gouvernement Legault est pressé par les municipalités d'offrir plus de souplesse au développement au sein du territoire agricole.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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