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toilet rule
  • Okay it's a pooping step, I'm aware of those. But why is it blue?! I guess the source image was probably a thing about pooping steps. So it was originally blue to draw attention to it. Well it worked!

  • toilet rule
  • I want to know more about that blue block that they're stepping on. What does it mean?

  • All the time.
  • The absolute disgust that clickbait titles evoke in me is enough to turn me away. But it's become so normalized that even the legit content does it. Now I can't read. Thanks, world leaders.

  • Women desire this strength in a man for two reasons
  • That man's name? Jesus Christ. Also his cross is upside down.

  • cat facts
  • Bees riding tiny motorbikes

  • Himbos should rule the world
  • Wait you're right. So semisexual is...twice in one sexual.

  • Himbos should rule the world
  • Semisexual is once every other sexual

  • Rainbow capitalism moment
  • Silly me thought it was calling the big guy in the middle a tank

  • You can't go home again
  • This style reminds me of how my mind works when I'm drifting to sleep and thoughts/concepts start to meld in ways that they normally wouldn't.

  • Meet my new puppy: Ass!
  • Chewy (type of compliments granola bar)

  • The Pyramid of... Benben?
  • The actual mysteries are so interesting without making up stuff or bringing up the annunaki. Whoever built the original pyramids was smart as heck, knew the size of earth and probably spanned the globe yet there's like no record of what happened to them or their civilization. Then the ancient egyptians (that we actually know about) came along and were like imadethis.jpg. Source: some youtube videos.

  • NSFW
    Obesity is morally wrong and should be illegal in my opinion
  • You can't really fix it by making it illegal to be fat. But yes extreme obesity is an issue that should be tackled in many ways as it's a symptom of so many other issues. Making food corporations accountable, mental health support, education, etc.. and yeah I don't think businesses should feel obligated to cater to 400lb+ people if it's unsafe. Don't airlines have weight limits? Anyway I don't like the word "punished." Fat peeps need help not punishment.

  • 2 May 2024
  • Well now I'm getting all philosophical about it. Is it still Garfield if he's partially digested? Where does Garfield end and snake begin? Maybe it really is Garfield (without Garfield) after all. I know I've ruined it either way.

  • 2 May 2024
  • I love those. But I think this one might actually have Garfield in it.

  • Caption this.
  • Aw yiss

  • Because why not
  • Hey stranger wanna see my hog?

  • Well? Tell me!
  • Well TIL. But that's not quite what OP described.

  • Playground
  • It's just a little squeezey in the middle...and slammy at the end. Kids are small and tough, like when you drop a bug from 100 times its height and it's unharmed. They'll be fine...oh that child colored goo at the end? That's just theme decor.

  • How's that supposed to work?
  • Pretty sure it was Mark Confucious Twain Switzer....Jr.

  • Pothetato Pothetato
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