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What is your opinion on Comic Sans?
  • I don't dislike it but I prefer Anime Ace from Blambot for use in comics.

  • Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck
  • I'd feel bad for him but no one who buys one of these is doing so for any other reason than to be seen with it. It takes the impracticality of pickups for the average person and turns it up to 11 while simultaneously looking like shit.

  • Cybertruck Breaks Down 35 Miles After Delivery, Tesla Says Coolant Leaks Not Covered
  • I have zero sympathy for Cybertruck buyer's remorse. Its shortcomings have been more than adequately covered in the media and besides, just look at it.

  • Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app
  • So it's just a single app running on a minimal Android implementation, the AI is done on remote servers and it still gets lousy battery life? Sounds like they dropped the ball on design. Nevertheless, no one is going to carry this that doesn't already have a phone that can do everything the Rabbit does. It has no reason to exist.

  • Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • I have a closely cropped beard. I grew it in the pandemic just to see if I could. It didn't look too bad and my wife didn't object so I kept it. Beats shaving every day.

  • The Healthy Dog
  • Good thing they labeled this photo, I would never have known this was a dog.

  • Canadian photographer Francois Brunell searches and photographs similar people, but who are not related to each other. He has currently done about 200 couple portraits.
  • Makes you wonder how many people got jailed for a crime they didn't commit before the widespread use of fingerprints and DNA just because they resembled someone else.

  • The Taliban are working to woo tourists to Afghanistan
  • Who the fuck would want to go to Afghanistan for any reason? Them boys been hitting the poppy juice a bit too much.

  • Russian troops arrive in Niger as military agreement begins
  • What could possibly go wrong?

  • Non-smokers in the 1970s and 1980s, how the hell did you survive the second hand smoke?
  • Both my parents smoked so I didn't notice it growing up. Once I went to college and got away from that environment I really started to notice it all around me. Nothing was worse than opening up the closet and smelling the smoke on the coat you wore the night before at a bar. Luckily, my county was an early adopter of non-smoking sections and eventually outright banning and that changed everything.

  • English, old
  • Go ahead and laugh, but just wait until the class gets to Beowulf.

  • Tesla scraps its plan for a $25,000 Model 2 EV
  • 8/8 for all his Nazi followers.

  • Best printer 2024: a humorous critique of the Google search engine, LLMs and printer enshittification
  • Our HP inkjet scanner/copier/printer stopped recognizing cartridges were installed. We replaced it with a Brother laser and it just works.

  • "Why I'm no longer a White Nationalist." Neoreactionary blogger goes to live in Red America just like he always dreamed. What followed will shock you!
  • "During the early 2010s White Americans were under serious attack as a collective in a way that warranted an organized response."

    White American here and I can unequivocally state that this was not true then and it's not true now.

  • Retirement age: Why baby boomers are working into their 60s and 70s
  • I'm on the Boomer/Gen X border. I'm still working because I want to but in a different career (college professor) than before, one with less stress and a lower salary. I have plenty of hobbies but don't derive the same satisfaction from them as I do from work. I just don't expect that to be the case forever, though.

  • A lot of Redditors hate the Reddit IPO
  • It's never been profitable but Huffman gets millions as CEO. Fuck spez.

  • The average American shower
  • In college, after working Friday night in the dining hall kitchen, a Pabst 16oz can was my shower beer before heading out to the weekend parties.

    How I still got up to work Saturday and Sunday breakfast shift is nothing short of miraculous.

  • Advertisement from 1904: “Absolutely Safe”
  • In theory, but then there's Goop and its ilk.

  • TomMasz TomMasz
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