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Has anyone here emigrated from the US to the UK with school-aged kids? What were the biggest adjustments they had to make and what were their biggest challenges?
  • I have not, but I've done some immigration and have general advice:

    Immigration is expensive and very time consuming to get the required documents.

    • Figure out how you're going to get residence, what visa you'll be on, what visa your kids will be on
    • See if you have to enroll in school ahead of time
    • Test the job market by applying, interviewing, and getting offers beforehand. Even if you decline them, you don't want to be surprised
    • Make a spreadsheet of needed documentation for each person. Forgetting one thing can screw you up badly on the day you need it
    • Do everything above, twice, to make sure you didn't screw up the first time

    Imo immigration is an amazing way to live the only life you have, but make sure you put in the work to make it work. I've seen lots of immigrants give up and go back to their home country before putting in the effort to fully realize their dreams, and it's low-key sad

  • Too bad they are missing their Christmas bonuses.
  • You're understanding tariffs correctly, but the conclusion is off. I'll give an example driving tariffs to the extreme to explain:

    Imagine tariffs are so high, the US can't economically import anymore. This is effectively the same as very tight sanctions, aka like North Korea.

    Everything in North Korea is manufactured locally, and it doesn't scale. Doing things locally works great, but you focus on a couple things and trade for the rest.

    Can some tariffs help the economy? Definitely, it's a bit of a catalyst. Will a lot of tariffs hurt the economy? Also definitely.

    Maybe Trump has mathed out the exact level of tariffs to boost the economy. If, however, that is the case, he hasn't shown his work on it.

    Edit: I will caveat it is clear most people in this thread saying "even I know what a tariff is!" Are mostly wrong. So if that's why you're feeling crazy, it's because you're in a thread full of people who aren't as smart as they think they are.

  • Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this?
  • I think some people have explained it decently, but as someone who did not vote for Harris, I have a simple explanation:

    I do not want the Democratic party to think it's Ok to be slightly better than Trump.

    If I'm going to be honest, trans rights and immigration are minor issues compared to inequality and war in Gaza.

    The Dems can be better, but they choose not to. Me voting for Dems signals that what Dems are doing is acceptable, but it's not. I supported third party in 2024, and I will continue to do so until the Democrats get serious reform.

    (For those who think it would be "less bad" with Harris, that's the problem. I don't care for "less bad" when the duopoly got us here regardless. Represent the people.)

  • How did this happen?
  • Unpopular candidate? Yeah, her rallies were ghost towns.


    Crawl under the covers and scream into your pillow about Palestine or whatever unforgivable issue made you let the country down by not supporting Harris


    IT. WAS. YOU. Fuck y'all.


    The Trump campaign should pay you for all the covert advertising you do for them.

  • where you describe your bizarre situation and we guess what put you there OsrsNeedsF2P
    I'll start us off - Can you guess where this comment comes from?
    NewPipe on Linux, Using Android_translation_layer Install NewPipe on Linux | Flathub

    Free and lightweight YouTube frontend for Android

    Install NewPipe on Linux | Flathub

    This is really interesting stuff, found it on Hacker News. It's like WINE, but for Android <-> Linux:

    Advice for Long Term Relationship Success

    Today is October 25, 2024. I met my beautiful girlfriend Ena on October 27, 2017, at a computer lab in University (a fact she doesn't remember..)

    Lots of people ask us how we dated for so long - partially because our friend group is also young - but there are also a few, very conscious decisions, Ena and I made to get here.

    The Tips

    One thing that helped us enjoy a long, happy relationship, is being long distance. We spend months apart and months together at a time; the time apart gives you a chance to focus on yourself, improve your skills, and importantly, miss each other. The time together is savored. Every time we see each other, we have new stories to tell, and slightly new characteristics: It's like dating again for the first time, but you already know it's going to work out.

    Long distance isn't the only way to keep the smiles. Do things for the other person. Know your partner doesn't do the dishes? Don't nag them, do the dishes for them. Want to light a spark? Buy a gift as a surprise. The mindset is not "I'm doing X for them, so they will do X to me" - the mindset is "I'm doing X for them because seeing them happy makes me happy". This mindset is critical.

    There's also deeper investments to be made. Focus on yourself; how your career is going and how good you look is important. Nobody wants to date someone who was destined for med school but watch them give up. Nobody wants to date a 10 and watch them turn into a 6. On the latter note, one rule we have is that flirting with other people is allowed; it's a great way to keep us on our toes, but also keep us looking decent for the other person.

    Minimum expectations are clear and well defined. We are not allowed to fight (calm down and use your brain). We are not allowed to take each other to McDonalds (put in more effort). We are not allowed to cheat on each other (no explanation needed). These are non-negotiable. You would be surprised how few couples have non-negotiables clearly defined.


    If I ever meet a girl better than Ena, I will break up with Ena and date that girl instead.

    This is a statement I've told Ena multiple times, and I expect her to treat me the same way. At first it seems scary, but it encompasses two important points:

    1. We are here because we like each other
    2. We must keep improving

    Now, you might say "if Ed Sheeran came along, you wouldn't stand a chance!", and that is true- Compared to Ed Sheeran, I'm a broke potato. Which is why the bar is high: The more I improve, the smaller the chance someone better can come along. The more effort I put in, the better the future looks.


    It's easy to look at someone and say "This person is better because they're richer; because they're younger; because they're healthier; .." or any variety of things. But even if Rhianna came up to me at this point, I'm tired.

    !I'm tired boss, meme

    Ena and I have invested so much into each other. Fixing the things that annoy the other person. Pushing each other further in their careers. Sharing hobbies. Encouraging each other in sports. Growing roots through debate and vacations.

    These are not things that are done overnight. These are mountains. The thought of starting over again is tiring.

    What You Want

    At the end of the day, seeing Ena happy makes me happy, so I put in effort to make her smile. I'm content long-term knowing that with rules in place, we're improving for each other, and each year it gets better.

    I asked Ena what she would do if we broke up, and she said she would probably take a few years off dating. The investment effort is too high. But a simple, happy relationship is the payoff you're looking for.


    Male Fashion Advice OsrsNeedsF2P
    Anyone know of a store selling high quality FOSS swag?

    I've got a really nice Ubuntu sweater and I used to have some other high quality t-shirts from various open source projects (mostly Ubuntu tbh, but also other stuff). I like spending a bit of cash for stuff that lasts and is high quality/doesn't degrade in the wash. Anyone have good recommendations?

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    The Person I Wish I was

    Imagine you're back to your college years. Times are hard. You're poor. You're insecure. You're tired and you're stressed.

    Imagine you've got a tray of food you bought at the cafeteria, and you're on your way to get a seat. Boom. Someone walks into you. Your food is not only on the ground, but also on your clothes.

    You're hungry. You're embarrassed. You're pissed off. The person who walks into you says "Sorry sorry!!", and runs off.

    I saw this happen 8 years ago. Shocked, but not surprised. I felt bad for the person who had their food dropped, but I also felt bad for the person who walked in to them.

    See, I used to save every penny. A 19.95$ meal at the cafeteria was a once-a-week occurence I felt guilty buying, not a daily price. I would never want to be in a situation where my behavior caused someone to need to purchase another meal.

    Every so often, I would revisit this memory, and debate myself. Would I help pay for them to get another meal, or would I walk away? It's difficult but quick to walk away..

    Now, I see it differently. The morally correct thing to do is buy the person another lunch. That is the right thing to do. Being a bystander doesn't change anything. Anyone can say it's not their fault, but I wish I was the solution. That could have been a moment to be proud of.

    i love skewb - YouTube
    On 3rd Party Candidates

    Democrats and Republicans know 3rd parties are trash. They split the vote, have crazy candidates and can't win.

    But this isn't a post bashing 3rd parties.

    As a Democratic voter in the US, you're told "if the other party takes office, it's the end of democracy". As a Republican voter, you're told it's a chance to execute Project 2025. But this poses a serious problem, especially for the Democrats - Unless you have a way to get Dems into power perpetually, the Republicans will eventually enter office and execute Project 2025.

    Let's face it. The Democrats and Republicans brought the US to where it is in 2024. If you're fine with how things are, keep voting Republicans or Democrats. If you don't like how things are, it's time to look at tactical voting.

    Tactical Voting

    "I would vote for the Socialist party, but since they won't win, it's effectively a vote for Trump"

    3rd parties aren't trying to win. They're trying to take small steps. The electoral college is not going away, and ranked voting is never coming. But that doesn't mean you can't support 3rd party candidates.

    Thanks to the Electoral College, if you're not in a Swing state, your vote doesn't affect the election outcome, but it does affect the popularity of 3rd party candidates.

    Put simply: If you do not live in a Swing state, you can vote for a 3rd party this November.


    First, if you find yourself fully agreeing with all the policies from Democrats or Republicans, then it's highly unlikely you're forming your own opinion.

    Second, no 3rd party candidate is perfect. It would be a stretch to even call some of them good. But this isn't about winning, it's about a future where they're on the debate stage.

    Libertarian: Chase Oliver

    • Pro gun
    • Pro police reform
    • Pro choice

    Green: Jill Stein

    • Anti-war
    • Universal healthcare
    • Free public education
    • Eco-socialism
    • Worker rights

    Party for Socialism and Liberation: Claudia De la Cruz

    • Cut military budget by 90%
    • Seize largest US corporations
    • Tax billionaires out of existence
    • Universal healthcare
    • Better public transportation
    • Forgive student loan debt

    American Solidarity Party: Peter Sonski

    • Anti-war
    • Pro-life
    • Anti-same sex marriage
    • Increased border security

    (Independent): Cornel West

    • Universal healthcare
    • Public housing
    • Cut military budget


    The US is not going to magically get better. The US is not going to magically undergo major reform. The Republican and Democratic parties have every incentive to keep things how they are - but your vote still counts. Vote for the future you believe in, and stop fearing third parties.

    Want to make games for Blind people - Looking for thoughts/suggestions

    Hey blind folks on Lemmy!

    I'm an ex-mobile game dev, and noticed while searching today there's about 45 million fully blind people in the world, but I couldn't find much about games targeting blind folks.

    It seems like there's mods on existing games to assist blind people, but in my quick search there's no dedicated groups to making games for blind people as their top priority.

    I have a few questions:

    First, do you think lots of blind people would be interested in playing games? Think for like an hour or two a day.

    Second, what sort of games would be good for blind people? Are there any games you think would be fun if someone made it for you?

    Third, how would blind people like to play games? Would they prefer a phone with like one big button (i.e jump) with haptic feedback and sound, or would they prefer something like on a laptop and a screen reader?

    Forth, right now I'm thinking about making a competitive math game; you have one minute to answer as many questions as possible. I was planning on using audio/screen reader to output the question, but similar to the third question, I'm curious on what's the easiest way to input the answer.

    Problem vs Solution Mentality

    A few months back, we had a team dinner. My new skip was present, and I sat nearby for a chance to small talk.

    She said:

    > I absolutely hate when people come to me with a problem. It's the worst possible thing you can do for yourself and your career. Only come to me when you have a solution.

    In a lot of places, this attitude might come off as not caring, laziness, or harsh. But on a team of ex-FAANG engineers who all came from Ivy Leagues, the bar is a little higher.

    I love discussing complex topics with friends, but I too hate when people just talk about problems. How are you going to solve it? If not you, who can solve it and how would they? If not that, what can you do as an individual to benefit from the situation?

    The Problem Mentality

    A younger friend of mine is going through an emotional relationship. Comments to the tune of "I didn't like your attitude during dinner", or "I don't feel like you're making me a priority".

    The problem here is you're identifying issues, but expecting the other person to both make a the solution and execute it. You're running emotionally exhausted going nowhere.

    Let's look at a few more examples:

    • I can't sleep at night
    • We're not going to get the project done on time
    • Global warming is inevitable

    The Solution Mentality

    How are you going to solve it?

    Going back to the relationship example, understand no one changes their attitude over night. Now we can clearly see this isn't even a problem the other party can solve; either break up, or focus on a proxy to solve the problem.

    It doesn't matter if you're "in a long term relationship", you should do things that make yourself more desirable, and let the natural level of respect you earn go up. Whether this is reaching new goals academically or in your career, or even "hitting the gym", if you feel like your partner doesn't care about you, this will help change their mind. You can also follow the "Golden Rule", and treat your partner better first. On one hand, this sounds like gaslighting manipulation, on the other, "The grass is greener where you water it".

    Notice how I'm not even addressing the "why should I do X when he needs to do Y" - That question is a derivative of the Problem Mentality. Go to the Solution Mentality.

    Let's look at a few other examples:

    • Sister married someone you don't like? Befriend them, you're in for a long ride
    • Going to be driven to homelessness due to cost of rent? Start paying "what you can" - it makes eviction harder
    • Don't know what to do with your life? Focus on making money so you have the opportunity to decide later
    • Became wheelchair bound? Join wheelchair sports

    Who could solve it?

    Throwing this one in to address bigger questions. Who can solve the failing education system in Canada? How would they do it, and what could you do to help?

    These are fun thought experiments that you shouldn't shy away from. Even if your think your answer is stupid, at least you're practicing solution brainstorming.

    For fun, let's do this. One way to make the education system better is to pay teachers 300k a year, making it a very desirable job. Now more top (financially) motivated talent will consider a career in education instead, putting more smart people back in schools. Where will the money come from? Quick estimates show there's 400k teachers, so this would 2x the education budget and increase taxes by roughly 10%. Let's be real though; that's a small price to pay if the next generation of kids are all geniuses. To push for a change like this, you could meme about it online contact provincial reps and bring it up.

    These examples are silly, but let's entertain them.

    • How can we solve traffic congestion? Add friction to car usage so more people use public transportation -> Push for carpool lanes and tariffs on automobiles
    • How can we reduce corruption? Hold politicians accountable -> Create a website that tracks politicians' corruption history
    • How can we reduce crime? Help people get on their feet -> Donate to local shelters/food kitchens

    How can you benefit?

    Let's go back to daily life. My girlfriend was talking about the interest rates in the US and how it will ripple throughout the world. While it's interesting to talk about global trade and rent prices, there's one place I made sure to stop by in the conversation.

    > So what should we do?

    "Buy hard assets, like gold".

    Good. Actionable advice I can work with. Although I personally think gold is a terrible idea, I can work with the info she gave. You don't have to solve problems to benefit from them.

    Let's look at a few more examples:

    • Your company is going bankrupt? Network with your coworkers harder; they'll be jumping ship (statistically for more pay) as QoL goes down
    • Worried your sports team will lose? Bet against them so you come out on top either way
    • Global warming going to ruin your region? Insurance prices will skyrocket, so sell your house and lock in to rent control

    Closing Thoughts

    We covered practical and silly examples in this post. The key to remember is even when situation is shot, you can always do little things to stack the deck in your favor. It's not guaranteed to work, but over time the effort will leave you in a better place.

    Would you jump for a billion dollars?

    While hiking, some neurons fired. If I was offered a billion dollars, would I step off this cliff?

    [I would insert an image of said cliff, but iCloud isn't working so I can't]

    "Yes". After all - think about how far that billion dollars could go for the causes I support and the people I care about. I could practically yell out a will on the way to the bottom - "300M to Ena! 400M to my mum! Rest to KDE!"

    But then I thought about it more. What if I had 10 minutes to decide my will? How would I break it up more granularly? How would I ensure there's as little room for interpreation as possible, as to prevent lawsuits among the claimants?

    Much like the Trolly Problem, I naturally assumed everyone would think the same way as me (after all, who wouldn't pull that lever?)

    So without even thinking of the original premise, I turned to my girlfriend and said: You get 1 billion dollars for jumping off this cliff. Who do you distribute it to?

    My girlfriend looks at me blankly.

    "Do I die?", she asked.

    "Well, yea..", I replied. I was caught off guard by the question. "Let's say it's 99% chance of dying."

    "That's stupid. Why would anyone do that?"


    In 1981, during the Cold War, Roger Fisher made a proposal for how the nuclear launch codes should be handled:

    > "My suggestion was quite simple: Put that needed code number in a little capsule, and then implant that capsule right next to the heart of a volunteer. The volunteer would carry with him a big, heavy butcher knife as he accompanied the President. If ever the President wanted to fire nuclear weapons, the only way he could do so would be for him first, with his own hands, to kill one human being [...]"

    Ever since I first heard of this idea, I thought it was brilliant. A simple sacrafice with the potential to save millions. What a great honor that would be.

    (As an aside, this quote started my belief that, to ensure a President always put their country - not themselves - first, the president should be voluntarily executed 8 years post-election)

    But both of these ideas are continuously met by people asking "Who would do that??". But to be honest, a lot of people. Let's break it down:

    • If it costs 50$ to gain 100$, you make money.
    • If it costs 50$ to give a loved one 100$, that's probably worthwhile.
    • If there's a 50% chance your life ends to give 1,000,000 people a 1% higher chance of survival - You're basically every lifeguard on the planet, combined.

    So it may be materialistic, but a 99% chance of death to give family, friends and charities unfathomable amounts of wealth is a damn good bet. Money buys opportunities of happiness and relief of suffering. One life is a small cost to unlock that. Heck, you could probably give 1,000,000 people a 1% higher chance of survival with 1 billion dollars.

    Since I would hope others jump (and give me a share!), I have to expect myself to do at least the same. So yes - I would jump.

    As an aside, I don't think people really appreciate just how much 1 billion dollars is.

    So on to you: Would you jump for a billion dollars?

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