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A Monopoly on Violence
  • Fuck off. If I had a button to ban every person who upvoted it I would. Local governments all over the country make up enormous percentages of their yearly budget directly taken from the citizens in the form of “parking enforcement”. Nobody said sovereign citizen anything this is a specific issue of police and what they’re for and who they do it to. Huff glue and choke:

  • I hear Europeans gain Weight when they come here and lose it when they leave, with no change in eating habits.
  • Pretty sure you’re just being deliberately obtuse. The CIA was definitely going to be talking about the Soviet Union not under Stalin. That was most of the Soviet Union, even.

    Idk where you’re coming off that a hit against American history classes is unwarranted. US grade school education about the USSR takes a snapshot of the 1930s and then it’s the fall of the Berlin Wall.

  • I hear Europeans gain Weight when they come here and lose it when they leave, with no change in eating habits.

    Yeah no guys this is a modern food nutrition thing. Paired with -I would say- a rather mild jab at how American education has a bit of a nonsensical ‘Stalin bad’ attitude towards educating its population about the history and impact of the USSR.

    Gj 👍

    Reminder that Hamas is in Control Because Israel Doesn’t Want to Negotiate with a Moderate Government in Palestine
  • So, I don’t know. Though, I have seen the picture before and have shared it under the assumption that it is some flavor of conventional rocket attack on Israel , from the right, often made up of scavenged guided missiles, and launched by groups that have in the past intermittently enjoyed support, tacit or otherwise, from the various Western powers, and the iron dome defense system on the left.

  • Reminder that Hamas is in Control Because Israel Doesn’t Want to Negotiate with a Moderate Government in Palestine

    They want to have a terrorist group they can fight, rather than a different type of government. Like George Bush and the original Iraqi Army before we betrayed them and turned it into ISIS.

    Ethel Rosenberg was Executed for Being a Communist

    Read the article here:

    For My Local Town it’s Almost Exactly 55% to 45% cop Funding to Everything Else. What’s Yours?

    That does include parking enforcement. Which is done through that half of Townhall. Oh yeah, that’s the other part. They get literally half the real estate of town hall which is delightfully unsubtle.

    But yeah, remember specifically that freaking the cops taking on all of these duties, or having these duties thrust upon them outside of their control whatever version of this that you buy into,. Having a whole bunch of unrelated social functions being addressed under the regions of the police forces is the criticism, it’s not some separate part. Why, does parking enforcement or local security or non union road crews get organized and paid from the police department instead of the local government?

    Multiple Life Sentences for Minor in Police Shooting He did not Participate in.



    Florida is Patient Zero for American Fascism and the Libs Do Not Have an Answer to that Under the Constitution
  • I’ve really come to peace with this. I want to make lots of posts that and touch on many things, shallowly, even. Like. I do write good things and do more than just the barest funnest parts of research and verification, but like. This is the [very occasionally]shitty Anarcho socialist america bad side blog.

  • Updated States List for Bans on Trans Youth

    I’m fully just calling the “gender affirming care bans” what they are, bans on trans minors, because somebody on the main subReddit pointed out that the child brides in all of these red states do not have restrictions on ‘their’ boob jobs.

    Oh Hey Guys How’s it Going?
  • 🤷‍♂️ could be a specific thing they told me n I forgot. Maybe as simple as don’t post lemmy screenshots trying to be funny. Idrc I used to be really into that community and got back into theory about it. I had like 100k karma , maybe less maybe way more , basically every post I’d put on that sub that got really big got taken down over the last year or so. I can’t speak to why mine specifically, but so far as I can tell they straight up Went through with like their definitive rules for posts or whatever and applied it retroactively and purged basically the whole top posts page halfba dozen times over at least. Maybe I’m just last to the party but the vague rumblings about how the main sub remains borked are well founded.

  • The "#Art Block" Tag on Tumblr
  • No, it’s the last place on the internet that is actively curated instead of passively curated. You only see who you pick to follow. Can’t even blame the algorithm because there isn’t one.

  • The Cruelty is the Point
  • Def meant to put a point on … exactly how would you actually be able to tell where that line of intentionality is? and more to point, .. does it matter, really, a system is what it does and intention is irrelevant. They meant to do something

  • The Spectrum of Acceptable Politics USA
  • You realize the common sense ‘meat’ of this ‘gotcha’ is just racism, right? I mean Like, If you approach America from any perspective other than a well off Democratic enclave, or approach China as anything other than an importer..

    But yes, precisely. Seriously talking about the ways China is better than the US and how we can learn from them. What a perfect example of how “the right to freedom of speech” in the United States is a rhetorical position not an actual argument.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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