I still remember this time the mayor of this town was drunk driving, and they decided to go ahead and arrest him for it. They were able to get the charges to stick thanks to the bodycam footage.
I was shocked and appalled at his entitlment. I expected him to expect to be left off the hook, but the way he was acting. No whining, begging, or pleading. He just stood firm and calm as he reprimanded the police and demanded they get the chief immediately...
He really came off as though he genuinely believed the cops were the ones breaking the rules and getting in trouble for arresting him, or even stopping him, not himself...
For the rich and privileged it's a whole different ball game.
They don't Isuzu beat you anymore, but lots of states have a law that part of having a driver's license is consent to a breath test, so if you refuse they revoke your license.
An (ex) friend of mine refused a breathalyzer when a county sheriff found him sleeping behind the wheel in a parking lot after a day of drinking. Because he refused the test the county revoked his license.
Meanwhile this cop hits a child and nothing happens.
Note to self: if I'm going to commit a crime make sure I'm a cop first.
Make sure you’re a cop and do it with a car. You’ll probably have a greater chance of receiving compensation for the ‘trauma’ you suffered than face any criminal consequences.
If you go to anti union propaganda sites you get the most tame accusations you've ever heard. Embezzlement! Using your dues for leftist causes! Holy shit!
And then there's "police union" where you consistently get "cop gets bored; kills family of 5. City ordered to lick his taint and pay $5,000,000 after trying to fire him."
Lemmy users: "Villain! We need moderate change to the existing system! Not a new one! Who would protect us from the marauding gangs of evildoers in my backyard?"
So, real question, since it isn't stated:
Half naked 2 year old Kid, Off his leash, built from gummy bears,
was trying to pick a fight with liquor-fueled cop car?
...and no one thought to blame it on all the empty liquor bottles that tried to run.