I agree but that's not limited to conservatism at all. Many liberals feel the same way in third person, outraged that anyone is wealthy if anyone else isn't.
They’re also incredibly terrified at all times and so if they see someone being happier than before their monkey brain says “it’s probably you who’s about to get got!” and they lose their minds.
Not really, and especially on a macroeconomic level it's the opposite of the truth.
The happiness described here is not monetary. It's stuff like gay people existing. Your economic status and your queerness shouldn't correlate. So queer people being happy with their lives doesn't take away anything from anyone else.
And on a macroeconomic level, more equal societies produce more growth and thus more wealth for everyone.
Don’t buy into the lie. Most happiness grows when shared. It’s important to have enough, but no material goods bring nearly as much happiness as the joys of other people
It's a little more complicated than that. I think conservatism is driven by many existential fears that are so strong, denying reality feels safer than facing it.
The scariest thing about Conservatives is they are getting pressed against reality and the false narrative they cling to as the only possible explanation of reality.
Their lie is so ridiculous and so obviously 'coming from inside the house' that they will now protect it with everything they are.
The only hope is that they accept a conclusion of 'I was right about everything, just the small detail of who was actually responsible needed a single puzzle piece to confirm'.
A lot of Christians are in an abusive relationship with one god that most humans don’t even believe exists. Do, say, children with cancer or natural disasters shake their faith? It seems to strengthen it. Idk.
Not sure if it was the original but I've seen one where instead of conservatives it said "beavers" and instead of "people trying to be happy" it said "flowing water".