Justice Clarence Thomas argued that OSHA's authority was unconstitutional. He dissented from the court's decision to reject a challenge to the agency.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has set his sights on eliminating the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday announced which cases it would consider next and which it wouldn't. Among those the court rejected was a case that challenged the authority of OSHA, which sets and enforces standards for health and safety in the workplace.
And Thomas, widely considered to be the most conservative justice on the already mostly conservative court, wasn't happy.
In a dissent, he explained why he believed the high court should've taken the case: OSHA's power, he argues, is unconstitutional.
Is Clarence Thomas okay, like upstairs? Does he just go around pointing at random things and screaming "Unconstitutional!" ? Is "unconstitutional" in the room with us right now?
"The agency claims authority to regulate
everything from a power lawnmower's
design," he wrote, "to the level of 'contact
between trainers and whales at
I fail to see anything wrong with either thing like.. is he just mad it is not the people who sell lawn mowers should decide what's safe??
Please please please don't tell me Americans are going to dip to this new level of cognitive dissonance
The program for rolling back hard fought union victories is going full steam ahead.
I suppose the American worker could wake up to the reality that the protection against utter abuse for no pay didn't just appear out of thin air and that only their fellow worker can be relied upon to stick for them.
Just remember guys, the supreme court isn't corrupted by billionaires they just happen to only want to do things that benefit the ultra wealthy. The gifts from mega rich people to Thomas mean nothing.
Oh great. An old man who simply is getting rid of protections for average people because all he hears is how it hurts the profit margins of his good friends the uber wealthy.
We really are just heading to a split society of no class mobility and no real consideration of the poor from the rich.
And yet they wonder why the country is collapsing and people don't really want to have kids anymore.
Thomas just wants everyone to be as miserable as him. Fuck the workers! Make them feel the pain! The rest of the conservative zombies aren't as addled as him though and realize they have to keep the facade of beneficial capitalism going until climate disasters kill us all. Then they'll cancel OSHA.
Dang I can't wait for one of these bad actors to just expire. There are a whole bunch of them close to their finish line and can go any day. Why not today? Instead we get to see things erased by the billionaire class as they by-pass the democratic process. That is the real sadness here. They don't even care that we see what they are doing. They just do it. Fuck we are screwed. 3D basement printing might save America one day like it has other countries fighting for existence. Wow, what a time to be alive.
Take a look at any of the CSB's post-accident summary and recommendation videos and you'll see why OSHA is so important. These regulations are written in blood.
So, as a dumb question, what would it take for all rule-making bodies to be under the legislative branch instead of the executive branch? Do you devolve the responsibility to one house only? Do you require elected officials on these committees or can you devolve these tasks to a legislative controlled body?