Skip Navigation The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins

I started looking through corrupt Winamp skins and it lead me down some very strange rabbit holes

Very interesting article!

I'm in a promo loyalty program to receive text messages and to read their message, I need to download their app
  • Also don't use the tools in the built in image markup for censoring information, as they can sometimes be slightly translucent.

  • PSA: Grayjay is really good
  • When grayjay first came out I was heavily downvoted for saying this, and I'm probably going to be downvoted again, but although grayjay does look pretty good, I'm never going to actually use the app because it doesn't have light mode, which I use because it is easier on my eyes. It is weird that for such a longstanding app, they couldn't just add some other styles, but oh well.

  • New youtube layout?
  • Lemmy absolutely does have a save option

  • What's your favourite harmless prank you've seen IRL?
  • Oh yeah I remember my friend hid a whole noise machine with doors and nether portals and everything somewhere under my base and out took so much time to find it.

  • Any suggestions for specific world gen on java?
  • This is just for the overworld: I can't find anything that significantly changes the shape of the nether.

  • Microblog Memes Interstellar_1
    What's on your "Everyday Carry" USB stick?
  • I carry one in my bag so I can easily transfer files to our from my instructor's computers without having to fuss around with email or my Google drive account

  • Videos Interstellar_1 "Fall", A Cinepoem by Joe Pera "This 'cinepoem' fulfills my inclination to combine Eastern-inspired poetry with Western-influenced filmmaking and East-meets-West-style royalty-free music." -Joe Pera

    "Fall", A Cinepoem by Joe Pera

    "This 'cinepoem' fulfills my inclination to combine Eastern-inspired poetry with Western-influenced filmmaking and East-meets-West-style royalty-free music."

    -Joe Pera

    Do you know any mobile games that don't suck?
  • Peglin is super fun. It's wood-described as a peggle rouglike

    Fancade is also great. It's an open engine for little arcade games, so there's always something new to play. There's different modes like an adventure mode and a battle mode. There are IAP's but they're purely optional and very unnecessary.

  • does anyone use a modern screen-foldable phone as their regular phone?
  • The Z fold is the size of a standard phone, yes, but it unfolds in half.

  • Rush E 3 - XaviLR
    When did Microsoft stop developing Windows to be good?

    Nowadays Windows is filled with adware and is fairly slow, but it wasn't always like this. Was there a particular time where a change occurred?

    Videos Interstellar_1

    Probably my favourite con video ever. The editing, syncing, and cinematography is all so good.

    Videos Interstellar_1
    Over 300 fursuiters danced "Mela!" - Ryokuoushoku Shakai - YouTube Full ver

    Such an incredibly effort here.
