President Donald Trump revealed on Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast an executive order instructing Attorney General Pam Bondi to seek out and prosecute "anti-Christian bias.""To confront such weaponization and religious persecution, today I'm signing an executive order to make our Attorney ...
There's a group of people that go around in white sheets with pointy hats and they burn crosses, often on other peoples property. That seems pretty anti-christian to me and should be the first to be investigated.
I have a family member who told me last year that they believe Christians are the most persecuted group in the USA, even more so than gay people.
In truth it was very challenging to stay calm in the face of someone saying something so blatantly biased and false. Packaged as an opinion, of course, but presented as the truth.
I asked questions and challenged some of the statements being made, but I know for a fact that the only thing I accomplished is that she's unlikely to make that particular statement in front of me again. No minds were changed that day. It's just sad.
As someone who actually IS persecuted in this country for things I cannot change about myself, I really don't get why someone would want to live under the delusion that they are being persecuted when they otherwise aren't. It's not fun and there's no benefit to being persecuted.
I mean he can sign it, it’s going literally nowhere. But if this ain’t proof that there’s a genuine desire to install a theocracy in the US, then I don’t know what will convince anyone.
The fact that a President even suggests this is a clear tell that some want the US being Iran but with Jesus.
Jesus is pretty cool. You show me a christian who follows jesus' teachings, and I'll have mad respect. You give me some dipshit doing the most anti-christlike shit imaginable, but with crosses all around, and I'll make fun of him forever. Just a way of un-tarnishing the brand.
And by "anti-xtian bias" he means, not properly privileging xtianity.
That's what these assholes complaining about xtian "persecution" ALWAYS mean. They hate to be ignored, too. Being told that their rules are FOR THEM and not anyone else in their book club, it absolutely infuriates them.
"To confront such weaponization and religious persecution, today I'm signing an executive order to make our Attorney General, who's a great person — she's going to be a great Attorney General — Pam Bondi the head of a task force, brand new, to eradicate anti-Christian bias," Trump said.
I feel like Trump’s quote here from the article is even worse than the headline suggests.
First is the use of the word eradicate rather than prosecute. It’s a much more dehumanizing tone, as if there a bunch of pests that need to be wiped out.
And second, which is no surprise but is even more worrying, is how much praise he put on Bondi there. That means loyalty to a person rather than to a nation or constitution.
Doesn't this still require specific existing laws (as in actual statutes) to charge someone with violating? Or can they just charge and convict on arbitrary things they don't like, now?
Fuck Pam Bondi and fuck fascist POS orange idiot! But above all fuck christians...all POS religions for that matter...religion poisons everything! Just imagine how much better off the world would be without the religious BS! What is brown nosing pam going to do with anti christian bias? Punish me for a hate crime? Thought crime? Fuck all religious ideology!
It's about time. Those poor christians have always been marginalized in the USA, just like white men who own property. And billionaires. And the 1% in general. When will someone finally think of them?
If you can't read sarcasm in the above, you're too illiterate to be on the internet. Get off the internet.