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Street Fighter Movie Finally Has A Solid Release Date | Retro Dodo
  • I hope this is concept art and not the character look, it's reminding me of the Sonic release.

    Too garishly realistic.

    I've seen the 1994 film and at least plot wise, I think it would be impossible to do worse.

    This will probably be way more fun, and they'll be able to do a lot more with animation than you could do with live action characters in the world of Street fighter

    Yeah this will probably be better.

    Oops, I just found out this is going to be live action.


    It'll probably still be better than the 1994 movie, that is really rough to watch.

    The effects weren't there, fight choreography wasn't there, the plot was absent, this movie has to be better.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • So your contention is that

    1. Although Biden is the only president to actively contradict and issue sanctions against the Israeli government and its settlers for their colonization and war crimes,

    2. Biden's the least active president to actively contradict and issue sanctions against the Israeli government and its settlers for their colonization and war crimes.

    Even though nobody else has contradicted Israel or issued sanctions and Biden has.

    You are confused.

  • What movies are good representations of places/life/era you live in/have lived in?
  • Yea, and now there's the swingback glorification of selling out.

    Financial success in and of itself shouldn't be shameful or exalted, I wonder if there's a movie showcasing that exaltation of personal commercial success the way reality bites showcased the shame.

    I can't think of one that nailed it the same way.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • They're sanctions against illegal Israeli colonization and he's the first president to issue them.

    He even paused military aid to Israel, which I don't think has ever happened before either.

    Biden was also the first president to directly contradict Israel and enact consequences over the idfs policy even though the IDF have been executing civilians for decades.

    You couldn't be more off base.

  • What movies are good representations of places/life/era you live in/have lived in?
  • Reality bites(1994) portrayed the paradox of the newfound "horror" of selling out in the 90s by achieving goals you set our for yourself.

    That nailed a specific part of american culture for most working people in the country.

    Waiting is also weirdly accurate because on the production side you need actors to focus on portraying a particular personality trait to define the entire character, but that applies in real life to restaurant dynamics, one salient personality trait sort of defines who each person is, like it makes it easier to work in a group if you know that that guy is the stoner or that guy is the cool dude or that girl is the bossy one.

    Kids(1995) got suburban entropy pretty solidly. Gummo is kind of in that category too, although I can't confirm because I never lived in the boonies.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Absolutely, or a limp maga.

    People have gone from blindly supporting anything #Israel and condemning anything #Palestine without making any distinctions between civilians and their government, and then once they couldn't deny the violence, they were like "got it, so Israel always bad and Palestine always good" without learning anything more about the situation.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Biden is the first US president to issue sanctions against Israeli colonizers on Palestinian land.

    Previous presidents of any side for the past 70 years have been sending military aid to Israel.

    You got your facts way wrong.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • I'm not missng the point, you're agreeing with me without realizing it.

    As i said, the us voting system is broken, needs reform and is teaching Americans to be afraid of voting.

    A broken system doesn't make the voters wrong. The system is wrong.

    Voting for your candidate, whichever numbered party they are, is the right way to vote.

  • What's your favorite fun t-shirt?

    I have one from a band called Massie that says "you work hard, I'll be sexy".

    Makes me laugh every time.

    I also have a t-shirt with a purple teddy bear under a paragraph of text telling a nihilist horror story in broken english about that teddy bear as if he were a real person.

    Both winners.

    I think this is hilarious, but I don't have Instagram so I can't look at the hi-res version of this picture. can someone reply with the hi-res picture? thanks!

    It's here:

    Mulling Over Morphs #41 - The Familiar

    I owned most of these books and this was one of the ones I reread the most because of how poetic so many difficult personal struggles and fears are faced and worked through so rapid fire, it's pretty overwhelming without being trite.

    This book ends perfectly,


    the simple act of asking Cassie if she was okay when he didn't ask her like he should have the day before.

    Juke Box - share music Varyk
    The singing, dancing, the colors, I cannot more heartily recommend any song or music video - Lido Pimienta - ESO Que TU Haces

    This is one of my favorite songs and videos.

    Mulling Over Morphs #40 - The Other

    I cannot remember the first time I read this series, but I can't imagine thinking anything other than "ah, The power of friendship!"

    Which upon this reread is hilarious given how clearly the authors wanted to portray a gay couple in 2000, which wasn't done often in a series fronted by a major publisher.


    This time, I was like "oh right, the andalites living together, and then I was inundated with the hunts of gardening, super fitness, pink furniture, shunned by society, debilitating incurable illness, cared for by "best friend", androgynes, and especially the poetic language of how the became friends, they were both pilots and their wings tangled together and they crashed to the ground together.

    Pretty awesome that when so other few authors were willing to have gay characters, especially in a young adults series, ka and grant went full bore and even named this title "the other".

    I always thought the "Marco" being bi what sort of and unsupported gimme afterthought, but they already had an unmistakably gay couple having badass adventures.

    I wonder if they made them both pilots because of top gun?

    And this title is not merely a showcase of queer culture, the story is as developed and well told as any of the other books, and of course more so than some of them.

    I find the thought-speak across great distances very interesting, how visser 3 doesn't want anything to do with either of them because of andalite culture treating difference as an embarrassment, and also how ax is very openly hostile toward both of them.

    It's another good book!

    Mulling Over Morphs # 39 - The Hidden

    It is very creepy when the ant begins turning Cassie, but it's downright horrifying when the Buffalo begins to learn how to speak while it's morphed into chapman.

    That is so yikes that it makes perfect sense. They have to fry him at the end.


    They really get at some horror here.


    Credit to "no banana" for the image and Hobbes_Dent for the title.

    Zero credit to me for doomscroll.

    Mulling Over Morphs #38 - The Arrival

    Ax gets a big ol' crush on


    A genocidal sort of asshole.

    Still, the heart wants what it wants.

    This is a great book, testing ax's loyalty again.

    A very good example of people insisting they're doing some necessary thing for the greater good by becoming the thing they're fighting against.

    The characters and their Dynamics were very interesting in this book, non-stop action.

    Juke Box - share music Varyk
    Superorganism - Something For Your M.I.N.D.

    And the tiny desk concert after you watch this video and you're like oh my God they're f****** amazing.

    Mulling Over Morphs #37 - The Weakness

    I remember this book because as soon as you realize that Jake is gone, you're like oh shit.

    Wow! This book is really good, dealing with leadership and Marco's criticisms and how poorly Rachel deals with the leadership she thought she wanted,


    and then the absolutely batshit insane plan at the end that foreshadows Rachel's final act.

    I also never understood why the garatron looks so much like an andalite.

    Are they just like hey isn't evolution weird? This one thing looks like another thing but they're not the same thing.

    I don't get why that was so important.

    Also, I was so glad that Jake spoke with Rachel shortly at the end of the book. Perfect ending.

    I found an unsettling picture of Cassie mid morph

    Since I learned the word estreen, the andalite word for an extremely talented morpher, I searched for fanart based on that and found some interesting stuff.

    Beautifully colored, is this oil painting?

    Artist is artbyLars

    Cassie showing off her skills to Tobias and Rachel

    Update: Estreen! That's the word. Found it!

    An exceptionally talented morpher is an estreen! I knew there was a word for it.


    I can't find the word.

    Isn't there a specific andalite word for how good Cassie is at morphing?

    Artist - iara catunda

    hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey?

    I feel like that game literally changed my life in the 2 hours or whatever it took me to play it.

    That game is so beautiful. It made me a better person.

    I was absolutely entranced.

    I'm watching due date 2010 for the first time, Jamie Foxx refers to galiafanakis as "debarge", does anyone know why? The musical group? is it his perm?

    cross-posted from:

    > Thanks. it's fine if nobody knows the answer to this or has not seen the movie, it's not a very good movie.

    Mulling Over Morphs #36 - The Mutation

    Yikes, I only remembered one scene from this book, and somehow managed to forget


    The Atlanteans slicing open living humans and aliens to harvest their organs in the blood and sowing them back up into mummies.

    Pretty hardcore.

    And there's some cute Tobias Rachel back and forth.

    Man, I wanna morph an orca.

    Mulling Over Morphs #35 - The Proposal

    Tons of good quotes in this one.

    I like that inside cover too, how they can't actually show the guy


    strangling a dog,

    even though of course it's described in great detail in the book.

    Ax is so funny as a human. When he finds out that Marco's dad is dating, and ax's been getting used to TV, he says <Ah. Perhaps your father is Young and Restless. Those who are Young and Restless frequently change mates.>

    Love it.

    You know what else is interesting, that both sides in this war look like humans, they look like anybody else, even though both sides can turn into murderers at the drop of a hat. Sure. The aliens look like humans, but the child soldiers who change into animals all the time and kill people also look harmless most of the time.

    And Jake has a great line about how they're all different and they have to deal with their trauma in their own way.

    And also Jake said I love you to Cassie! Wooo!

    Marco has this great quote:

    "Self-pity is the easiest thing in the world. Finding the humor, the irony, the slight justification for a skewed, skeptical optimism, that's tough."

    I am definitely an unlikely optimist, I wonder if this book had any part to play in that particular personality development.

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