Seems like the creator (forget his name) had some beef with Linus Torvalds and was originally trying to build something to get away from his software, no?
Edit: yeah, based on the Wikipedia Page, it looks like its not based on the Linux Kernel. Also dev's name was Terry Davis.
Yeah, I remember reading about it a few years ago. Guy seems really talented, if kinda crazy and pretty racist. Curious to see where he'd be today if he hadn't lost his marbles.
As a linux user you should know that all VPN companies are as trustworthy as a chronic liar, and therefore not rely on one. So it doesn't matter that they don't support Arch, really. And even good that they don't support Tails.
I hear I2P had a lot of potential, but also a lot of issues. Haven't checked up on that project in a bit. I know it was a BITCH to set up when I tried plinking with it some years ago.
So TOR (despite the latency/speed issues and its own security concerns) is still probably about as good as it gets.
Kinda misphrased, I didn't want to call out you specifically, I don't think you'd be stupid enough to fall for VPN companies, that was more of a general statement to/about all linux users :3
IDK why they are listing distros. They could just provide a wireguard config and be like "If you have wireguard, you can use the VPN", and 99% of distros would be supported.