Canada Europe, Australia and other free democracies need to be offering this woman (and her family) and people like her refugee status. She is clearly being discriminated against and needlessly and cruelly punished.
It's never left me remembering how much hate i saw Kossovo refugees getting in the UK in the 90s. People fleeing a massacre, mass graves, land mines, blitzkrieg, rape as a weapon of war - only to be treated like scum by the average Joe.
TIL the nazi president and his rubberstamp king invoked The Alien Enemies Act of 1798, which I also just learned "is intended to be invoked when the country is at war or if a foreign nation has invaded the U.S. or has issued threats that they will."
Let's get all the first through third generation German Americans into Freedom camps just to be safe. Maybe have a few in Death Valley for the natives that don't appreciate their Land gifts in Oklahoma that are selfishly hogging mineral rich lands. /S
Yang was born in Thailand and was a legal permanent US resident until she pleaded guilty to marijuana-related charges and served more than 2 years in prison.
Unfuckingbelievable. 2 years in prison for weed, what are we even doing here.
The history of the War on Some Drugs has been terrible. People like Leary who had a 10 year sentence for....possession of two roaches. And that was a relatively wealthy white guy...
Maybe I miss something, but why Laos of all places? I didn't get what connects her to that particular counrty, could it be her ethnicity as a person who was actually born in another country? Why not Tai? Like, I miss a lot of questions to ask before that, why she's even deported in the first place, but the seemingly random choice of the country is what surprised me and the article's writer the most.
More than likely her parents were from Laos. Despite being born in Thailand, she is probably considered a Laotian citizen. It's very unlikely they would have accepted her back otherwise.
IIRC, the CIA convinced the Hmong to fight for them against the communists in southeast Asia, and promised to take care of them if it all went south. Well, we all know how the Vietnam war went, and while a government that was very unhappy with the Hmong for siding with the CIA was taking over, the CIA basically threw deuces and vanished on them. So shocking and uncharacteristic of the US to betray an ally, I know. So, the Hmong fled to Thailand and begged the US for aid. I'm sure we'll get the duality of tankie responses (nobody was treating them badly but if they were they deserved it), but the gist is that they were seeking refuge. A few years later, the US granted it. Now, bear in mind, originally they'd been told they were going to be able to have their own farms and fuck off to nowhere and mind their own business. Uncle Sam basically dumped them in Merced, California, patted himself on the back, and walked away. There was a lot of drama about it for a while, because the locals got real upset that this entire population just showed up basically overnight and seemed to resist integration, and the Hmong were upset because they just wanted to fuck off and mind their own farms. Fifty years later, though, the Hmong are a pretty big deal (in a good way) in the community, so that's cool.
Anyone wondering why they are so needlessly cruel - that's the point. It's a demonstration of malign power for both the oppressed and the oppressors so that each knows their place.
Same reason as the Nazi regime and the Jews. They need somebody to hate and destroy because of their fragile ego. It is easier to believe in something than it is to question something.
One of my friends was complaining that Biden's border policy is a disaster and I told her that it's actually very easy to "fix" the border, it's just incompatible with stated US values:
Ritual torture.
Now they have to expand the target population because Biden's deportation numbers were better.
Oh, she's also diabetic and running out of insulin & heart medication. And the Lao government is holding her things so she has no money or identification or anything. Neat.
Wisconsin is one of the swingiest swing states. Wisconsin's electoral votes went to Trump, Biden and Trump in the last 3 presidential elections by extremely narrow margins (just a percent or two each time) and they've had governors races decided by hundreds of votes in recent years. Every election in Wisconsin is hard to predict other than the hyper-local ones, especially after the court-ordered redistricting away from the Republican-drawn super-gerrymandered districts
Electoral votes do not represent a state's population