Same for water buffalo
21 0 ReplyBuffalo fire buffalo Buffalo air buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo earth buffalo
12 0 ReplyI gotta make an RPG that features thr 4 elemelons featuring the 4 element buffalo's.
8 0 ReplyThe buffalos get their element after consumption of their elemelon of choice in a rite of passage.
7 0 Reply
- Water buffalo
- Earth buffalo = bison/wisent
- Fire buffalo = cape buffalo
- Wind buffalo = yak
6 0 ReplyAnd earthworm.
2 0 Reply
And Heartmelon. By their powers combined: Captain Melon!
19 0 ReplyI feel like Captain Melons is probably a soft porn from the eighties
7 0 ReplyCaptain Planet, mother fucker. Don't summon me again, unless you ready for that pain.
2 0 Reply
So we rename peppers to firemelons, beans to windmelons, and potatoes to earthmelons. Seems simple enough
12 0 ReplyAvatar: The Last Melonbender
11 0 ReplyEverything changed when the Firemelon Nation attacked
3 0 Reply
They’re all here. Literally called “Elemelons” on this site. Someone’s already figured them out for you.
8 0 ReplyThe plural of elemelon should be elemenōpē.
8 0 ReplyThat’s cantaloupe
3 0 ReplyCantaloupe? Or wontaloupe?
4 0 Reply
The fifth elemelon featuring Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich
6 0 ReplyYou mean Meeloon Multipass?
4 0 Reply
Watermelon: As expected Earthmelon: Potato Firemelon: Red chilies Airmelon: ??
5 0 ReplyI am on painkillers and I submit that airmelon should be a marshmallow. Really break the mold.
5 0 Reply
Speak elemelon and enter
4 0 ReplyMeloments
4 0 ReplyNo compression artifcacts or cropping. Must be a restoration of the original antique image macro.
4 0 ReplyIn Chinese, there's "kinda" 3 out of the 4 directions for melons:
- 东瓜 (dōng guā) - East Melon - Winter Melon
- 西瓜 (xī guā) - West Melon - Watermelon
- 南瓜 (nán guā) - South Melon - Pumpkin (although it doesn't necessarily refer to south)
and there is no 北瓜 (běi guā) - North Melon (at least not to my knowledge)
3 0 ReplyJust about to say this lmao
But i did a search anyway, and based on article below seems like in china in some place they have different 北瓜 based on location, zucchini, chinese squash, and the long pumpkin.
2 0 Reply
Melomentary, Watson
3 0 ReplyThe menace of the melon lord must be defeated
3 0 ReplyAirmelon
2 0 ReplyThat's old. I was thinking about this meme the other day.
1 0 ReplyElemelon just has a nice mouth feel to it.
1 0 ReplyI could really go for some Æthermelon right about now.
1 0 Reply