Blatantly unconstitutional, and he knows it. But the point isn't to win on this issue, it's to move the Overton window a little more and to sow more chaos.
Being an educator in this day and age seems so difficult, we are taught all the studies and theories of healthy child development, how to promote healthy social emotional learning, but we must fight parents and increasely the law to maintain a safe, healthy social environmental layer.
Good educators are already beaten down from so many things and have become rare, but I know most of my colleagues and friends have no intention of bending knee to this and policies aimed at hurting students we fight for, and I desperately hope this sentiment is shared by many across our country.
This really is reminiscent of early Nazi Germany, with an obsession over trans people (like Jews), and the idea that they're the root of so much evil, and the constant implication that things would be better if they just go away...
In the executive order issued Wednesday evening, titled “Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 schooling,” Trump directs the attorney general to work with local and state officials to investigate teachers who “unlawfully facilitat[e] the social transition of a minor student.” The order defines “social transitioning” to include using a trans student’s name and pronouns, recognizing a student as nonbinary, or allowing them to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.
Ordinary people are going to have to start accepting the risk and actually fighting back. They're a week and a half in, and already ordering Americans not to even recognise the existence of trans and nonbinary children, on threat of prosecution. It's not just about denying them healthcare now (which in itself is terrible), it's about preventing trans kids knowing anyone even sees them for who they are, or that they are seen and loved. The only outcome will be depression, loneliness and suicide, and Republicans want your kids dead if they don't fit some very narrow mold they've pulled out of their own violent insecurities.
People need to fight now. Each day people lie low and wait to see where this is going, the chances of ever fighting back get slimmer.
By supporting they mean what? Calling the kid the name they want to be called by?
They don't necessarily need to explicitly teach gender and racial studies, whatever. But don't tell my kids' teachers they can't be courteous to the kids. The kids don't care one bit when someone who was a girl comes back saying they are a boy, they are nonchalant as fuck about it.
You have lost this round, conservatives. The generation who will raise the next generation is already grown up with more reasonable teaching and parents who model tolerance, there are too many of us for you to be able to control us.
Go back to your lairs and work on some other evil plan.
Hey acceleratiionists and people who Harris "wasn't good enough" for, remember that you could've helped stop this shit before it even happened. Now people are going to suffer and die under this regime that you helped bring to power
“No transgender, no operations—you know, they take your kid—there are some places, your boy leaves for school, comes back a girl. Okay? Without parental consent.” He added, “At first, when I was told that was actually happening, I said, you know, it’s an exaggeration. No: it happens. It happens. There are areas where it happens.”
Gotta wonder if he's manufacturing reality or if he's also caught up in a manufactured reality.
They already made women second class citizens. Now they're moving on to vulnerable minorities.
Sound like any other examples from history?
I'd say the alarms have started going off, but they've been going off for quite some time now. Deaf and dumb Americans as a whole can't hear them though.
But what does “discriminatory equity ideology” actually mean? The order defines it as “ideology that treats individuals as members of preferred or disfavored groups, rather than as individuals, and minimizes agency, merit, and capability in favor of immoral generalizations.”
Oh for fucks sake. That literally describes how racism, sexism, and bigotry work: by treating people as part of a preferred or disfavored group instead of individuals.
Say I have a bear that isn't a protected species that wanders around the area. Say I'm a lot of bit nervous of this bear destroying stuff towards the edge of my property, but my property edge is pretty damn far.
What kind of equipment would I need to take care of this bear, if the agencies and law enforcement wont do anything to protect me or my vulnerable neighbors from this bear?