Any recommendations on where to look? Specialized Sr Software Architect with a lot of Healthcare and Defense experience. I just need to be able to bring my family. Completely unconcerned about any amount of paycut. I just want my children to grow up safe. I've been looking at Ireland mainly, but open to any suggestions.
I'm looking forward to hearing all the people that say raising taxes would lead to all the talented people leaving the country addressing this.*
Realistically I understand that they're all talentless lying bastard failsons that just wanted to make more passive income from their family's wealth and no journalist will ever challenge them on it.
Back in 1945 you know how many people America took in who did any kind of scientific work. wernher von braun may be the most famous. That was just to insure that America would be leaders in the world. Now it doesn't seem America wants to have anything to do with leading the world in any field to progresses america as a country.
I left the US for Germany almost 2 years ago now. I'm a software/aerospace engineer. It was like time traveling to the future in some ways, worker right are way better here and 6 weeks of vacation has cemented that I'll never go back.
Now I just need to do my part to make sure conservatives don't ruin this country any more than they already have. Not excited for Merz to get into power and continue selling out his country.
Makes me wonder where all that money is going? I mean they must be making billions in those funding cuts. Are they all gonna funnel that money into Russia and tech oligarch's pockets?
The low prospects of jobs for undergrad who don't have enough experience for grad schools also turns people completely away from being a scientists to, unless you have research published or significant experience in lab work prior to graduating you won't get far, it's also harder to get into them health, like
Take me with you, I'm neither an average fighter nor a brilliant scientist, but you can't live a trans-sister to die in this wasteland of burgers and guns!
Lol calling this brain drain is ridiculousnin my opinion. Nazi germany didntnhave brain drain, they also removed the peoplenwho didnt think like they wanted them to.
I was planning to try and immigrate to Europe from the shithole country I was born into. The last thing I need is Americans competing with me for the same. Grrrrr