Keanu Reeves is an actor who has starred in a number of popular movies including Speed, The Matrix, and John Wick. He is revered in the online community for being a wholesome person who tends to do the better thing, or at least avoids being terrible.
So if he is actually supports the charlatan who made this series then that would be disappointing.
In the series, Hancock argues that an advanced ice age civilization was destroyed in a cataclysm, but that its survivors introduced agriculture, monumental architecture and astronomy to hunter-gatherers around the world. He attempts to show how several ancient monuments are evidence of this, and claims that archaeologists are ignoring or covering up this alleged evidence.
Reverse nepotism baby that wants to play archaeologist on Netflix. He's also extremely paranoid that "big archaeology" (lmao) is out to get him because he cannot handle criticism from people that know what they're talking about. Tldr weirdo on Netflix that thinks he's a martyr.
Ancient Aliens is fun because the crazy people are so excited and engaged. They promote willful ignorance and antiscience stuff too, but at least we got Stargate out of the ancient astronaut malarky.
This guy is boring and smugly antiscience. When the show came out, before I knew who he was and without warching a preview, it seemed like it was going to be about ancient cultures that atalled because of climate change or something along those lines. Nope, took a hard left into stupid territory.
It is frustrating that these jerks ruin actual discussion about ancient cultures being older than we think. Especially when we keep finding older evidence of innovation or oceanic travel that double our estimates on the earliest examples. Like there had to be a significant period of human innovation prior to the oldest sites we know of with massive stone megaliths. The smaller pieces are just harder to find, or may not be recognizeable as intentionally carved!
Don't have a boat in this race, but banning him from otherwise open historical sites because they don't like his ideas is not scientific, but more like the mediaeval Catholic church.
Science is full of bigoted thinking as any other discipline. If you don't already know this, you have never met a scientist.
Having said all that, it is a silly idea, but I enjoy the incidental geology that he employs to illustrate his argument. Not that I buy into the argument itself.
Quacks get banned/shunned because they're usually obnoxious and abusive, not because they hold fringe ideas. If it was only the latter they'd fit right in in most fields.
Well of course you're not going to see anything negative on a show recorded and produced by the person you're talking about. Historical sites aren't just about the infrastructure/items, it's about honoring the memories and past lives/accomplishments of our ancestors. In regards to the "snake" banning, that site already was embarrassed by a previous recording of ancient aliens, and historical sites have learned not to let organizations and promoters take over and misrepresent the cause and importance of those sites. From my understand they don't even let in people like NPR, they are there as an educational resource and not to be hijacked as proof for a theory they don't represent.
Now if it was an actual scientist working on a scientific research paper? Sure, be outraged. A guy trying to film a show looking for evidence to prove a hypothesis? (not how the scientific method works) Completely delusional to get upset about it.
Very good explanation, and I respect your point of view.
Even with that in hand, scientists can still be sometimes too precious. Being the official and truth holder of all things can also keep gifted amateurs out of the running. I'm not anti-science, I'm a fan. There is a long history of professionals jealousy guarding a patch that is not necessarily always ethical.
"According to Hancock, the ancient pyramid Gunung Padang in Indonesia and the ruins of Nan Madol in Micronesia were both built by an “advanced civilization” more than 20,000 years ago during the last ice age. However, present-day Pohnpeians say their oral histories passed down through generations describe the city of Nan Madol as being built by their ancestors beginning around 1,000 years ago – a timeline supported by historians and archaeologists.
Professor Patrick Nunn, who specializes in researching Pacific geography and archaeology at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that Hancock’s theories about who built Nan Madol strip Indigenous peoples of their rich histories and can be traced to “racist philosophies” and “white supremacist” ideologies of the 19th century."
So criticise Hancock's theories. Nobody is saying that archeologists can't do that scientifically.
What I'm suggesting is that acting all butthurt when confronted with alternate theories and banning amateurs from entering the field is akin to protecting the priesthood.
Once again, not defending Hancock's ideas, but I'm being critical of science's reaction to them. Anyway, you guys are not very adroit in doing so. We are about to start watching the third season and he's using your actions to fuel the fire.
Nobody is banning amateurs or being butthurt when confronted with alternative theories that make sense in any way, shape or form. His so called theories make zero sense, have no evidence and investing all that time and effort debunking for free, when he is actively being paid to produce that bullshit, is something that most people don't have the time or resources to do.
And such disinformation butchers critical thinking, but it is great to produce revenue for Netflix and himself, so since he is financially motivated not to change course or even acknowledge his bullshit views, then he can not be considered as a valid source of theories.
Science isn't perfect either, a fact which scientists tend to push under the rug.
I'm an old fart, so I can remember the great scientific scare campaign of the 1970. Global cooling. It didn't come from the great unwashed masses either, it can from professional researchers in white coats and worried brows. They got it wrong, and contributed to the beginnings of scientific distrust we have today.
Spare me the whole diatribe about intellectual fraud. You guys need to get your act together and communicate better rather than just sit in the friggin clouds and tut tut against the hoi polloi.
My recent favorite is anthropology ignoring all evidence of women hunting because it didn't fit social morals of the researchers. Even finding women buried with shields and weapons and people still making excuses.
That's a good example. Another is from my country, Australia. The idea that the Aborigines were just nomad hunter gatherers was seriously upset by the discovered fish farming settlements in the north of the country as well as the remains of basic stone buildings. Settler farmers have been destroying the evidence of these artifacts for 150 years because they upset the politics of "peaceful European settlement".
He's like that Aliens history channel meme. He believes in completely made up prehistory theories, like there was an advanced civilization that existed alongside the cavemen. He took too much acid one time in his life and never returned to earth.
There's a few videos on YT about him, particularly about his newest show and reintroduction to an unaware younger audience who isn't familiar with his tricks. I'd suggest potholer54's critique of the episodes, not only for breaking it down on why Hancock is woo crazy, but also reading the comments where lots of times you get defenders trying their own attempts of logic spin. It's funny and sad at the same time.
I hope Keanu isn't a sucker about this stuff. I believes some of Hancock's ideas too once, but to be fair I was like 11. I can only hope he was playing along and every time Hancock mentions a new fact Keanu goes "whoa..."