My guess is he wants to live forever because he feels he has made no contribution to the world, or does not feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose from raising his family. Maybe he feels cracking the secret could be his contribution, or maybe he thinks he can find meaning in his life, given enough time.
It's like those showerthought ultimatums : You can choose to gain eternal life, but every day your dick is the subject of the worst pain you've ever felt.
i saw him on two separate youtube channels: Magnus Midtbø (norwegian climber) and Will Tennyson (bodybuilding vlogger)
in both cases, they were invited by Bryan Johnson to his lair, going through his routine. it felt like a surreal cringe fest of zero social awareness. Bryan was permanently looking for some kind of validation, comparing his skills to his guest, or asking the various personal trainers / doctors if he beat some younger age category, etc.
everything he does can't be healthy and i wouldn't call what he does "living". he's bound to a 24h program where everything is planned down to the minute.
I couldn't get through more than about a paragraph before getting prompted to subscribe so I'm still little confused.
Why get measurements of your child's erections in the first place? How does this son feel about his PHI being shared all over the internet? Hard to imagine anyone being okay with that.
i didn't get any prompts, and read the article, so i'll quickly answer.
the guy is obsessed with penile behaviour as a measure of overall health, for some reason, and measured the nocturnal boners of himself, as well as his 19 year old son, as a point of comparison.
the son shared his dick metrics himself. seems he's well and fully invested in his father's phallocentric longevity scheme.
While I do kind of like the idea of having data on random bodily functions like erections, can't say I'd be willing to share that data with my parents or the world.
i think most people don't really want to die. and they like living for all sorts of reasons. i hope you can think of at least a few reasons you'd like to go on living as well.