Danke fürs Raussuchen! Dafür geb ich dir ein virtuelles imaginäres Trinkgeld über 109999€ :)
If they open source everything they legally can, then do they qualify as "open source" for legal purposes?
No, definitely not! Open source is a binary attribute. If your product is partially open source, it's not open source, only the parts you open sourced.
So Llama is not open source, even if some parts are.
I appreciate the clarification, thank you!
Right, which means that you practically cannot give open source software for free to non-corporations while selling it to corporations while still being fully open source, as the corporations can simply get it for free from any non-corporation.
No, not in the way GP wrote. You're not allowed to have your license discriminate between users, so you'd have to sell your software to everyone, not just big companies.
Either no one pays, or everyone pays.
Sei die Veränderung, die du in dieser Welt sehen möchtest!
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as China, is in fact, the People's Republic of China, or as I've recently taken to calling it, PRC.
"Smithers, divert a tenth of their grain deliveries to our stocks. The commoners are getting too comfortable again. And I won't lie - lately I've been feeling partial towards hunting more mice."
Something something ChatGPT
No, because that would no longer be open in the open source sense.
It's either open for everyone, or it isn't open.
Edit: sorry to whoever doesn't like it, but it's literally how "open source" is defined
when the data used to train the AI is copyrighted, how do you make it open source?
When part of my code base belongs to someone else, how do I make it open source? By open sourcing the parts that belong to me, while clarifying that it's only partially open source.
Yup. They also did this with Docker, and it broke my setup (and was a bitch to debug).
This was a couple of years ago, and I haven't used Ubuntu unless absolutely necessary (and then usually in a container).
You should try and take away her blanket while she's sleeping, she'll appreciate your thoughtfulness!
Ich muss mich sehr zurückhalten, deinen Kommentar nicht herunterzuwählen.
Nicht weil ich es als "nicht zustimmen"-Knopf benutze, sondern weil dein Kommentar so falsch ist.
Even /lib
- they've set up base in the highest ranks!
Community rules: 1. Be nice to each other - we’re all fans of the same thing. Let’s celebrate that, even if we have differences! 2. Don’t be rude about theories of others. You can disagree, and discussions are why we’re here - but please do so in a respectful manner!

Hey there! After some requests, I've opened up a community around Elden Ring Lore: !eldenringlore@lemmy.world
If you're interested, please join! Can't wait to hear all your ideas and thoughts :)

All credit goes to @Newbuild@lemmy.nz: https://lemmy.world/comment/14619924
Amazing episode! But I'm not sure how to feel about this decision yet, guess we'll have to see which theories are correct.
When the short animated movie starts, we clearly see a projector with three separate projection sources, one with a lens for each base color:
Since they are each positioned with a slight offset and angled, the projected pictures can't work well for all distances. The further you get from the actual "perfect" distance, the more the different color channels will be offset visually. And yet, what do we see when Mr. Milchick steps in front of the screen?
Obviously the whole fandom has been intensely discussing multiple theories:
- Lumon has developed projector technology lightyears ahead of our own
- Most of the production cost for this season went into growing such a talented child actress, so Apple saved money on set design
- Mr. Milchick is actually a flat surface that merely looks like a 3D person due to optical trickery
I'm not sure which one I agree with the most. What do you guys think?
Freunde, ich wende mich an euch aus tiefster Verzweiflung heraus. Das hier ist keine Werbung, sondern ein Hilfeschrei.
Warum genau schmeckt mir die Tiefkühl-Tonno-Pizza von Dr. Oetker so gut? Was ist da genau drauf? Ich habe endlose TK-Tonnos durchprobiert und selbst viele gemacht, aber irgendwas ist auf der Dr. Oetker-Pizza drauf, das ich nicht reproduziert bekomme. Aber auch nur auf der! Es sind Klekse aus einer undefinierbaren Masse, die mein Ambrosia sind - vermutlich eine Mischung aus Thunfisch-Ersatz und Gewürzen, aber jeder Versuch es zu erforschen hat ins Nichts geführt.
Hat hier jemand Zugriff auf die geheimen Rezepte und wäre bereit für ein kleines bisschen Industriespionage? Meine aktuelle Vermutung geht in Richtung Koks oder Heroin o.Ä., anders kann ich mir meine körperliche und psychische Abhängigkeit nicht erklären - doch der rationale Teil meines Hirns widerspricht vehement, weil man das bestimmt rausschmecken würde.
Versteht jemand, was ich meine? Oder bin ich gefangen in einem sisyphosischen Kreis, verdammt dazu stets zum Supermarkt gehen zu müssen um das High erneut zu erleben?
Falls ihr das lest und die TK-Tonno noch nie probiert habt, bitte ich euch: tut es nicht. Es war schwer genug, die Kommentare von dem einen Reddit-Account durchzulesen, der nur Mal Heroin probieren wollte. Ich möchte für ähnliche Abstürze keine Verantwortung tragen.
Noch immer gibt es Probleme im Mobilfunknetz von 1&1 aus Montabaur. Eine technische Störung wurde zunächst behoben. Aktuell kommt es erneut zu Einschränkungen.

Since the removal of the DLC, and the fact it's not already in the base game, all assets related to it now appear as grey boxes. Thanks again for that, as it was doubtlessly absolutely necessary to remove the DLC now and not when it's integrated...
It doesn't stop. It just never stops.
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Please use spoiler tags for comic spoilers (anything that hasn't been shown in the latest episodes of the show)!
Hey all! I'd like to try starting a directed discussion, since participation in the episode discussions hasn't really happened yet (but it's slowly picking up on the sub, woohoo!). Depending on how things go I'll post more in the coming weeks :)
What was the moment or thing that happened which made you go "This isn't like other superhero media"? I think we can all agree that Invincible feels very refreshing and has many interesting ideas. Is there something you really like? Or something that defines Invincible?
What are your thoughts on this episode? I know the comics, so the beginning didn't throw me off - but I watched this episode on a bunch of reaction channels, and I love how confused they were at first!
Koji Mori will continue the manga in collaboration with the studio Gaga and Miura’s colleagues and assistants.

I'm really interested in trying to get more information about Void, and one angle I haven't read much about is this: does the amount of people sacrificed, and their strength, influence the power of the resultant godhand member?
There definitely seems to be some kind of correlation between sacrifices and power, since Slan states in chapter 82: "It's ironic though. The stronger his life force and the greater his anguish, the more they become precious bread for the new life of darkness". From this we can at least deduct that a strong sacrifice makes the new member stronger than a weak sacrifice.
Now the question is: shouldn't this mean that Void is much, much more powerful than Griffith currently is? After all, he sacrificed not just a band of mercenaries (who have some very strong members, albeit only few due to the year before), but an entire kingdom. I do think the average sacrifice was much weaker for Void (as they were most likely not warriors, but intellectuals), though it's difficult to say since we know very little about his eclipse. But nonetheless I definitely think there is some correlation here.
This of course leads to some interesting possibilities for what Griffith is currently up to. Is he planning to somehow ascend further by making another, much bigger sacrifice? Do the godhand members have a hierarchy which he is trying to climb (almost certainly)? Could he be trying to surpass the Idea of Evil itself?
I'm re-reading the manga right now. During the Eclipse, we see the brand placed on a number of hawks, each in a different place (link to the panel):
Casca gets it on the left side of her chest, roughly over her heart
Guts, of course, has it on his neck
Judeau gets his on the palm of his left hand
Pippin has it on his forearm
Corkus gets his on his forehead (just like the bodies below the tower of rebirth)
I can make an argument for each of them to have gotten it on whatever they most rely on, except for Guts, I can't make a concrete argument why it's his neck.
But what I'm really interested in is this: can we learn anything about the bodies from Gaiserics kingdom from this? It might be that the population of his city wasn't made up of fighters and physical people at the time it was sacrificed, but of thinkers, or at least people who rely more on wit and cunning than on strength (positive or negative). This would make sense considering the technological and social advancements they seem to have made.
What do you guys think?