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Trump is “absolutely” immune for “official acts” on Jan 6th, SCOTUS rules
  • Also the Whiskey rebellion and Union/county wars, but nobody remembers them because they were relatively small. Also a lot of Rednecks especially Boomers and Gen X ended up being fucken bootlickers, sure there are some of us within Gen Z who are trying to revers the damage but well culture rarely moves fast.

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • Im aware, my grandmother forms her politics based off shitty SoCal talk radio. Could be worse, but that aint saying much.

  • Please vote
  • I dont think anybody actually likes Newsom, hes a rich bastard who basically everyone dislikes. He aint got the respect Brown has due to just being a decent bureaucrat he doesnt have the goodwill of Schwarzenegger due to atleast trying his best. Hes just a dime a dozen slimeball politician nobody actively likes.

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  • The VP takes charge, we have the position for a reason. One of the better elements of the presidency is that there is a clear line of succession and even a good bit of "we dont fucken know whos alive" backups.

    Also Reagan was already president and utterly demented.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • I think its a social defense mechanism, I met an old bastard who saw it in full swing after Catalonia when he was a teen. When a bunch of unions where he lived purged out authoritarian elements especially if they sympathized with the Soviets. Basically use debate to figure out who is stupid, lying, or compromised so that you can deal with them. Such things are helped along by it being a semi-constant force.

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • I severely doubt a lot of the dumbass boomers thought it through well enough to claim that.

  • Challenge accpted.
  • Yhe best thing to be in a collapse scenario is the random who minds their own business and gets shit done. Nobody is gonna trust the glory hound with an overly inflated ego, but the dude who just wants thing organized so they can start manufacturing tools is probably the most trustworthy.

  • Zoinks!
  • Daphne doesnt believe in bras.

  • Zoinks!
  • She's just making their cosplay more realistic. Also im pretty sure they're supposed to be Klansmen.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Most folks are dumber than a chickens.

  • Trump: "Immigrants are taking Black jobs"
  • Fuck off im staying in my dark comfy cave.

  • Load's secure, ready to roll.
  • I saw something like that once, the axle was completely locked up after they went through an area with high concentration of magnetic sand.

  • CDPR says its new Boston studio means Cyberpunk 2 will be more authentically American
  • If not outside of America at least less common areas Chicago, Nasheville, Atlanta hell even rural regions like West Virginia. Hell if you are gonna do it in California or New York do it in less known areas, like Albany or San Bernardino yes I know Albany is the capital of New York but well New Yor, New york gets all the attention.

  • ACLU suspects warrantless surveillance in neo-Nazi’s prosecution
  • They should have protection of the law. That doesnt mean they dont deserve to be car bombed by the local socialist Redneck for shits and giggles. This is to ensure sympathic fuckwads dont cry foul or turn it on far less egregious groups.

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • We aint the ones sending them to their deaths, its a waste of human life but one we cant do jackshit about without escalating which most folks dont want. So that leaves us with only a handful of options all with the same end result, fuck all. Id rather laugh than feel sick to the stomach with rage.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at "scary" drag queens lobbying Congress & demands "protection"
  • They look like my 2x great aunt. Also still better than the abiotic sludge that is Greene.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at "scary" drag queens lobbying Congress & demands "protection"
  • Hey now thats an insult to those of us with Neanderthal facial features, we dont want to be associated with the inbred Cro-Magnon.

  • Poseidon must be appeased
  • The prince of Saudi Arabia, King Charles, Vladimir Putin I could keep going but there are plenty of billionares who deserve to be fish paste.

  • Poseidon must be appeased
  • Honestly its impressive it did multiple trips before failure, if it had been an unmanned drone or something it would've been brilliant. But instead it turned people into fish food, what a fucken waste.

    Also I misspelled drone initially as Dorne and now all I can imagine is Rogal Dorne being slowly lowered towards the Titanic on a crane.

  • Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine
  • Oh im sure there are plenty. But Wayne bullied his way into the role because he wanted to be Genghis Khan and then he got radiation poisoning.