Vote when it's not trending? That sounds boring and hard!
Vote for the change you want to see.
The Republican party got remade because trumpists showed up and outvoted the party elites. No reason it can't happen for the Left except for laziness and apathy.
If all the progressives furious about the state of affairs now had shown up for Sanders in 2016, I doubt we'd be in this hellish timeline. Sadly, he needed the young progressive vote to show up.
Not the best argument in 2024 given the circumstance but yes, in 2020, the "we need someone to beat Trump" crowd scoffed on the idea of Warren (my pick) or Bernie. But with the current system it kind of makes less sense too since Biden mostly won support in states he had no shot winning, so by the time it was even CAs turn there was no hope.
At least in 2008 I felt like it worked. Obama was a thousand times better than Clinton.
MAGA is the result of decades of talk radio and pseudo-journalism aimed at curating a very specific way of seeing the world.
They refined a narrative that was persuasive, easy to upload into people, consistent in how it framed emergent issues, and instilled a sense of urgency that encouraged its adherents to spread the gospel and get politically active.
Obviously, we need to vote. But if you think victory is getting a Bernie 2.0 to 51% in a primary, you’re gonna be sorely disappointed by the general. It needs to be a slam dunk. We need a cultural win before we can have an electoral win.
You would vote in the Republic primaries...
Don't try to stretch the Overton window. You need to move the right side of the window left.
This is how black people in the south managed the Democratic party; by voting for the least racist Democrats in the primaries, no matter who won the general election they were better off.
It's basically ad hoc ranked choice and it prevents extremist candidates from winning.
Ah, but you see, the primaries are rigged! They're rigged because, uh, um because the democrats are scared of change, yeah, and if we want real change we have to um. We have to uh.
I kinda wish I could, but I can't vote in primaries unless I'm registered with the party and the way the nazis MAGAs have been acting I don't exactly want to put myself on a registered enemies list... I've been registered independent since 2016 :(
My state has one of the very last primaries, after the outcome is already decided. I did vote for Bernie in 2016 and 2020, but it meant nothing because he had already dropped out of the race by then.
I agree with the comic, just a kinda funny election year to post it.
Biden ran virtually unopposed in the primaries this year, despite his low approval numbers. And while you'd have to go back to the 19th century to find an incumbent denied the nomination, there have been serious challengers like Ted Kennedy to Jimmy Carter in more recent history. Seems the problem is also with lack of serious challengers, as well as lack of participation in the process from those looking for more significant change.
You know the GOP elites weren't really outvoted. A lot of them are comfortably still in office. A bunch of others just retired and handed them the keys. The biggest gift Trump gave the GOP is his ability to be a lightning rod of controversy and dominate the news cycle.
He is the best cover and distraction from their dogshit policies they could ever have dreamed of.
As a leftist who's been voting in Democratic primaries for the last 24 years: Outside of some extreme enclaves in major cities there aren't enough of us to make a difference that way.
Jerry made the Evangelicals a huge power in the GOP by simply having his people show up at every single GOP organizing meeting.
If twenty people had picked the nominee for dog catcher last term, the Moral Majority would show up with 50. Those county clerks and sheriffs were soon followed by Mayors and Governors and Congress members...