Ghazi Hamad, of terror group's politburo, hails the major assault in which civilians were systematically murdered, saying 'there will be a second, a third, a fourth'
Under any solution (one or two state), Hamas will be the ones in power and representing the Palestinian block. Doesn't matter if they do a good job of it or not.
They are the de facto (and kind of de jure...) government of Gaza. Hell, they run the Health Ministry that provides a lot of the updates.
If this somehow ends with anything short of further subjugation and/or eradication, they will be "heroes". And they aren't going to lessen their hold on the Palestinian people.
Popularity doesn't really matter when they were, and are, the power in charge in Gaza.
And "popularity" will go through the roof if, somehow, they are the ones that get the Israeli Government to stop being genocidal dicks and actually make concessions... by raping and murdering Israeli, German, and UK citizens?
Almost 20 years ago, when the majority of Palestinians alive today were either too young to vote or hadn't even been born. How long after an election do you assume elected leaders have any real mandate?
My point was that regardless of their ability to do it, they were at one time the elected officials of the geographic location known as Gaza. They're obviously not a real government in policy and action, but they're the only thing that exists to even bear the term or concept of governance in the area.
There is no other group to be considered as the government, no matter how awful Hamas is at being a government of any variety.
At one time, yes, but I don't think we should be holding the Palestinians today to that. That would be like the Dubya era. If he had kept office until now, he would certainly not represent the opinion of Americans.
Hamas is embedded like a parasite, but there's better ways to point this out.
They shouldn't have any fucking supporters. This is the shit all the anti-Israel people are supporting. I'm no fan of Netanyahu but wtf do they expect Israel to do? It's like everyone forgot what prompted this and thinks Israel just woke up one morning and decided to raze everything because they were bored.
What did you expect? Do you think that hitting a wasp nest with a rod just once means you'll only be stung once because you only hit it once?
There's no rule stating that the wasps must respond with equal magnitude. If people are now getting hurt, it's because someone provoked the wasps. The notion that reactions must be proportionate to the offense is quite naive.
Your narrative would hold if it weren't flawed; it's an oversimplification. Let's take your perspective where Hamas is the bees that stung Israel, and now Israel is retaliating against the land harboring the bee nest. (I use 'bees' here to distinguish from my earlier wasp analogy).
If your neighbor disliked the bees as much as you and agreed the nest was a problem, then certainly, destroying it with care to avoid collateral damage would be wise. However, the situation changes if your neighbor is a beekeeper who shields the bees in his home to protect them from you. If those bees become aggressive and harm your family, naturally, you'd first request the neighbor to remove the bees. Should they refuse, you'd have every right to seek external help. But what if the authorities do little, leaving you to suffer the stings while your neighbor faces minimal consequences? Rather than passively endure this, you might feel compelled to act independently to prevent future stings and deter the beekeeper from maintaining this threat.
Okay, then let's hypothetically say Israel forms a terrorist organization that doesn’t overlap with the Israeli government itself, would they then have the right to attack Gaza? This organization would essentially be in the same position relative to Israel as Hamas is to the Palestinians.
The way you debate reminds me of someone who might have abandoned their education prematurely. Are you going to complain to the teacher because you cannot acknowledge that your reasoning is flawed, incomplete, and biased? Your approach to this discussion is quite frankly, absurd.
Idk what's more hilarious here, the implication that a Palestinian baby deserves to die because of what Hamas did or the implication that Jews are hyperaggressive animals that are completely incapable of moral reasoning.
Are you focusing solely on the casualties involving children? Does that mean any location with children is off-limits for retaliation, providing a shield for adversaries because children are present? This is not a simple game of hide and seek, nor is it your idealistic world where a slap is met with a turned cheek.
It's a common misconception that supporters of Israel are indifferent to the death of children or any civilian, for that matter, and you seem to be perpetuating this narrative. You choose the most objectionable point about an opponent to make an accusation, and, much like someone obstinately arguing without listening to reason, you consider yourself morally superior and in the right.
What, in your opinion, would be a suitable response to an attack from Hamas? Would peaceful protests, international condemnation, or sanctions suffice?
If you've discarded your spine, don't assume everyone else has done the same. An entity without the ability to react appropriately can only succumb.
Well, that not totally incorrect. The settlers starting moving in (before the nation was a thing) and started killing and displacing the existing inhabitants. It's been bad from the start, though they have had periods that are better than others. People excuse Israel for what Hamas has done, but rarely do those same people forgive Hamas for what the Jewish settlers have done.
Personally, I don't make a judgment on Hamas. They are a much weaker force against a much stronger force. If they fight a conventional war then they don't stand a chance. Gorilla warfare/terrorism is the only viable option for them. Israel uses terrorism every day, but it's only bad when Hamas does it?
I do judge Israel. They are a strong force, and more importantly are getting support from many other powerful nations. Until my country (the US) stops sending support, I will criticize their actions. I do not condone my money going towards what they do.
it isn't, actually. they have a government with a prime minister and a president which oppose hamas and which netanyahu wants nobody to pay attention to because they are the legitimate path to statehood
Well then Netanyahu is doing a great job because I heard that Hamas was elected by the palestinians and I never heard about another Palestinian government.
It's deliberate. If you don't support Israel's apartheid of Palestine, you are apparently antisemitic and want Israel destroyed.
Hamas is not helping things. They are bunch of murderous religious nutters. They do want Israel gone. Just like how Israel's nutters want Palestine gone.
But Hamas are not Palestine anymore than Israel is its religious nutters.
I support the innocent Palestinian people who are being slaughtered. Does that mean I support Hamas? Because I think Hamas is an Iranian puppet that wants a Palestinian caliphate run under Sharia law. I don't think they help the Palestinian people either. So am I a Hamas supporter? By your definition, apparently.
The only issue I see are the dumbasses that cant tell the difference, supporting Palestinians doesn’t mean support for Hamas. But if you don’t think they need some sort of military support in one way or another you don’t need to be making comments about it and need to instead go back and read a little history about the Israelie Occupation and Crimes Against Humanity thats taken place. Hell you wouldn’t even have to go back in time very far but a year maybe less, but I suggest to get the full picture and decent understanding to allow yourself to come and discuss world topics with other adults that you start from the beginning.
Not to condone their actions, but what would Hamas care about getting supporters? Palestine situation hasn't been helped much at all by international supporters, so it's not like they care about that.
The two are linked together. When aid has been sent to Palestine, to help Palestinians, Hamas has taken it for themselves. There was an EU project I believe to build water infrastructure, and Hamas took it apart to make into rockets.
I don't think it's possible to provide material support to the Palestinians. Hamas just takes it all. It's so fucked.
Palestine is dependent on foreign aid to continue its war fighting. Specifically aid from western nations. They need supporters to feed, fuel and supply it's military and populace.