How do you cope with the amount of shit that goes on in the world?
Particularly - America.
I personally have found that, I live in the past to cope. Nostalgia is my drug. It sometimes doesn't help because all it does is that it makes me yearn and beg for things to be back to where things were. Because it warps my mind into opening time capsules whenever I watch an old show or listen to an episode of some niche radio show that long stopped producing new material.
However, it helps because, it at least reminds me that there are some things that I can revisit. If I couldn't revisit anything, play the games I played, read the books I read, watched the movies/shows I used to, then I'd be up shit's creek because I'd have to face the fucked up things people consider what are the 'best that's offered'.
One thing I've been doing is doing random online classes instead of doom scrolling. There's a ton of free ones that you can do at your own pace and spend an hour or two each day learning new stuff. Just generally being more mindful and curating my media inputs and replacing algorithmic rage inducement with better stuff. Here's a few examples, but there's tons all over the web:
Oh look. I’m not the only one. Additionally I started reading (I would say “again” but that would be a lie) and engage in smaller social circles instead of the global rambling. It’s actually been a nice experience so far. Sadly the reality around me still exists though but nothing I can do
It does not make sense to worry about things outside my ability to change. Humanity has survived significantly worse. All I can do is prepare, run, lift weights, and whatever else can be useful.
Avoid news. Turn off internet. Literally, stop looking for like two weeks. The difference is palatable. I've used this technique a handful of times over the years.
There is always something going on. The world is always falling apart. The locations just vary.
In other words, this too shall pass. Do what you can to make the world a better place, survive, and let go of what you cannot control. Can't carry the world on you shoulders all the time. Sometimes it has to save isself or deal with the consequences.
Try and see the optimistic side of things. Like, maybe if Trump and his ilk are successful, they truly will try and make things better for the world. I know it's a long shot, but what the fuck else can I do?
I saw my need for therapy coming over a year ago, and wait was so long I didn't get therapy started until October.
That and I am hoping to start writing. A blog of some sort. Help me think through everything in a way that might help the two or however many readers I manage to gather.
As long as there's a chance of revolution, I'll stay alive to see it. I don't see a reason to take my own life when I'll soon have an opportunity to give it willingly.
When I was a teenager I was way into eastern spirituality and meditation, taoism. People think meditating is having no thoughts. The thoughts are still there. They speed through your mind like cars on a train. Meditation is letting each individual car pass you buy. You let the cars blur by, not trying to focus on the individual cars. It's a blur, and you eventually see them as a train going by not the singular box cars.
I bring this up because during some of the darker days in my life, I let time pass by me in such a way. Each day fading into the next, slipping through my fingers as though it were sand. It helped me not focus on the train car I was currently in. Carrying on autopilot. Like fast forwarding on that Click movie.
Sorry this was so long winded. I just have shared your feelings for a long time throughout my life, and this stuff helped me through what I felt trapped in earlier on life. Addicted to spooky drugs. Homeless. No jobs. Felt like I was at the bottom on the ocean there was so much pressure. I hope you find your way through these feelings. Not tryjng to tell you how to feel or what to do. I definitely understand how you feel. Some one else cant make you feel better.
Better circumstances would be a huge help i know that. I made it to the next day bitter and jaded and pissed. I wish life could be easy, and giving up is easy. I can't tell you for sure things will get better, but time will carry us forward. If you can't find something in the now, live for the maybe.
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. I appreciate it and your perspective. Logically I can understand and accept what you're saying, but emotionally I'm not so lucky.
I've struggled with my mental health for most of my life anyway, but I lost my wife, 2 cats, FIL and everything I owned in a house fire that I, for whatever reason, walked away from last April. I've spent the last year trying to understand it, and the conclusion I've come to is death. No matter the highs or the lows, the recognition of the present or the expectation of better days, death seems to hold the most weight. I'm tired, you know? Not like a long day tired, but like my soul, if it exists, is tired.
I'm in therapy and have been for years, and I know the tricks pretty well. I have a cat and a few friends that for better or for worse guilt me into staying, but they don't know this pain thankfully. We're all going to die one day anyway so what's it matter if I, 1 meaningless person out of 8 billion, goes early? That's where I weigh the pros and cons.
Before the election I was extremely smart and added a couple of fascists’ names to my Lemmy post-filter. Halcyon.
But now? I can’t imagine how I could possibly curate a visit to c/all without details that are more demoralizing than any human should ever hear about.
I read theory so I can better understand why the world functions in the way that it does and better predict where its heading. That's the first step in knowing how to make things better. Eventually, when I get the chance, organizing will be the way to put theory to practice and directly work towards making the world a better place.
Trying to ignore or hide from the world around me doesn't make it any less scary, only understanding it better does, and understanding is useless without action.
Lol. Welcome to chasing a pipe dream or crippling depression.
The answer is largely as simple as socialism plus Kant with some secular Jesus because any system that condones human exploitation will eventually implode due to psychopaths' willingness to sacrifice others for power.
But literally basically everything is done wrong to maximize exploitation. Housing, schooling, medicine, food... All fucked to make the richest richer.
This is idealist, not materialist. Maximizing human exploitation isn't a law of physics, but a byproduct of modes of production like Capitalism. Socialism is not a simple answer, but it is correct regardless. Moreover, Marxism already has a philosophical component in Dialectical Materialism, why replace it with Kant?
I more lean into now than on a faded memory skewed by time and misremembering. Don't get me wrong, I like nostalgia too, but I'm careful to not get too wrapped up in it because those good times were also found while wading neck deep in bullshit then too. Not to mention, my world view was much more naive, less discerning, and simplistic.
This isn't the world I grew up in, but just like then, there are good times to be found now. I just have to open myself up to them in spite of myself because of my natural tendencies toward a realist/pessimist view.
I think most people yearn for the past, and always have. People who grew up in communist East Germany (the country) even long for the glory days of the German "Democratic" Republic too. The term Ostalgia (East-algia) was coined for that. I think everyone long for a past that never truly existed and was only rose-colored by the innocence of childhood and early youth. Fewer people die in violent conflicts each year (at least up until the invasion of Ukraine), childhood deaths decline, yet the world seems extremely violent and polarized. I think the world was always violent and polarized, but we didn't have social media and the internet to broadcast and amplify the violence and our differences.
I'm not American, so not only am I distanced from what is going on there, but also from Mr Rogers. Regardless, I take his advice for children- When something bad is happening, look for the helpers. They aren't in the headlines of the day, but they are there.
Following on from this, one of the things that I believe made me an adult was when I started helping the helpers.
Go volunteer for a cause you believe in. You'll not only feel better about the cause, but you'll feel better about yourself, and you'll help other people feel better.
I found that not caring about what happens in the world beneficial to my health. It's a lot less burdensome when I'm not worrying about what X person is doing or what Y company is doing to their customers.
Try to learn more, focus on creative/constructive approaches or outlets (not necessarily artistic in nature, but may be).
Sometimes I'll read into history for something or other and find myself mildly amused and sort of relieved to see how familiar the accounts are. Of course it would be better if they weren't so familiar, but it goes to show things aren't freshly awful. It's a lot of the same old garbage we've yet to effectively deal with, same as ever, but we have been dealing with it.
In other words, I try to take steps to regain perspective to recognize there's as much, if not at times more, good to experience than bad, and even if I struggle to find much good, I can try to make my own sort of good to keep myself going.
I read the news just to entertain myself. And then I ignore the content because most news are just depressing: Armed conflict here, murder there, capital offense, you get the gist.
For several months I didn't read any news, that works too. You'll realize that most of the stuff in the tv and tabloids doesn't affect you.
And for the third point I do whatever it takes to distract, lose in or occupy myself completely. That could be a book with a nice story or some outdoor activity. Yesterday I did some kind of mini-camping. I took my bicycle and brought a camping chair, gas stove, water and cocoa powder and rode a bit into the woods. And then I had some quiet relaxing time reading a book on my phone. The hot chocolate and a thick jacket kept me from freezing. It was only 10 °C/50 °F and a bit windy.
I'll repeat that tomorrow but this time I'll switch the cocoa to tomato-soup-in-a-cup. The cocoa was too sweet for my taste.
I also live in the past probably to an unhealthy level. I have a pretty massive data hoard of old 90's/early 2000's everything, tv shows, movies, old commercials, radio songs, magazines, and a huge collection of old games. I collect as many pictures as I can find of old things I remember, old home videos from the time period of people just like walking around in malls and stores that no longer exist, etc. I draw on that past period of happiness, because I haven't felt genuinely happy in over 10 years at this point.
I try to fully immerse myself I guess as a form of dissociation/escapism. When I'm dragged back to reality or unable to preoccupy myself my mind goes to dark places. I cope with weed and alcohol. I take naps when I can when my mind is breaking. Sometimes it builds up till I have psychotic breaks, or self harm. I guess that's an 'outlet' but it's really not good. Therapy can help sometimes, but only insofar as helping me to cope with the outside world, but there's only so much that can be helped there when the problem is external and almost entirely unavoidable. There's only so much I can tell myself "this is fine" while the house is burning around me.
Therapy, family, plotting to overturn the system in my head, imagining carrying out those plans with them going swimmingly, imagining myself as the warlord-poet of the enlightened utopic society I would erect afterwards, imagining other things.
I recently started learning to play guitar and am addicted to it. Really keeps you in the moment and makes your forget the current state of the world while playing, at least for a bit.
tonight im drinkin but normally fantasy but I can't allow myself much outside of bedtime. Like here is a nice one. Wouldn't it be great if that cigar shaped extra solar object had uploaded us all to a simulation and destroyed our more polluting constructs and the worlds biosphere were actually healing now. Would be nice.
Planet will be fine but that's like a couple million years in the future. Don't worry, our sun has billions of years before it expands and consumes our planet.
Weed, psychedelics, gaming, and my least/most favorite alcohol (work in progress, it's complicated).
If you're upset or feel bad, just do what you can and hang on. If you make it through a year, a month, a day... thats a victory. Thats doing something. Things won't be like this forever. Nothing lasts forever.
We don't have to go back to the previous status quo after we weather the storm either. We can make things better for all. Don't let the tiny box thinking people with low standards convince you otherwise.
Ignoring the US news is the only way I maintain my sanity. Focus on things I can change, and control. I tried staying within the US laws to affect change, to no avail. Now have to support those I can, and protect me and mine.
sounds like you're doing a decent job of managing what you're using your brain for pretty well
i avoid most news and focus on my own day to day and look to make progress there. i stay informed but realise i'm just doing my little part and don't allow things that are not in my control to affect my mental health