Once, when I came home high as hell from a friend's party. Surprisingly did OK. Just had to keep it up and over the shower wall do the water didn't get it.
Wouldn't do it in an enclosed bathroom with no windows again though.
That's because this is an American woman's shower. That's a "personal protection" purse gun. If it were a man in that shower his manhood compensating modded fully auto AR-15 covered in Punisher, thin blue line, and trump 2020 stickers would be visible.
Seriously. Wasn't the cocoa butter a clue? Like any real manly man would put cocoa butter on his balls. Whenever he gets a chance. Cocoa butter. On his balls.
And you better believe the manosphere psycho who keeps that grout perfectly clean is going to be shining up the chrome of an engraved Gadsden snek on whatever the revolver equivalent of a submarine chronometer is. Matte black means you can’t stare into the eyes of your reflection on the gun while you jerk off.
I much prefer the full size Glock 17 in my shower over the Glock 19. I feel the Glock 19 is a much better carry gun where as the 17 has the extra velocity to stay on target from my shower to the front door.