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Silly beliefs, silly questions
  • God created Adam from nothing mud. God is omnipotent. Why was he suddenly so restricted that he couldn't create Eve just from nothing some more mud? Why did he go "darn, I'll need something more, I guess I'll borrow a rib to do that."

  • I've never been more jealous of a watch
  • I absolutely love the design but I'm surprised nobody has pointed out that this goes against the very purpose of wrist watches: you can't just turn your wrist and look at the time.

    I know it's just a press of a button, but if only one of your hands is full (depending whether you're right or left handed) then it gets annoying rather quickly.

    As for the Rolex obsession: I've lost several watches, but every single time I just re-bought my cheap Casio. I love it and it does the job quite reliably. Also, I personally dislike analog watches.

  • Life as a Russian tanker
  • That's interesting! The default cat sound in my language is "miau", which sounds much more like the second one, but when someone is making that noise, we say he/she "nyávog", which seems to be the first one + 'og'.

  • Dear Royal Mail workers: what's going on when you(r colleagues) leave a "sorry we missed you" slip without even ringing the buzzer?

    This has just happened to me for at least the 3rd time in one year. I cancelled the things I planned for today only to be at home for the delivery; I was sat at home all day and heard nothing. Then, around 2PM I found a red slip saying I should contact Royal Mail for a redelivery (I was at work yesterday when they first tried left a red slip). Obviously my only other day off is tomorrow (Wednesday), and the earliest they allow me to schedule it for is Thursday, so the earliest I can TRY to receive it is an entire week from now. Alternatively, I could have it redelivered to the post office near me, which closes before I could get back from work (EDIT: it ALSO opens after I have to leave for work, therefore completely useless for picking up stuff that arrives on my working day). This is super infuriating now.

    Once I even found 2 red slips with different dates in my post box, even though it was empty the night before.

    What's going on when this happens?


    So this morning, as a night owl, I decided to make a sacrifice and took an early train to the delivery office (which is open between 8AM and 10AM, but I get it, otherwise the parcels are en route during the day). I asked the guy at the window about it, being fully aware that he might or might not be part of the actual delivery process; not blaming, not interrogating, just simply asking if he knows what the heck is going on.

    Yupp, he confirmed what everyone has been commenting about, lol. He didn't have anything other in mind, apart from the afternoon delivery guy cutting corners. I can still imagine it's because they are loaded with work (it happens to be the case at my job) and it's literally impossible to make everyone happy, but management refuses to pay more people. Or he's just lazy. I don't know, but the bottom line is, it wasn't because of some technical nuance, bureaucracy, barometric pressure change in the stratosphere or God knows what. Most likely, he had the parcel but decided to bring the red slip only.

    My trust in humanity is in the negatives.

    Someone is dumping their rubbish into my recycle bin (I know the address) - how bad is that? What would you do? Details in desc.

    So apparently, I found someone else's rubbish in my recycle bin. Mind you, the shed it's stored in only has ~5 recycle bins, mine is numbered with my flat number, and they were dumb enough to leave a parcel box with their own address on it, which shouldn't even go into any of these ~5 bins.

    While it shoudln't be a huge problem, if their shit contains anything that makes the bin men refuse to take the rubbish, I would be alone with the problem, and they also left half a pack of canned beer, and some of them are still oozing beer. Together with my own, the bin is kind of full,

    On the other hand, it feels really petty to complain about some rubbish in my bin. Also, I may look/feel like a weirdo/pervert if they ask how I found them, because that indicates that I went through all of their rubbish to find that parcel box with the address on it. Even though I think they did this to themselves by dumping their waste into someone else's bin.

    What would you do? On a scale from "don't even bother" to "Report them immediately", how serious is this matter? Is it worth doing anything about it?

    The great non-tap metro mystery, or am I the "only one" who pays for something semi-free

    I'm relatively new to this whole Newcastle metro business, and I have only ever used paper tickets and PAYG. I've been considering getting a season ticket (Pop card), and I wasn't sure whether I should tap in and out with a season ticket, since there's no balance to change. I looked it up on the Nexus website, and it looks like you should tap, however...

    Thinking about the last 10 times I used the metro, out of the ~20 people who got off with me, only 3-5 other people tapped their card on the yellow reader. That made me think: there's no way this many people had paper tickets. So you either don't tap in/out with your season ticket (but then how do you check zones), or out of the 20 people, at least ~10 just tried to get away not buying a ticket.

    What's going on? Should I just ditch my PAYG Pop card and go thug life (since apparently, you can almost always get away like the other 10 people), or you just simply don't have to tap your season ticket?

    People who press the button at the pedestrian crossing and then cross anyway right after: how do you think the 1997 Kyoto protocol affected the industrial economics of the late 2010's?

    On a slightly more serious note: I really wonder what's going on in your mind when you press that button and cross anyway. Is it just because "I don't care", or is there more to it? If so: what?

    EDIT: In case it's because you don't care: why do you press the button then?

    Wise experts of League client: HOW the hell do I make that TFT yellow dot go away?

    (No, I don't want to turn off ALL yellow dot notifications; ONLY the TFT one)

    EVERY SINGLE TIME I launch the client, there is a yellow dot on the TFT tab. I check every item I can claim: they have been claimed already. I have clicked through all those childish conversations that you can have with champions. I have even checked my inventory. I am NOT going to buy the pass.

    Still, after I close the client, EVERY SINGLE TIME there is a yellow dot on the TFT tab and it's driving me insane.

    Where can I finally claim that hidden thing? What do I need to do to make it go away?

    2/3 of our champ1 MMR matches have a GC in the opposing team. Not just 1 or 2; consistently. What happened?

    So the 2 guys I usually play with are champ2 and dia3-champ1 level. I'm also champ1. NONE of us were ever in GC, not for a single match. We play 2v2s and 3v3s, depending on who's available.

    This season we got absurd amount of GCs in our matches. Both 2v2 and 3v3, but 3v3 seemed even more infested with GC titles. Interestingly, whenever they actually say something about their rank, they say they are GCs in another game mode, or that they played a long time ago. But most of them still do stuff that we have never been able to, and the rest is just as bad as us, or even worse (which isn't too rare). But this many "GC in another mode" players, suddenly, out of thin air?

    What happened suddenly?

    Before this season, seeing a GC title in our games was definitely a rarity. We saw ~2-3 every season, and that was pretty much it. Whenever we ran into one before, they actually played like a GC and they hard carried their suspiciously clueless teammates. This season GC matches are more abundant than the ones without.

    Is it because the player numbers are falling so hard that Psyonix resorted to widening the matchmaking search, allowing significantly better (or worse) players to match against us, just to keep the waiting times low? Now that I think of it, as many GCs we get against us, we definitely don't see just as many clueless opponents. If it's not the waiting time, then why did matchmaking change so drastically? Is it boosting? Because that didn't just happen overnight between the two seasons.

    What do you think?

    EDIT: People starting ranked at a lower rank than what they had in the previous season also can't be the reason, since we would also be somewhere in low diamond then; it's the middle of the season, so I doubt THIS many people whould start their freshly deranked season now.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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