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How does one even live like this?
  • Huh. I used to write notes to myself a few years ago when I was still in school and would get super drunk. "Look up modular synths," was one of my notes and I never went and actually did it. This is probably my calling to learn about them 🤔.

  • Do fingers ever stop growing? Do they shrink as you get older?

    Title is pretty much all.

    Some context:

    I took an edible and had a thought last night.

    What if I tattooed a ruler on my finger?

    I never would actually do this, but my interest still piqued. Do hands keep growing? Do they stop growing? Do they shrink? How long would a finger ruler be viable until it needs decommissioned?

    Multigenerational housing is coming back in a big way. Americans used to live in multigenerational homes. We’re starting to, again
  • Don't forget about other rich ass-hats who buy houses above asking, just to tear them down and build another ungodly McMansion, taking away what affordable houses remain.

    A beautiful 50 year old house sold on my block for $250,000k two years ago. At 1600 sqft, and some renovations from the previous owner, it was a wonderful starter home. A college buddy of mine tried to buy it at asking $230k and we joked that we'd be neighbors.

    But instead, someone bought it, destroyed it, rebuilt it, and sold it for $900k.

    Now, that same house just sits there with a "For Rent" sign. It's appalling.

  • Transcendentalism rule
  • I see that now on my third re-read. 😂😭😂😭😂

    I am practicing my proper grammar skills. I read somewhere that you are supposed to italicize products when you use them in a sentence and I wanted to try it for some dumb reason.

    If it helps, I am not a bot nor do I strictly endorse this product. Traditional floss and floss picks are way better.

    I only like this product because I have a permanent retainer, flossing to get under this thing is a pain.

    In the spirit of good health, something is better than nothing!

    -- I am actually a dentalologist

  • Transcendentalism rule
  • Just in case, because the Internet is weird: this comment was satire. My dentist is actually a cool dude and my dental hygienist is amazing.

    Take care of your teeth y'all! 🦷🪥

    You only get one set, and it's a long life!

    I hate the aftertaste of coffee. Simply using GUM Soft Picks and brushing my teeth after my morning coffee in addition to my before-bed brushing has really improved my dental health.

  • Transcendentalism rule
  • I don't give a fuck about sending my children on a trans field trip. Everyone should be comfortable and happy with their bodies. Spreading knowledge and education on the subject is key to achieving this!

    Fuck dentists though! They just like to SCRAPE at your teeth. They make your gums BLEED. They charge you money for these OBSCENE services?!? They think they are so smart because they are a dOcToR.

    If you are trans, that is cool and I love you for who you are. However, you won't get a pass from me for spreading your dentalism ideologies to my kids!!! 😤😤😤😤 🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲

  • Crazy Taylor Swift guy is a treasure of insane people Facebook.
  • Yeah I envisioned as much. It's almost like some people just don't know how to forgive and move on with life. Maybe they were spoiled too much when they were younger or something lol.

    I seriously doubt Taylor Swift did anything to this individual, but taking things again at face value, you just forgive and part of that is just moving on with life. If Taylor Swift really did do anything, then be the bigger person and let her be the one who is miserable.

    Sure, PTSD is awful; it can complicate many of these steps. However, a genuine attempt has to be made and this isn't it.

  • Crazy Taylor Swift guy is a treasure of insane people Facebook.
  • Taking everything at face value and rolling with it, wtf did this guy think when his therapist said "think about forgiveness"?

    Maybe this person is onto something. The next time somebody wrongs me, I'm going to write a song, hire a publicist, and make an entire big deal about forgiving that person! /s

  • The world’s 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
  • Personal experience so this is confirmation bias. I love my eBike. I drive it nearly all year. Winter is the exception. It's not the cold weather either, I ride it sometimes as low as 10°F (≈-12°C).

    Where I am, road conditions are the problem. Snow plows push snow into the shitty bike gutter lanes, taking away that option. You could take your chances on the sidewalk, but the city doesn't put ice melt down, so then you'd need to be weary of other pedestrians, slick spots, and other hazards that come with sidewalks. You could take your chances going further into the road, but now You're dealing with potholes, drivers who want to get by you, and still potential for more slick spots. Not safe at all. Lastly, the bit of biking infrastructure which isn't a gutter but a proper bike trail just isn't tended to at all.

    Cities say they care, throw down money to at least build something they call infrastructure, but actually maintaining it is something that normally doesn't happen.

  • The Extra Mile
  • The point of Salary is so they don't have to pay for overtime. The slave labor is the purpose, forcing people to work more than 8 is just a nice little cherry on top ☺️.

  • Anybody have any essential or recommend Trek Comics by Megan Levens, Dayton Ward, or Kevin Dilmore?

    I'm probably going to PlanetComicon in KC because some of my friends are going, and I noticed a couple of celebrities have been involved in Trek comics!

    I've been meaning to start reading some comics but keep putting it off because the amount of series to choose from is a bit overwhelming for me. I suppose now is a better time to start never!

    Dumb question: Is it safe to use extension ladder on interrior wall?

    Title is pretty much everything!

    I have these high up windows that I'd like to clean and maybe in the future install curtains on. I guestimate the wall being 20ft (6m) tall.

    For other rooms in the house I typically use an A-Frame, but it's impossible to find an A-Frame to reach that high where I am.

    I plan on draping a towel over the top of the ladder to prevent scratches and scuffs on the wall, as well as getting a rubber mat or something if the floor seems slippery. I am just not sure if drywall would support a ladder? Especially near the frame of the windows. Maybe there's something else I'm not considering as well?


    Description of image: Meme image. I can't believe he didn't cry during Titanic! Do men even have feelings? The man is crying at Picard crying in the mud.

    What do you guys do in your free time while listening to audio books?

    Like, I understand listening to them while driving to work, exercising, doing chores, etc!

    But sometimes you're in a moment and you don't want to stop listening, but you're done with your chores or something.

    I currently just sit and twiddle my thumbs but I feel like I could be doing other things. Sorry if this was a dumb question I took an edie 😅

    What are some good games to play while absolutely baked?

    I'm not talking high, I'm not talking vibing, I mean absolutely covered in cookie crumbs baked.

    Sometimes, it's nice to come home from an awful day at work, smoke a toke, and forget about problems for a minute.

    I usually would just continue playing whatever game I'm actively into at the moment. But when you're sitting there covered in cookie crumbs, maybe trying to figure out how to play Boulder Gate 3 might be too tedious for the moment.

    Vampire Survivors is what I typically play, but sometimes it's nice to have more than one option.

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