How would guns help against a state that's supported by a majority?
Yeah a doctor has to read up on a disease in a book when they encounter it. Completely normal
I was on Lemmy when lemmy.ml was the biggest server and I'm glad that despite the biggest server being tankie nominated Lemmy could grow into what it is today.
I don't think it's wild to not want to boycott a whole countries products. Very impractical and won't change much.
Well I won't boycott US products. Also your wording is kinda weird, ask of me whatever you want. I'm only going to do it if I think it's useful, you're just someone on the internet
Boycott is the weakest form of protest, I say that as a vegan
I don't see how it's funny. This kid is definitely not getting the treatment that they need in the future.
Nah most people know migrants they care about
I'm German so I can't do much
Of course they would
Don't worry too much. Move to another server if you want, unfortunately this is part of the process. It's just gonna happen, this is what we get for using the freer kind of social media :)
Who cares about conspiracy theorists. Someone do something about it
Are there protests happening in the US or are they all going huh he does this and that on social media
What the fuck how is this happening without anyone in the US really doing anything
Dalek Zone hosts PeerTube, an Open-Source video-streaming platform. Dalek Zone is a privacy-centric service: no advertising, no tracking, no tracing, and no account needed (except for posting content).

Some on reddit.com/r/anesthesiology say it's fake. Others say this is not for doctors but for the patient.
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mutter mel mit einem neuen track
Der künftige US-Präsident nutzt den Sturz des Regimes von Baschar al-Assad für eine Forderung an Putin: Russland solle den Krieg gegen die Ukraine beenden.

I use a 1080p monitor and what I've noticed is that once creators start uploading 4k content the 1080p version that I watch on fullscreen has more artifacting than when they only uploaded in 1080p.
Did you notice that as well?
Watching in 1440p on a 1080p monitor results in a much better image, to the detriment of theoretically less sharper image and a lot higher CPU usage.
Erstmals durften Studenten in Bayern ihr zweites juristisches Staatsexamen elektronisch ablegen. In München und Augsburg lief dabei alles andere als glatt.