I always knew that THIS is how kidney beans looked, I've been lied to my whole life.
28 0 ReplyBean lied to*
13 0 Reply
I call my toddler "Little Bean" as a term of endearment (well predating my knowledge of lemmy, let alone this trend). I just showed this picture to my wife and said it was a representation of our toddler when they're an adult.
My wife rolled her eyes at me.
edit: Clarification.
26 0 ReplyImagine the sounds created as this behemoth slides out of the can. I'm gonna be sick.
25 0 ReplySchlorp
11 0 ReplyIt takes a few tries so it's more like schlick schlick schloop sssccchhhlllorp
8 0 Reply
Heinz can or heiny can?
2 0 Reply
I hate that it's bean on toast
15 0 ReplyIt’s just a big bean.
13 0 ReplyThat's what they like to make you think.
5 0 Reply
I prefer mine skinny and
13 0 ReplyI think that's just a kidney, not a kidney bean
12 0 ReplyHe asked for kidney beans on toast not kidney on toast!
11 0 ReplyStop trying to make Bean happen
11 0 ReplyThe pinto potato
8 0 ReplyBig Beanis
7 0 ReplyBean there, done that
6 0 ReplyBrits are salivating.
6 0 ReplyHeinz Fetus in Placenta Concentrate.
6 0 ReplyThe Queen Bean.
6 0 ReplyI love Heinz beans. So much so, that I import the British version in the teal can even though I live 4hrs from Pittsburgh.
5 0 ReplyThats a lot of bean
5 0 ReplyAs my eyes scanned from top to bottom I felt an immense sense of dread
Here were my emotions in the form of emoji 😐 😐 🙁 ☹️
5 0 ReplyWhoops, all bean.
4 0 ReplyOpiates dung be like
4 0 ReplyContains one (1) big bean
2 0 ReplyIt's an all-bean! https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=321561888478362&vanity=futuremanonhulu
2 0 Reply0 0 Reply