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He kindly lets me know when breakfast is
  • I have 3 kittens, 10 weeks old. They wake me up by having a WWE wrestling championship on top of me. Hitting with folding chairs and everything. At 6am.

    "ooh hooman, are you awake? What a coincidence, we too! Well, since you're awake anyway, you might as well give us foodz pleazzz"

  • Oldest wooden spear known to exist | Schöningen, Germany (400,000 BCE)
  • Stick looks similar. But stick feels less worthy.

  • This pisses me off so much
  • Every movement with a gun sounds like there's a loose screw in it (it always clicks). Also it usually has a clip of 300+ bullets.

    Every mouse or keyboard input into a computer, every loading bar, every screen popping up makes screaching sounds. Except when having a failing DVD drive or broken hard disk I've never heard any computer making these sounds.

    A secret tracking or listening device has a blinking red light and beeps.

    Every car, always with airconditioning, drives with open windows because of the window reflections. Even during rain, extreme heat or highly contagious zombies trying to bite you through the open window.

  • Out of Office
  • Ah ok. I thought in freedomland it wouldn't be much different, but usually a missing person claim should be passed onto the missing persons division of the responsible police force with a unit like that. But if anyone says "nope, bye" you can always try somewhere else. Or Google it, or ask chat gpt.

  • You can fit two cars there
  • You've gotta compensate your penis size with your car. This is just basic science.

  • Out of Office
  • If he, or the mafia doesn't want him to be found, there's not much you can do.

    But in all seriousness: yeah, when someone is missing they should be reported as such at the local police, who can contact the embassy's office in the country they were going on holiday. Many parts of Italy are very safe, rich, modern. But there are also parts where you will get hurt, especially as a tourist. Loads of poverty, gangs, mafia, corruption (particularly the south).

  • The return of pneumatic tubes
  • "grisly results". Are you sure? I think the pressure failure of the Titan submarine was closer to "grisly". Transit tube failure scores lower on the pressure failure scale. /jk

  • The return of pneumatic tubes
  • I want one to get beer from the fridge to the couch. I could move the fridge next to the couch, but if a pneumatic system is an option, I assume I don't have to explain which would be the better choice by a land slide. Cool beers on the couch, in the garden, in the bath tub, etc. I could fire my wife.

    Of course I'm joking, I would never exchange my wife for a pneumatic tube system. I don't have a wife.

  • Putin warns South Korea: Sending killer weapons to Ukraine would be a ‘big mistake’
  • If South Korea does this, he'll tell his fat buddy Kim to send more shit balloons over the border.

  • Constantly. Or "oh, I thought I told you already."
  • My parents do this all the time. "Yeah, we just came back from the funeral, it was beautiful." So apparently my aunt died. "Oh yeah, we thought it wouldn't interest you".

    At the same time, they call me to tell me "So, Henry had to go to the hospital, he's in a bad state. We though you'd want to know." So apparently someone from their neighborhood who I never met or heard of has some bad health.

  • And they say English is bad
  • Yes, just like Americans they think it's their country and the original inhabitants have no place in their country.

  • ACAB.
  • You think, so it must be. Who cares about facts and statistics. You know best, oh very wise one. By the way, what makes you come to this conclusion? Do you go to protests a lot, are you with the police, do you read a lot on Facebook on shady right wing pages, did Qanon tell you this,... I'd love to hear your support to your claim.

    By the way, intervening a peaceful protest which includes children has a very very low probability of risk for police. They would think twice when the protesters are violent, but when they are peaceful they won't hit back that hard so it's rather safe to escalate. The cops in the task forces for breaking up protests are generally people who love to fight, filled with adrenaline and testosterone. Cops who are less eager to fight usually have desk jobs or are regular street officers.

    I don't know in what country you live, but in countries with freedom of speech you're free to demand whatever you like, as long as you do not turn violent (except when you're police of course).

    Please stop spreading unsupported bullshit arguments based on "I think" and "looks like" when you clearly have zero knowledge of how police operate (which I do) and clearly have no clue about this protest (as you make very wrong assumptions)

  • ACAB.
  • It's irresponsible for the police to abuse their power and use pepper spray on children at a peaceful protest.

    Going outside has a risk of getting hit by a car. So now it's irresponsible to take your kids outside? It's not normal to get hit by a car, but it's also not normal for police to use violence on non-violent protes.... Oh wait, yes that indeed IS normal now, depending on the religion, ethnicity, political statement of the protesters.

    Imo it's irresponsible to have kids in the first place by the way, it's not irresponsible though to bring your kids to a peaceful protest as no one expect police to pepper spray your kids without cause. Or at least, that is how it should be. When you claim it's irresponsible to bring your kids because you can expect police to use violence without cause, to abuse their power even though you are there because of your constitutional right, you acknowledge the police violence without condemning it.

    You are victim blaming.

  • ACAB.
  • Police violence is something different then peaceful protesting. It turns into non-peaceful as soon as the police starts to use force without a proper cause. It's called "abuse of power". Cops love to get violent, especially when the protesters do not (so they won't hit back).

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • So if you have a fingerprint smart lock cops don't need a warent to enter your house?

    A phone is also property owned by you. Or by the company you work for, so it's not even yours.

  • Nobody dare Pluto Pterodactyl
  • Damn, you beat me to it.

  • Too powerful for their Euro arteries
  • It could kill a European, if consumed by a European. However, it is consumed by an American, so it kills an American.

  • Trump threatens to cut off aid to Ukraine 'prior to taking the White House as president-elect'
  • Yeah but honestly, the way the polls are looking right now, so is the US.

  • LordWiggle Lord Wiggle
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