A major free speech argument about pornographic websites went disastrously for the porn industry.
The Supreme Court's hearing of Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton signals potential limits on First Amendment protections for online pornography.
The case involves a Texas law mandating age verification for websites with "sexual material harmful to minors," challenging the 2004 Ashcroft v. ACLU precedent, which struck down similar laws under strict scrutiny.
Justices, citing the inadequacy of modern filtering tools, seemed inclined to weaken free speech protections, exploring standards like intermediate scrutiny.
The ruling could reshape online speech regulations, leaving adults’ access to sexual content uncertain while tightening restrictions for minors.
Notice how we're already asking past the sale with the tacit labeling of "sexual material harmful to minors," with the presupposed declaration that sexual material is automatically harmful to minors.
The all-consuming mission to look at boobies is essentially universal for all pubescent boys from about 12 all the way to the age of majority. This is well known, and none of us came off any the worse despite widespread availability of older brothers' back issues of Hustler, Usenet, dial-up BBS systems, and ultimately the world wide web.
If teens weren't naturally interested in sex where wouldn't been all them teenage pregnancies. Q.E.D.
Just saying, the shit you can find on the Internet does not come even close to what Hustler was. There is instant access to all kinds of weird and fucked fetish shit that just wasn't accessible in the 90s and earlier.
There's a vid on archive.org of the Spice Channel that must have been off someone's VHS tape. It flickers a lot and is barely watchable, but I was curious what we were all missing back then.
Turns out, way more softcore than I was expecting. Slightly more hardcore than Skinamax at the time, but not by much.
We now no longer have the debate over whether or not this content is necessarily harmful to minors. It's now automatically bad, and the new framing is: shouldn't we ban bad things?
Should expect more of this kind of newspeak/doublespeak as the Trump years continue.
Because there's an underlying implication that allowing teenagers to seek out sexual content on their own is the same as an adult presenting it to them. They want you to feel like they'll call you a pedo if you disagree with their framing
Even in terms of speech, it's ridiculous to claim that boobs are more harmful than a social media diet of assholes claiming women or racial minorities aren't people.
They're godsdamned freaks is what they are. Their religion says sex is disgusting and evil. Mine says it's holy and pleasure is sacred. But neither of us should get to decide the law based on what gods we got. I know that. Jewish Americans know that. Hindu Americans know that. Muslim Americans know it too. And I ain't seen Buddhists trying to ban alcohol in any city in America, nor shinto folks trying to divert public school money to preaching about amaterasu. Turns out it's just the Christians round here who don't get that when your religion says you can't do something it means you don't get to do it, but the rest of us are more than free to.
The vague threat of "think of the children maybe being exposed to sexual things" challenging our first amendment right but it becomes some huge debate if a woman is being harassed/stalked/threatened online.
**they are justififying destroying our rights for their feelings **
it's adorable how you think Joe Biden isn't right-wing lol
Democrats are just reasonable conservatives, Republicans are just fascist conservatives. All conservatives, still all dogshit, still all love genocide and imperialism.
What's taught in schools: the parents should have a say! Don't let the government decide what to teach our kids!
Books in libraries and content on the internet: the government must step in and make certain content illegal!
Of course, fascists don't care if they're hypocritical. They say whatever gives them the most power in any situation, so calling out hypocrisy won't stop them. It's still good to do, though.
Noooo haha we we can't fix your real problems that you want us to fix because of how we think some witch hunter in the 1600s relates to the constitution, and politics is just hard and moves slow :(
Anyway, here, we shitcanned the constitution for something pretty much nobody asked for and won't actually fix anything. Enjoy <3
some republicants cheering for the scotus ruling today will be scrambling to try to legislate around it tomorrow.. because their porn habits will get hacked and released.
We're going to see a lot more of these challenges to SCOTUS precedent in the coming years. The Dobbs decision was them stating loud and clear that they will find any excuse to justify their prefud8ced decisions.
Ideally you wouldn't be using tor for clearweb sites but if you must I suppose that's an option, a VPN would be less detrimental to the tor network though, and is often both faster and more reliable from a user perspective.
My earliest memories of the internet was boobs, and then later a helicopter decapitation.
It's kind of annoying that so many id restrictions focus on porn. Maybe it's not normal for today's kids/teens to come across violent content, compared to people that mightve come across rotten, faces, 4chan, etc. back then.