ID: A scene from The Addams Family, we see an engraved gravestone, Morticia reads it out to Fester: "Our credo, "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectos nunc.". She adds: "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us." "Not just pretty words."
I had to grab a dictionary for this, since these aren't exactly common words, but I'd use "dominor", "to be Lord/master over" instead of "subigere", which is closer to "to suffer".
"Epulor" (which I had to look up) is apparently more of a "fine dining" type of feasting. "Manduco" is more gnawing and chewing and gluttony.
You'd end up with Libenter manducamus his qui nos dominent
But that's still long for a motto. Maybe Domituros libentir manducamos works better. It's less exact, more of a "those who dominate us are gladly devoured by us", but it's also more of a motto. It also has a few other translations though, which are unfortunate.
The movie was on in the background (which is why I looked the meme up) and winding up, so Morticia and Gomez were talking to each other, and my brain must have scrambled. I'll fix that.
The other person (E: whose reply seems to have now vanished?) is correct about why it's different, but it took about a minute to do in paint, whereas finding the blank image and putting in the correct text would have taken much longer lol
Probably correcting the spelling errors from this. That would also explain the gap between "who" and "would". Really have to wonder if correcting those was easier than just remaking the whole thing though