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Trump administration says it has begun deporting migrants to Guantánamo Bay
  • How would guns help against a state that's supported by a majority?

  • Anon cheats through college
  • Yeah a doctor has to read up on a disease in a book when they encounter it. Completely normal

  • Anon cheats through college
  • Exactly my thought

  • Welcome ex-Redditors!
  • I was on Lemmy when was the biggest server and I'm glad that despite the biggest server being tankie nominated Lemmy could grow into what it is today.

  • Billionaire Musk bought control of US government and conspiracy theorists sure are quiet | Opinion
  • I don't think it's wild to not want to boycott a whole countries products. Very impractical and won't change much.

  • Billionaire Musk bought control of US government and conspiracy theorists sure are quiet | Opinion
  • Well I won't boycott US products. Also your wording is kinda weird, ask of me whatever you want. I'm only going to do it if I think it's useful, you're just someone on the internet

  • Billionaire Musk bought control of US government and conspiracy theorists sure are quiet | Opinion
  • Boycott is the weakest form of protest, I say that as a vegan

  • I hate antivaxxers but this mental image is hilarious.
  • I don't see how it's funny. This kid is definitely not getting the treatment that they need in the future.

  • It died years ago
  • That's defeatist

  • Luigi
  • I wish but nothing's gonna happen

  • Trump administration says it has begun deporting migrants to Guantánamo Bay
  • Nah most people know migrants they care about

  • ich🚲iel
  • Noch??

  • It has been well over 24 hours since this shit started. No reply from admins anywhere
  • Don't worry too much. Move to another server if you want, unfortunately this is part of the process. It's just gonna happen, this is what we get for using the freer kind of social media :)

  • Billionaire Musk bought control of US government and conspiracy theorists sure are quiet | Opinion
  • Who cares about conspiracy theorists. Someone do something about it

  • Trump administration says it has begun deporting migrants to Guantánamo Bay
  • Are there protests happening in the US or are they all going huh he does this and that on social media

  • Feb 17th Trial Rule
  • I'm angry for you but not even US-american.

  • Wehrhafte Demokratie sexy_peach
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