Claims in an interview that he is qualified to handle a social media company on the internet because he has "put internet in space"
Buys a financially struggling company for way too much money
Dismantles everything that made it attractive
Insults and fires the most competent employees who are trying to stop him from destroying the platform
Doesn't pay the employees he fired owed severance, further discouraging the best of the workforce from ever applying to work there
Turned it into something so repulsive and toxic that the users and advertisers start to leave
Told the advertisers to "go fuck themselves"
Tried to sue the advertisers into returning, further discouraging any new advertiser from ever doing business with him
Destroys the brand recognition by renaming it to a letter of the alphabet he personally likes but nobody else gives a crap about
Abuses his admin powers to steal a handle with the name he wanted from its owner, further eroding the user's trust in him handling the platform
Continues ruining the platform, turning it into his personal soap box to push his (toxic) ideas and abuses his powers to reduce the visibility of those he doesn't like while claiming to be radically pro-free speech.
Alternative platforms have gained momentum and have reached critical mass and will soon become the new default platform people will flock to. High profile users leave.
Whines and bitches about the company not making any money.
Hey guys, I'm starting to think that this guy's fortune has absolutely nothing to do with his skills at running a business
Did you include the whole 'verified' tag fiasco in your list? I didn't see it explicitly in there, but maybe it falls under a general functionality fuck-up point.
What was the username he stole? Don’t remember that one
Also, don’t forget the disastrous rollout of the blue checks when a few people imitated companies and said Lockheed wouldn’t be doing business with Israel and a few others. But I guess that was the best thing he did, honestly, because that shit was hilarious.
I think he's sugar-coating it because their bonds are about to go up for sale. From the article:
While equity investors have reportedly slashed the value of their stakes by as much as 78 percent, the Journal reports, “banks hope to sell senior debt at 90-95 cents on the dollar, while retaining more-junior holdings.”
If they were breaking even, the bonds wouldn't be getting sold at a loss. Keep in mind, the bond holders get paid before the stock holding investors, so if they're taking a loss, the equity investors are getting nothing (hence the 78 percent cut, basically their share is only worth the odds of a miraculous turnaround). That doesn't happen with a company unless it's losing money.
I’m referring to looking for jobs using X, not looking for a job at X (which I thought was clear when quoting the article’s mention of “job listings”).
The man bought an election with disinformation and lobbying, who gives a fuck what he says about this company. Who knows what the fuck break even even means in his addled brain.
After Twitter already not being profitable. Add all the loss of marketing from businesses and users leaving, then the cost of all the bots and lawsuits.
How come it is "barely breaking even"? Who is paying them? Fascists?
Musk also said that the company could become cash-flow positive “within months” nearly two years ago, and it still faces over $1 billion in annual interest payments on the loans.
With the site now serving as an outlet for right wing narratives and misinformation that benefits the administration, there will be an incentive to prop it up financially if need be. Banks have been trying unsuccessfully to offload their debt used to finance the acquisition, so it seems investors aren’t as confident in the site’s long term profitability even with its newfound role.
At this point if you're still working there knowingly building a powerful fascist gathering platform after so much time available to leave, taking dirty Nazi money as payment for your services...
I dunno man... should I feel bad for the staff, or are the remaining staff complicit enough at this point?
Feel bad for the poor bastards stuck there on visas. Feel less bad about anyone looking around that can't quit but can't find another job. Would you hire someone who's still working at Twitter? I probably wouldn't even pull that resume for an interview.
Do they have employees on H1B? If so, that may be why they haven't jumped ship for less-Nazified pastures. Not excusing anyone, just striving to understand.
Let's not blame fellow workers for doing what they need to survive. Big tech companies are exploitive by nature, espcially H1B visas are basically indebted servitude at this point.
No, Twitter had started making a profit when he bought it. The last year they had a court case which made the year a loss, but the years before were profitable.