.ml Tankie: "ThATs RaCiSt even though it's not about Chinese people as a whole but Xi specifically and it started in China on Weibo by Chinese users before it got censored I mean totally not censored BUT BUT ITS STILL RACIST"
Or a Crab, at least that's how he's known in Russia after he famously said that throughout his entire presidency he worked like slave (как раб) on a galley, which sounds exactly like crab (как краб)
plunge your country into war and ruin by invading a neighbor who's population is largely indistinguishable from you.
America couldn't stomach an occupation of a place on the other side of the world where the people were so foreign they might as well have been aliens. how will they stomach violence in the streets? whether from Insurgents from Canada, or their own people who rightfully decided to revolt against a terrorist regime.
Its hard to tell if this is blowhard theatre, or an actual threat. but make no mistake, attacking Canada means Civil War in America. its a red line.
The only thing more to it is that Xi tried to have it scrubbed and censored, so now it's also used to mock the dude for being a tyrannical asshat. Hittin' that Streisand Effect.
The same way calling Bibi a murderer isn’t antisemitic
I've heard from quite a few ranking Democrats that calling Bibi a murder is antisemitic.
Government leaders are not a protected class/race, sorry.
Why do westerners insist in finding excuses to inject racist caricatures into a discussion about civil rights? I simply don't understand why shouting "Look at Netanyahu, the greedy hook-nosed jew holding a bag of gold!" benefits anyone in any way. It just seems like 4chan levels of racism-for-racism's-sake.
Are all liberals this desperate to spew slurs or is it just the terminally online ones?
You don't know the Streisand effect? Look it up. The meme started as a joke on a Chinese forum and spread on its own, then Xi started forbidding its use, which riled people up popularizing the meme even more. It's a clear case of the Streisand effect.
Don't care what some Democrats do. I'm not American and my statement stands.
It's not racist tho??? The Bibi reference you used explicitly calls him a Jew and uses a known Jew caricature, it's completely different from a meme originating in China based on the low resblance both in posture and figure, nothing to do with skin colour.