Neusa is a common woman's name where I live.
If blood circulates in your willy, it means vampires suck your dick indirectly...
"Resume" would have been a better choice!
Holy Mother of Displaced Blame...
That's old. I was thinking about this meme the other day.
If you squint enough, you're gonna see a normal distribution.
Fact. I only still use it because of game compatibility.
Didn't get it... Are you implying that the Sun doesn't count?
Who could have guessed that trying to bring together people with opposing views would generate so much attrition...
Brazilian Portuguese. We say pistache.
So much stalling in the last episodes. It is so off-putting when a fight is stretched out to fill out three or four episodes. The MC internal dialogues were very repetitive and just there to delay story progression.
This Dragonball way of storytelling is one of the tropes I hate more in anime.
A lot of things people associate with ADHD sound like depression to me.
So, my Nvidia card will work out of the box with secure boot on and my daughter can play Xbox Gaming Pass or Gaming Cloud now?
Edit: yes, blame me, the user, for having realistic expectations of what I want working on my PC...
And it's a two way street. Don't put expectations on the other of what you don't provide yourself. If the relationship is boring to you, act to make it less boring.
I told him it was a waist of time.
Sometimes my screen rotates by itself depending on how I'm holding my phone and then the list of posts I'm scrolling through goes back all the way to the top.