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The Supreme Court Wants a Dictator
  • Make sure to use official White House stationary for it, that way it's official presidential business.

  • dudes will say there are only 2 genders and then post this
  • The kind of mind that seeks to be better than others at all costs

  • Supreme Court kicks cases about tech companies’ First Amendment rights back to lower courts − but appears poised to block states from hampering online content moderation
  • Voting without being politically active does do fuck all. But not voting ensures that the people you really don't want to win can do so without any pushback.

  • Supreme Court kicks cases about tech companies’ First Amendment rights back to lower courts − but appears poised to block states from hampering online content moderation
  • I want to get off of Mr Bones Wild Ride

    Seriously though this is why being politically active AND voting is God damned important.

  • China starts smartphone inspections to boost 'anti-espionage efforts', raising fears among expatriates and foreign business people about arbitrary enforcement
  • It really is a beautiful country with a bunch of really beautiful landscapes, but unfortunately due to their government I wouldn't dare go to it.

    Kinda like Florida, beautiful state with a bunch of beautiful beaches and fantastic weather but due to political reasons I wouldn't dare visit.

    Edit: Spleling

  • Finding your motivation
  • Typical Boomer

  • T-Mobile In Trouble After It Decides To Build Cell Tower That Is 'Not Safe' For Residents
  • It works great

    Literally able to us the WiFi in a metal barn 50 yards away on the otherside of a garage

    It doesn't faff about

    Mowing the field at her place my phone will stay connected to the WiFi basically the whole time, the only WiFi blind spot that I had to fix was on the far side of her property where there's 2 metal barns, a garage, and a wall of her house between you and the broadcast equipment.

  • T-Mobile In Trouble After It Decides To Build Cell Tower That Is 'Not Safe' For Residents
  • It's a small farm and yeah it's Ubiquiti hardware though I don't think they sell it anymore. The last time I looked through their website I couldn't find it again.

    Though here's the Amazon link

    Basically this thing is located on one end of the property and on the other end there's a nano station hooked up to a router because there was still a WiFi dead zone that she wanted covered. But given that that spot was inside a metal barn on the otherside of another metal barn I wasn't surprised.

  • T-Mobile In Trouble After It Decides To Build Cell Tower That Is 'Not Safe' For Residents
  • Hell the high power WiFi equipment I installed at my Grandma's house had warnings about keeping a few feet clear of it when powered on due to health concerns and that's just WiFi equipment. I can't imagine the dosage of gnarly from a 2m powered dish.

    ‡ I installed that equipment because she wanted WiFi on all 10 acres of her property and she didn't want me to install more stations around her property. Now she has the broadcast equipment in her garage with a tape line on the floor like it's a Goddamned radiation research facility lol

  • I'm Bi [Rule]
  • They do grow really funky like that but not in nature

    Basically they only grow like that if regrown by people

  • Category 5 Titty Rule
  • Didn't know anything about this, looked into it, yeah those tig ol'bitties look like they want to escape pretty bad.

    Thank you for providing the link to the Tumblr post BTW

  • Category 5 Titty Rule
  • Why? Because they have different standards of what they find attractive?

    Different strokes for different folks friend

  • Webp Discourse
  • I'd so much love for webp support to increase

    It's so much better than sending jpegs to people

  • c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • After going on over for a look around I agree with you.

    Not voting is horrendously dangerous for the most vulnerable groups especially in this upcoming election.

  • [article] Japan is inventing trains
  • I see you stopped reading my comment there.

    I listed some reasons in the comment literally right after that.

  • Supreme Court strikes down Chevron, curtailing power of federal agencies
  • An unsurprising decision but still horribly disappointing.

  • [article] Japan is inventing trains
  • The fact that it's Japan (a place with a damn good rep for trains) planning to make a giant conveyor system between 2 cities rather than a freight line is what's so shocking to me.

    They're going to have to clear a lot of stuff for a big conveyor system why not do it properly and go with freight trains?

    Trains are a tried and true method of moving freight, they have a bunch of skilled engineers already versed in trains, they have all the necessary industry for getting the parts for those trains built, etc, etc. This just screams stupid AF and wasteful AF to me.

  • Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • Oh yeah it was a typo but it was autocorrected weird, the keyboard on my phone has definitely been making some odd choices for corrections lately.

    At least it's better than search results via Google, those have gone to shit lately

  • Based Chaos Player

    Every chaos player I've met has held the same opinion though my sample size is fairly small.

    I primarily play Orks currently but I'm working on getting into the Chaos. I'm just struggling to pick a specific kind of army for it. Any suggestions?

    Happy Pride Month folks!

    Craigslist Roommates [Rule]
    Based PhysicsDuck [Rule]

    I recently watched a video from the YouTuber Chris Boden (PhysicsDuck) and saw an unhinged comment in the comment section that he replied to. I thought his reply was great so I felt like sharing.

    Start image description: A YouTube comment section with a comment with the username censored and a reply from the YouTuber PhysicsDuck.

    The comment reads: What is with the gay pride?! Im so sick of seeing this everywhere. Why is it necessary to shove this down everyones throat? Unsubbed!

    The reply from PhysicsDuck: What are you on about? Are you ok? Do you smell toast?

    There’s nothing in the entire video that is in any manner gay. I’m a nerdy middle aged straight white dude talking about how we measure the diameter of wire and cable, and you’re having a homoerotic existential crisis? Really?

    Am I just that overpoweringly attractive to you that you can’t fight these feelings anymore and have to ragequit the channel while screaming about “gay” and how necessary it is to have something shoved down your throat?

    Because, while I'm not gay, I’ve got a LOT of family, friends, and viewers who are every imaginable fabulous fruity flavour of sparkly awesome you can imagine, and I’m sure that one of them would be happy to help you fulfill your fantasy, if you ask nicely.

    It’s ok, no judgement or kinkshaming here. Come out of the closet, it’s too damn crowded in there anyways.

    I love you, just the way you are.

    Good luck.

    End image description.

    Edit: Video source

    Trump found guilty [Good News][RULE]

    In the Hush Money trial to all 34 counts!

    Woot woot!!!


    Folders and files sorted skipping preceding underscores?

    I'm in the process of switching my machines to Linux Mint from Windows and on my network drive I have a bunch of folders that are sorted with the help of preceding underscores (like this "__folder1" "___folder2")) so that folders appear in a specific order.

    When my Mint machines access the drive they sort by the first letter skipping the underscores and I'd really like to have that functionality back rather than having to rename a bunch of folders to try to sort them again. (I'd like to avoid a preceding 'A' workaround if possible as there's a bunch of folders)

    Any suggestions? A setting I'm missing (very likely) or something?

    Edit: The more I look the more it looks like I'm going to have to make a custom locale to be able to get the sorting I want from the default Mint file manager.

    When the new player tries to meta game but can't find the info on what they just encountered

    At the last session the player in question tried to look up the town they just got to because they recognized the name, they quickly found out that all I had was the name the rest of it all was made up by me on the spot.

    Recommendations for grass Tufts for mini bases

    I'm wanting to add grass Tufts to my mini bases as my bases are boring AF currently (typically primer grey with some paint splashes from the minis feet lol)

    I've got Vallejo Ground Texture stuff (dark earth brown, grey pumice, and a sand brown) that I'm going to be using on some bases for some bases but I'm feeling little grass tufts would add a lot to liven them up.

    So recommendations for what kinds of grass would be awesome as I'm pretty lost looking at them.

    Photography Gormadt
    Colorblindness and editing in Lightroom (or other software)

    So I've got a bit of color blindness going on (a bit blue and yellow, a bit more red and green (not to mention some colors are painful but that's a different story lol)) and I had a question about editing pictures to show what different colorblindness looks like. My friends keep asking me how I see things and I'd love to show them.

    I've been editing pictures for years but I'd say I still have a lot to learn in the color grading and color space departments (not like it's easy for me lol)

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I primarily use Lightroom but I've been learning Dark Table recently. So either would be fine.

    Bear [Rule]

    Image description: a cartoony bear wearing a hat that says "Women want me, fish fear me." End of image description.

    I don't know who Wayland is

    If anyone wants to give an ELI5 or a link to a video that ELI5 I'd be incredibly thankful

    I swear that all the stuff I find is like super in depth technical stuff that just loses me in no time flat

    Gormadt Gormadt

    I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.

    It's SFW, don't worry.

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