Living in a sanctuary city, plenty of people around me are Chinese. I’ve also been enjoying the current state of Chinese gaming. Of course…I play those games on devices I can sandbox.
Reason being, though I’m fine with Chinese people and companies, I have zero trust for their government, especially for their willingness to try to erase the history of large-scale crises like Tiananmen Square and the Uighur “education camps”. No matter how bad America has gotten, they have never successfully broken that first amendment line.
Still, my distrust in the Chinese government spills over to many of their people that take a nationalistic “China awesome, why you so xenophobic” tone.
As an ethnic chinese in South East Asia, there's two kind of chinese i've met, "China is the best country in the world! CCP is the best because they take good care of all the chinese everywhere! Everything about that country is good!" and "China is the worst country in the world! CCP is the worst because they censor everything and lie about everything! Everything about that country is dogshit!", rarely in between.
I'm ethnic Chinese and have this bad feeling about Japanese things. Like I do not hate Japanese people, I just have this bad feeling about their culture and society. I feel like they are very conservative. Like people say "Japanese people are so nice", I get Sino-Japanese war flashbacks (well not exactly "flashbacks", I wasn't alive at that time, but y'all know what I mean), I don't think I'd feel welcome if I ever went to Japan as a tourist, even as a US citizen. Japan always has this weird anti-foreigner sentinment, especially the anti-Chinese sentinment. They (allegedly, according to the news) deny the Nanjing Massacre in schools, erasing it from history books. Some stores (allegedly) have a "No Chinese People or Dogs" sign on their door. Every time people praise Japan like "they are so punctual", I remember the train accidents that same "punctuality" that it caused. And the guilty until proven innocent sentinment that is almost as bad as authoritarian countries (like China).
Although, Anime is kinda cool tho, not a weeb but I watched a few. I just don't like the "fan service" things they put in Anime.
In contrast, while I do get sus of Chinese electronics, that more about CCP and spyware, less about the fact that they are "China". The fact that they are "China" doesn't bother me. And I'd get sus too if a US company got too close to the NSA. But if I get a Chinese phone, I'd have both CCP and NSA spyware, so I rather have less spyware than more.
Also, the US trying to ban DJI (and other Chinese made drones) is such a dumb thing. That is the type of "China Bad" sentinment I just fucking hate, its not even about CCP anymore. Like, I could use drones with a second smartphone that's airgapped and not have any data leaks. Or use a remote with a built in screen. Besides, why does the government care so much, drones aren't allowed into military bases, everywhere else is just public data. Google Maps already hsve the entire US mapped, and even images of entire streets, more detail than any drone can gather. And a CCP spy wouldn't be obeying US laws anyways and even if they ban DJI, spies would just use a DIY drone to get in to military bases. They are essentially trying to legislate away people's hobbies. wtf lol
I really don't care how much the US complains about Chinese nationalism when they pull the same crap in practically every 3rd world country for the sake of holding power.
There's a reason why so many 3rd world immigrants in the US feel unfazed by Trump because they essentially grew up in some Washington backed imperialist government which was way worse, hence the reason they emigrated.
They understand that neither country is some beacon of hope, they're just two big competitors that keep each other somewhat in check. The tradeoff you get for joining the US is freedom of expression and representation (mostly) and the tradeoff you get for joining China is faster upward momentum and social stability (mostly). Its better to have at least two choices instead of one which in reality would be none.
Yes there will always be sketchy things you probably shouldn't touch, but we're really out here defending internet censorship over TikTok as if the NSA doesn't have 2/3rd of the modern world permanently bugged.
40 or so years ago, the hip ingrained racism was being scared that the Japanese would take over everything. That caused cyberpunk to have cool japanese aesthetics and in turn influenced media like Akira. I just hope today's racism at least also ends up looking cool.
I used to wonder how Japanese media was so bad compared to their neighbours (storytelling wise) then I started watching Thai programmes and Japanese could definitely be worse
It do be like that with manga/manhua tbh. I still prefer Korean webcomics because I like my trash but... It's been ages since I read a decent Chinese webcomic or manhua. They are so fucking trash. I'm sure there are some good ones but... Yeah.