Who hasn't been affected by this? Or hasn't seen health insurance denials hurt people?
They can pay security all they want. But the security better be truly sociopathic because whatever the salaries they get paid still won't bring back friends, family, neighbors, mentors, etc.
And who says the security will be loyal? Just like who says the cops are really gonna try to catch this guy?
The hatred of the health insurance companies is truly universal. In such a divided polarized country it’s truly incredible how unifying this act of murder was.
Everyone except the politicians have to deal with these insurance companies. That includes cops and private security. How many of them have had their claims denied for their sick children or family members? No amount of money can buy off that rage.
Do you mean blackrock? FIFA and all the international sporting organizations suck and are corrupt as hell but they’re just not on the same level of evil as health insurance companies. Nestle is, but it’s evilness isn’t really in America, it’s elsewhere, and elsewhere isn’t armed to the teeth like we are.
Nestlé is Swiss, and the Swiss have a gun ownership rate that doesn't exactly say "not armed to the teeth". And they siphoning the great lakes is definitely a North American problem.
Blackstone and Blackrock deserve to be on the list.
Silly thing- Gboard swype got Blackstone first try twice, but failed twice on Blackrock, then gave me blackcock. I've never typed that as a compound word in my life.
Give it a decade or two, when the effects of climate change really start fucking people over, they lose their jobs/housing/food, that's when shit will hit the fan. We're still only at the beginning of the effect, and when they really hit it will put the squeeze on everything. The current system is cracking under its own weight.
And the housing market is just a ticking time bomb.
Resentment for Thompson was widespread at the company, the employee said, citing an internal company announcement about his death that only garnered 28 comments despite being seen by 16,000 employees.
Hopefully it never comes to that. I think it's more likely they pick a scapegoat than catch the actual assassin. The pictures that came out yesterday don't even look like the same person.
That corrupt motherfucker Eric Adams needs a win badly. Remember the Central Park Five?
That would be fucking glorious. We've already seen the rule of law not apply to politicians and the rich. Let's see how they like when it doesn't apply to common folk either.
You know what's objectively millions of times worse? Depriving dying children of Healthcare. Also, the police go around shooting people every single day. Those people are just usually working class. People only give a shit now cause this guy was a ceo, a member of the ruling class.
So is this the start of the revolution we are waiting for since we got into the stage of late capitalism? Can we finally burn those executives which leech from 99% like parasites?
Kinda reminds me of the time Ken McElroy was murdered in the middle of Skidmore Missouri during an altercation where most of the town was present and "nobody saw anything".