Homework should be illegal. People are already in school to do that stuff there. Imagine if after your work hours you came home forced to work a few more. Insane.
And its uselessness has been proven for years now. But not like anyone cares, instead pupils now get awful laptops (that like to catch fire) full of surveillance software. Great times.
It heavily depends on the homework. Math exercises ? Sure. You got to practice that. But doing researfh work for literature or something like that, hell no, that's the teachers job.
I think I've done homework about twice, because these monsters graded it. I go tos school to do school, same with practicing for tests, I'm not wasting my already very limited free time to "study" if that's what I have to go to school for for 30 hours a week. Not my fault the teachers think its more Important to show us holiday pictures than teach.
I'm an ex student. Homework is meh. As long as it didn't take too much of my time, I didn't mind doing it - at least it helps practice. I would still have been happy to abolish it, but I didn't hate it too much.
WEEKEND homework, however... can fuck right off. Weekend is weekend for a reason, and not letting kids finally break away from school is just unnecessarily cruel. Imagine having Mon-Fri work, but having to do some extra work every single weekend (unpaid).