see the joke is, in the USA, if you were taught in public schools, you were told the "mitochondria is the power house of the cell" as an analogy. you were told this many times, on repetition
At my school, they showed a video about all the different parts of the cell where each part was a character with a different "job" and looking back it was pretty racist. I specifically remember that the Lysosome was a garbage man with a Mexican accent. Very cool science video for children... very cool 🫤
One of my profs described the nucleus as the "power house of cell operation". You could just about measure the speed of sound by tracking the wave of students' faces transitioning to pure confusion.
Some chaotic evil shit right there. That mofo knew exactly what he was doing.
ATP basically packages the energy, like wires, or the battery.
But the power-house/generator that makes them would be the mitochondria under most circumstances, since one of the main mechanisms to do that lies within the mitochondria.