what's interesting is that for the last small period of time (not clear but maybe a couple years) some countries like France and Germany have been moving NW, which means they're getting better and cheaper. I wonder if that's a blip or a start of a trend.
alleged boy just acted in self-defense on behalf of the health of private-citizens-collective. this could be the class defense suit that we are missing.
I've had to unfortunately have some business calls with pharmaceutical orgs in the past (had to have the exploratory calls, but was able to not do business with them) and they still speak with giddy amazement when discussing how ridiculously inflated their profit margin is in the US for the same services in other parts of the world. They are the one's profiting from it and even they say it's outrageous!
Haha, americans already forgot and your life is getting more fucked by the day. No martyr is going to save you if you’re too distracted to want to be saved.
Yeah, but I mean that saying he's "allegedly our boy" implies that if he's found innocent, he stops being our boy so he's only our boy if he did actually kill Thompson.