I follow a guy (Matt Taylor) who studies a branch of Christianity called the New Apostolic Reformation, a branch that's like if Evangelical theology, prosperity gospel, and morals merged with traditional charismatics. Lots of prophecies. These are also the Seven Mountains Mandate people--the people who believe they should be in charge of the 7 pillars of culture, like media and education. He posted a a zoomed out version of the above picture, labeling everyone he recognizes from NAR. The NAR has been courting Trump since his first term. Trump is delivering for them.
In case anyone wants to see the post. It's not an organization that only liberal Lutherans supported either. LCMS (the larger conservative branch) supported this organization for years, too.
Fair warning to everyone, it's an older doc (2006ish), but very worth watching. And I liked, later, going and watching the movies that it uses as examples to talk about issues. I'm especially thinking of "But I'm a Cheerleader", but there are lots.
I went to HS early/mid 00s, and for my school district of 5 highschools, there was one career center. That's where they put shop and cosmetology and graphic design (and ASL for some reason?) I dropped band in my senior year. I wasn't that great, hated the marching part especially. I wanted to do graphic design (not that great at it either, come to find out!). A band director literally pulled me aside one day, urging me to rethink my choice. That career center was 'for kids who weren't college bound.' I guess it couldn't help me as much as he thought band could have? 🤦♀️
I don't want another fucking war. If we're war-mongering, as happened before the Iraq war, we shouldn't just ignore it.
Is it worth calling/emailing them to demand a refund? Especially if you were there for any specific journalists that are leaving? I think it would be very reasonable for WaPo to have to hear from its subscribers about these changes.
Think you're still missing the point that he was one of the least harmful (on a presidential scale), most genuine good people we've had as president in a looooong while. Maybe ever.
Not a gambler, I don't think that money would feel right anyhow. There's nothing about a trump presidency that should feel like a win.
And yeah, I grew up hearing sermons about how women should never be in positions of power over men. And then there's also the deep and abiding racism that's been with us longer than the idea of democracy. I hoped enough people would see the bigger picture. But no, missed out on my chance to be rich I guess.
In the States, I was getting ads during election season letting me know that I could bet on the outcome of the election. It's madness.
I have an older family member who is severely mentally disabled and always has been. His medical records diagnosed him as r*tarded. The adults diagnosing him at the time didn't understand enough about mental conditions and their differences when he was a child. So kids like him were diagnosed with that. It did have more 'legitimate' uses than it does in our current context. Doesn't make it good or right, doesn't mean they shouldn't have tried to be more specific either. That legacy leads to now where we have the nuance and resources to do better. I am glad it's more and more relagated to the past as it's consistently been used to dehumanize people.
'normalizing kids being part of their parents lives' bullshit
Most jobs I've had would fire you if you brought your kid to work.
How is he going to be running a department on efficiency with a lil kid running around? A lot of people remember working from home with their kids at home...
Crocheting is an inexpensive, versatile hobby that could absolutely result in art that you could sell online. Seriously, with a bit of string and a funny stick, and you can make lil stuffies, hats, scarves, etc. You can make cute ones, nerdy stuff, appeal to different fandoms/online communities. If you create a decent inventory, perhaps a local place by you would also feature your products for a cut.
I've seen cool button making machines for relatively inexpensive ($60~), but then you would need to have access to a printer and ink, so overall that's a more expensive project. But that's another option to think about as well.
Drivers make a texit when they take an unpaved exit off a freeway/highway.
I've seen that gunman --he has an absolutely dazzling smile. $50k pls 🫱💰
I love Bernie too! We have that in common.
But you're take is only part of the point he's making though. The government is failing people in large part because such a small segment of the population has enormous sway over who gets to be in government.
I had a much longer response that got deleted when the app force closed on me 😮💨
I really did want to weigh in from your original post, though, how you argue that billionaires make jobs, make products, make the world better. Like, sure, some do, but the ones at the top? Big corporations? No, they don't. Literally, Walmart workers have relied on government assistance programs due to poor pay for decades. Companies like Toys R Us get bought up by billionaires and liquidated for more money as employees lose their jobs. Or billionaires buy things that shouldn't be profit driven--where is that return on investment going to come from? These are billionaires choices, not Congress or City Council or whatever, that directly shape society negatively. Sure, governments allow it--especially governments that billionaires have bought.
I used to be against limits to billionaires (I still kind of am, I'd prefer minimum/maximum earning ratios), but actually watching them work and change in the world, I have seen that they have too much power with too few checks. I mean, hell, from a global warming perspective, it's hard to find what I, as a little person, do matters at all. I could die tomorrow and produce no more carbon emissions (beyond my body's offgassing), and it wouldn't change anything. Meanwhile, some small percentage of people, just like in Bernie's tweet, contribute much more each day than I will in my whole life. Fuck, man.
The billionaires aren't the problem?
I do get your point. It's bad to take joy in the pain of other people. That it is bad as a society that we celebrate the deaths of our fellows. I don't really want vigilante justice to become our norm--that's how gangs and cartels come to prominence. I'd much rather have institutions that do their damn jobs so the common person doesn't believe justice can only be found at the end of a gun. The billionaires keep voting/promoting to break those institutions though!
"- that's just bad interpretation and a pretext-justification for bad behavior. If I was abused or even neglected I'd be granted a divorce. Different doesn't mean better than the other, it means important in their own unique way"
I dunno man, I've been working through a lot of the gender-essentialist garbage I was raised in, and this just takes me back to so many childhood conversations with teachers at church where I would ask why someone couldn't do something (where the answer was because they were female), and I'd say that sounds sexist; then I'd get fed the platitudes about how men and women were created for different roles. It was a line that was used to shut me up, personally.
You can personally believe that women should get to choose their own path, but how are women considered in your society & the wider Islamic world if they choose to work instead of get married? I know Afghanistan is not in the Gulf, but it is known for following strict Islamic law. I've been seeing news headlines TODAY about female midwife/nursing students now being forbidden to continue their studies. It was the last path of higher education available to them. How are women supposed to know their rights or how they should be treated if they cannot get education? Again, I've heard story after story of women (middle eastern and western, Muslim and Christian) who were raised to believe they had to obey their fathers on everything, who were homeschooled, who didn't understand what they deserved. How would those women, do you think, advocate for themselves in a marriage contract? I'd be fucking pissed if at 30 I found out I could have written "no other wives, no gambling" but no body told me. That feels like a trap.
I don't know specifically about divorce in the Muslim world--is that relatively easy to get? Again, here in the West, divorce is relatively easy to get. It's still really hard, really expensive. And pastors regularly tell women who are being abused not to leave their abusive spouses (https://julieroys.com/woman-john-macarthur-church-stay-abusive-husband/ as an example, though there are plenty more that don't make it into the news). And most of the churches that counsel women this was are invariably gender-essentialists. Biblical Manhood & Womanhood philosophy, even when they don't use those precise terms. Additionally, a lot of people coming out of abusive relationships report later that they couldn't see just how abusive their situations were until they were months or years out. So honestly, how do you know you could get out of an abusive situation? Do you have a secret stash of money? Do you trust your family to help you, or your religious leaders? Just because something should be available under the correct circumstances doesn't mean it is. If it is there for you, I'm am so glad. Truly. I'm glad you have a relationship that works for you and you feel secure in your life. But pushing that women and men are different, or that women need men as guardians, normalizes attitudes that really do result in hurt and subjugation.
I appreciate your answer, but this view ("I wish to be treated right as a woman; which is not at all the same as being treated like a man") is fucked up. Maybe it works for you and your husband/sisterwife, but if y'all got kids? They deserve to know and believe that men and women aren't some wildly different creatures. Everyone needs food, and kindness. Everyone deserves to go outside, explore, feel the warmth of the sun on their skin. If you wish to forgo what you deserve, that is your choice. But women and men both deserve dignity, respect, and care, and not in separate all-womem-must-be-treated-differently ways.
Here in the West, conservative Christian groups have been pushing Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, about divine differences between the genders. And that leads to women constantly being spiritually pushed around and silenced. And it also leads to more women who think they deserve abuse, subordination, and who won't get themselves out of harmful situations.
I see in the linked comment that you come from a region with lots of house help. Most women, maybe not the ones visible in your circles, do not have the luxury to push off their household duties with money. And many women don't want to be caged in their houses with that as their only path in life. Women deserve more than one narrow path. I've heard a lot of former Muslim women talk about their own marriages--none of them discussed getting to advocate for themselves in their marriage contracts--maybe more often the fathers are supposed to do to that for them?
Honestly, it sounds like you're trying to peddle this tradwife life, knowing your wealth and apparent power through marriage contract has you in a much greater position of power than most women in the Islamic world.
KillKeo means plan
While their goonies work to outlaw abortion and birth control and divorce. What a neat combo pack.

But man, I remember that party at the bookstore being so fun. I'm a little late for the 16 year exact, but I found the sticker today.