There is no legitimate defence for prioritising "legality" over morality, especially if you ONLY do it when a victim of oppressive systems fights back - that just makes you a bootlicking class traitor
ID: white text on a black background around a faded photo of a person with a black face scarf on and a hat that says "illegal" on it:
"But it's illegal"
"Saying that something is illegal is not an argument, it is an appeal to authority.
Laws are arbitrary dictates to control a population, not universal standards of morality.
on the other hand, saying "trumpler can't do that! it's illegal!!" has even less meaning now than ever before, and it never had much meaning to begin with
Back when Christianity was a protest movement they understood this too:
Galatians 2:21
I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
The problem is these people are just full of shit about everything all the time. The law is a very poor excuse for doing something, and if The law makes someone choose a different action then what they think is right, That's literally just moral cowardice.
Might want to check the dictionary for 'arbitrary' and 'dictate'. I see the deeper point but this is poorly worded and doesn't constitute an argument either. Weak demonstration of an appealing idea.
I don't really listen to Egor Letov, a russian punk-alike singer-songwriter, but I find the phrase 'Kill the government in you' that I've first heard from him kinda fitting. Delegating integral parts of you to the big daddy government\corporation is irresponsible and leaves you at it's will, it grows into you like cancer. And there are too many people not feeling like they make a choice by following the line.
It's not an anarchist perspective, but I do love quoting David Henry Thoreau's essay on civil disobedience at the kinds of people who think that the law determines what is right. It's very useful for justifying a lot of the less radical activism to the moderates, helps with recruitment and all that too