What I want to see as an investor is some solid dick - I’m talking about real hard data, veiny, masculine throbbing numbers. I want to see the top line increasing every year forever from now until the end of time, and I want to know whoever is running ‘femboy industries’ is treating their workers like absolute shit or I simply won’t invest. Capitalism doesn’t care about the colour of your wallet, it cares about the size of your dick numbers.
Donald Trump, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, joe Rogan and Alex Jones have done a fuckton of damage redefining masculinity to the White nationalist consensus (the warboys that won in November 2024)
When I was growing up the man code (circa 1982) was:
🔸️ DON'T launch the LGM-30 Minuteman nuclear-tipped ICBM. Evar. Even if the President of the United States orders you to. (He's bluffing.)
In the 1990s we learned women are perfectly capable of not launching the LGM-30 Minuteman nuclear-tipped ICBM.
And I wouldn't trust Joe Rogan to do the same.
Or, for that matter, President-Elect Donald Trump.