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Marvel’s What If…? series to end with third season
  • yeah i feel like they were hinting at it in Loki. It makes sense to bring x-men and F4 into the MCU, then yeah kill it in the next avengers.

  • Marvel’s What If…? series to end with third season
  • I feel like at some point they have to figure out a way to put the multiverse toothpaste back in the tube. It was fun for a while, but the idea that anything and everything can happen at any time in any movie or series has gotten a bit old imo.

  • Plot twist: Bronny to the Lakers
  • i seriously doubt this stuff has changed that much. it would essentially do away with the whole “draft and stash” strategy for overseas players which i’m pretty sure would have been talked about a lot by now.

  • America’s Frozen Housing Market Is Warping the Economy
  • and those lazy stone age humans didn’t want to work hunting and gathering all the time so they invented agriculture.

  • Plot twist: Bronny to the Lakers
  • that’s only if they don’t play any ball in that time. if they play in college or overseas the clock stops, per #49 here:

  • 2024 NBA Draft Selections: Tracking the Full List of Picks and Results
  • THJ's contract isn't big enough to warrant more than 2nds. At least he should be able to provide some shooting for you guys though.

  • Plot twist: Bronny to the Lakers
  • I think you can re-enter the draft the following year in hopes of getting picked by another team.

    I don't think that's true, that defeats the entire purpose of the draft. If a team selects a player they retain the draft rights forever unless the rights are traded. but yes teams generally try to avoid hostile players for other reasons, it's usually not worth the hassle.

  • Plot twist: Bronny to the Lakers
  • how does that help? doesn’t the nba team who drafts them retain the rights til they come to the nba?

  • 2024 NBA Draft Selections: Tracking the Full List of Picks and Results
  • i have to assume Langdon has a general plan for that already.

  • 2024 NBA Draft Selections: Tracking the Full List of Picks and Results
  • LA will take him if no one else does first.

  • How the automobile industry turned us into SUV drivers
  • yes, the force applied to THE ROCK will be much higher, but the car's mass is not relevant to the driver's reference inside the car.

  • How the automobile industry turned us into SUV drivers
  • Not if they crash into stationary objects like rocks, etc. In that case the amount of force the driver will experience will be 2-3 times higher compared to the amount of force a driver of a normal sedan will experience if he had the same accident.

    this is not true, the deceleration (g force) imparted to passengers should be the same in either case. (all other things being equal, initial speed, crumple zones, etc). adding more mass to the car is irrelevant to the driver if you're hitting a truly immovable object.

  • How the automobile industry turned us into SUV drivers
  • because they’re safer for the drivers

  • How the automobile industry turned us into SUV drivers
  • also SUVs became the new minivan because minivans aren’t cool. with an suv you can cosplay as an off-roader who goes mountaineering on the weekends and drives uphill through snow both ways to work and back.

  • A New Reality Show Will Pay Cash if Players Can Convince Experts the Earth Is Flat
  • you can only do that so much, it would get stale very quickly.

  • A New Reality Show Will Pay Cash if Players Can Convince Experts the Earth Is Flat
  • what concerns me is they’re never going to make a show where the players never win, so that means sometimes “experts” are going to supposedly be convinced that the earth is flat. that eventuality is not going to be worth whatever benefit there may be of making flat earthers look silly (as if that hasn’t been done enough already).

  • A New Reality Show Will Pay Cash if Players Can Convince Experts the Earth Is Flat
  • they’re never going to make a show where the players never win. so that means sometimes “experts” are going to supposedly be convinced that the earth is flat on live TV. Great.

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson reads his peer review of Terrence Howard's mathematics theories
  • he has had some dickish moments but when you’re constantly talking publicly that’s pretty inevitable unless you’re a saint.

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson reads his peer review of Terrence Howard's mathematics theories
  • does he even have shows any more? why bother if they weren’t going to use him again anyway?

  • X will soon limit the ability to livestream to Premium subscribers
  • what about that good ole "free" speech elon?

  • [Woj] Toronto Raptors center Jontay Porter is out of the lineup and a subject of an NBA investigation into irregularities on prop betting involving him...

    Toronto Raptors center Jontay Porter is out of the lineup and a subject of an NBA investigation into irregularities on prop betting involving him, sources tell @DavidPurdum, @ESPNWindhorst and me. Story soon.

    F1 is doing it backwards. Simplify and freeze ICE specs, and unfreeze all the electrical systems.

    ICE is dead, and none of the developments make it to road cars anyway. Meanwhile, battery/EV tech needs all the development it can get and F1's have been frozen for years.

    Make F1 road relevant again, not just aerospace on bubble gum tires. Let teams compete on the tech that actually matters to the motoring world.

    Tell Your Representative in Congress to Reject Pro-Homeopathy Amendment Tell Your Representative in Congress to Reject Pro-Homeopathy Amendment | Center for Inquiry

    CFI calls on our supporters to help defeat a pro-homeopathy amendment being proposed for the federal appropriations bill H.R. 4368. The homeopathy lobby is pushing hard for this amendment, and we need CFI supporters to voice their opposition to their members of Congress. Homeopathy groups such a ...

    Tell Your Representative in Congress to Reject Pro-Homeopathy Amendment | Center for Inquiry

    CFI calls on our supporters to help defeat a pro-homeopathy amendment being proposed for the federal appropriations bill H.R. 4368. The homeopathy lobby is pushing hard for this amendment, and we need CFI supporters to voice their opposition to their members of Congress.

    Homeopathy groups such as Americans For Homeopathy Choice (AFHC) are lobbying strenuously for Appropriations Amendment #4. This amendment would bar FDA enforcement of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act against new homeopathic drug products as long as a product complies with “standards for strength, quality, and purity set forth in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.” In other words, it would replace much-needed federal regulation with the industry’s own standards.

    CFI has consistently pointed out that homeopathy is bunk science that does not work beyond the placebo effect. Homeopathic products are typically diluted to the point that no active ingredients remain. It is quack medicine and consumer fraud.

    The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia’s standards of quality are not medically valid. Yet the amendment would exempt homeopathic products from FDA regulation and oversight if they comport with those standards. This amounts to an argument of “No need for federal regulation, we can regulate ourselves with our own standards even if they constitute medical fraud” – or, more succinctly, “Let the fox guard the henhouse, please.” (Indeed, CFI has tussled with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia before.)

    At the moment, AFHC and the homeopathy lobby are seeking additional co-sponsors in the House of Representatives for their amendment. This is where CFI’s supporters come in.

    We need our supporters to mobilize and contact their members in the House of Representatives immediately. Please let them know, in no uncertain terms, that homeopathy cannot and must not escape federal regulation. It is crucial to keep Appropriations Amendment #4 out of the federal appropriations bill.

    [Woj] BREAKING: 76ers G James Harden is picking up his $35.6 million option and sides are beginning to work together in exploring trade scenarios, sources tell ESPN. It’s expected that Harden has...

    BREAKING: 76ers G James Harden is picking up his $35.6 million option and sides are beginning to work together in exploring trade scenarios, sources tell ESPN. It’s expected that Harden has played his last game for Philadelphia.

    The Clippers and Knicks are expected to be among the teams that'll engage with the Sixers on a potential James Harden trade, sources tell ESPN.

    If anyone else wants to moderate this community, let me know.

    Hi guys, I mainly just created this space as placeholder because there wasn't one yet. If anyone wants to take over running it just ping me.

    [Haynes] NBA Rumors: Beal Granted Permission to Speak with Teams, Top Prospect to Meet with MJ NBA Rumors: Beal Granted Permission to Speak with Teams, Top Prospect to Meet with MJ

    The Washington Wizards have granted star Bradley Beal and his representatives permission to speak with teams the three-time All-Star has interest in being…

    NBA Rumors: Beal Granted Permission to Speak with Teams, Top Prospect to Meet with MJ

    cross-posted from:

    > The Washington Wizards have granted star Bradley Beal and his representatives permission to speak with teams the three-time All-Star has interest in being traded to, league sources tell B/R. > > ... > > The Miami Heat and Milwaukee Bucks are expected to talk with Beal and his agent, Mark Bartelstein, sources say.

    [Sharania] Just In: The Washington Wizards and Bradley Beal will work together to find a trade for the three-time All-Star if the team elects to reset the roster in the near future, league sources...

    cross-posted from:

    > Just In: The Washington Wizards and Bradley Beal will work together to find a trade for the three-time All-Star if the team elects to reset the roster in the near future, league sources tell me and

    [Robbins] The Washington Wizards and Bradley Beal would work together to find a trade for the three-time All-Star if the team officials elect to reset the roster in the near future, league sources...

    cross-posted from:

    > The Washington Wizards and Bradley Beal would work together to find a trade for the three-time All-Star if the team officials elect to reset the roster in the near future, league sources tell me and @ShamsCharania.

    acosmichippo acosmichippo
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