There are many possible points of disagreement within Christianity because, like it or not, the Bible is unclear and even contradicts itself on many subjects (and this is a Christian saying this). But prosperity theology is so clearly the opposite of everything in the Bible that any self-respecting evangelical should ostracize it. That they don't is the proof that the gospel is not what many evangelicals are interested in.
I remember watching a skit where someone time travels like 50-100 years into the future to see if all the problems get solved, war, climate change, etc. the guy assures everything fine and reveals the solution. The rapture came and took all of the religious people away. Everyone left was easily able to work together to solve all the issues.
At this point Americas are nothing but a Ponzi scheme coated in red white and blue, with a penchant for insider trading and conflicts of interest for oligarchs that can legally steal anything they want with no legal repercussions.
It's true there are religious nutjobs in the white house currently, but there were also nutjobs running and ruining the country in the previous government. Let's see who's actually fighting for the Americans, instead of licking the boots of foreign bad actors.