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Rule one of the road : Never trust an idle car.
  • The door was opened normally by the driver, it was just forced open the rest of the way by the motorcycle.

  • The debate gets interesting sometimes
  • So do (did) Palestine

  • "You can see the future first in San Francisco." OpenAI alumnus Leopold Aschenbrenner pours out a worshipful paean to the AI future, just as if GPT wasn't topping out its S-curve
  • MBA idiots and Economists consistently overestimate the abilities (and the underlying nature) of AI, because the output of AI is so much like how they speak: eloquent, confidently wrong, unconcerned with ground truth. They see themselves in AI, and they consistently overestimate themselves and their abilities.

  • Wrong. Talk to him every day. Hang out on some weekends, and become friends. Plant subtle notions of egalitarianism through your friendship and generosity. Ask him thought questions about his beliefs, but not in an accusatory manner. Teach him to actually think for himself, to keep an open mind, to seek evidence rather than faith to form convictions. Slowly show him by example what it means to be a good person who cares for their fellow human beings.

    Then you plant some drugs on him while at work, and call HR with your suspicions.

  • Thanks, dad
  • Enough. As in, don't need more (total) than we have already. As in, we can slow the growth rate to roughly zero. This means we can have slightly fewer babies than in the past, or that more people than before are encouraged to not have babies without you jumping down their fucking throat about replacement rates and whatnot.

  • Thanks, dad
  • They implied there should be less children, not no children. Reductio ad absurdum.

  • Meet my new puppy: Ass!
  • Mexican Bowl

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • We ALREADY TRIED this tactic when we got lazy and apathetic about Hillary, and that's what gave us Trump the first time around. If we had showed up like we meant it in the primaries, we could have had Bernie.

    When we sit on our hands, the wolves lunge for our throats. It will take decades to undo the pillaging of another Trump presidency. Good luck surviving to the next election (assuming Trump permits one) if you're gay, brown, happen to become pregnant, etc.

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • Didn't answer the question. What happens in November/January?

    I happen to agree with you, what we have is not an actual democracy. But the two options for change are working within the system, or tearing down the system. Apathy for the system brings no change. The single most misguided idea of your little apathy movement is believing that stamping your feet in frustration is actually DOING anything.

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • Didn't answer the question. What happens in November/January?

  • Harvard board bars 13 pro-Palestine student protesters from graduating, overruling faculty
  • This is the New McCarthyism, there's a different enemy now didn't you hear?

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • It's also possible to look at this situation and see you as the one who is fixated. Just explain simply what you think happens in November when you refuse to participate in the (albeit shitty) democratic process. We'll wait.

    If that version of the future includes some accelerationist fantasy where things get so bad here -- for people of color, LGBTQ, lower and middle class, human rights, wage gap, regulatory capture, &c&c -- that we all have some great awakening and there is a violent uprising... Then I'm sorry to tell you that you're a terrorist.

    People here aren't arguing for you to like Biden; most of us don't either. We're asking for you to live in reality.

  • Supporting genocide is just too popular, you can't just not support it
  • If you think you're a leftist and that the world is black and white, you're not a leftist

  • New homeowner, just sorta winging it...
  • It is a slab-on-grade garage, and yes I plan on adding a rainwater catchment ASAP. The downspout has been exactly in this position for 12 years when the previous owners built the garage, and has caused no issues -- at least none that came up in inspection. There's very good drainage down to the road behind, I think.

  • New homeowner, just sorta winging it...
  • I'm actually in Colorado as well, so also limited to (I believe) two barrels totaling not more than 110 gallons.

  • New homeowner, just sorta winging it...
  • Good advice. Will a barrel help to settle out the micro plastics and bad stuff?

  • New homeowner, just sorta winging it...
  • I plan on doing this with the small front yard. Probably not fence it in, but cast some native grass and flower seeds then call it a day. Hope the neighbors don't mind!

  • New homeowner, just sorta winging it...
  • And into the produce, yes. Might also be harming the good soil bacteria and fungi that keep plant roots healthy.

  • New homeowner, just sorta winging it...

    Having never owned a house or really had a yard of my own, I got pretty excited and decided to do some ad-hoc landscaping. Built some raised beds for vegetables, and just laying in some organic shaped in-ground beds for low water decorative plants. Gonna fill the rest in with gravel. Any pointers?

    Unhinged leaflet found on my car windshield

    I found this leaflet on my car windshield the other day in Highlands area. The author (possibly homeless) seems to have a paranoid delusion about a government conspiracy forcing his wife to divorce him and marry another man. Pretty clearly a person with untreated mental illness, and sad on its own.

    What's weird is that when I researched the name, I found posts on Reddit (won't link here) reporting similar leaflets appearing in DC, Iowa, Oklahoma, Utah, and elsewhere going back at least a year. Anyone else find a similar note? Is this a real person, or is it some troll printing copypasta?

    Full text:

    > protesting against the law in the United States of America being paralyzed, defending the case, exchanging evidence, and then arranging to guide him to block the way to attack me, the government exchanged evidence and defended him, but the topic It's better to go to the game for him to block my way than to torture me, I'm usually sneaking over to my wife's house, but the government law in the US is sick and jealous and jealous of that guy and the topic of the game but guide that guy to block the way to attack me next i went to the wrong house, family court for divorce and divorce, but the government law in the US is sick while defending the exchange of case evidence and being jealous I just took care of that guy to not get famous for marrying my wife, but the family court colluded to form a divorce document that officially ended as husband and wife we add government legislation in America as petty as femininity and the subject of thought-ordering as typical perverts the court colluded to defend my homeless man's case my wife's enemy plus the court made a reasonable combination to prevent him from getting a reputation for marrying my wife plus the law that ordered couples to hug and kiss in front of me it was a shock of the law that the court forced me to no longer be able to fight my wife, plus mentioned before the game case, but the government legislation bans the topic of the game that torments me to this day for more than 10 years. protest against government legislation in the United States of America with typical crow's feet I don't understand no career in games so I'm tortured during work hours even I'm tortured in my sleep because of me just drove me over, but the government let the driver of the car speak loudly outside and the government law in the United States of America was very reasonable, a typical case of the government law just exchanged evidence defend the case of a homeless guy, my wife's wife at my house defend the case so that he won't be known for marrying my wife later, but the court of vacancy establishes a divorce document to officially divorce my husband and I, we oppose the law of government in the United States of America. My reasonable defense in the case of a homeless man who has just married in my house I oppose the law of government in the United States of America. My name is Tuan Pham' on the radio network, thanks.

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