how do i find someone who wants to change my wound dressing? (i can't reach it)
i don't have friends
I DON'T HAVE FRIENDS. this post isn't about wound dressing.
it seems like i need to make some friends just so there can be someone i can trust who can help me when i can't help myself due to health reasons
i think i never asked anything from a friend in the past. how do you ask such a thing from a friend?
idk at what level of friendship you can ask something like that?
idk how to have such a friend?
how do i make friends for this purpose?
title was an example. other examples: you might need someone to accompany you at your hospital night stay after your surgery. you might need someone to drive you to a hospital after you break your foot or lose consciousness
It's tough. If you're in a medical emergency type of situation, or are sick and need help, there are a lot of services that can help. You can go to urgent care or ask your doctor. If you don't have insurance and live in the US, I'd probably encourage you to dial 211 for resources.
Making friends is not easy. But I think you should keep trying and just remember not to give up. I think the first step is just putting yourself around people, and not expecting anything as an outcome. What do you like to do for fun?
You might need to specify the wound placement. I'd change a dressing on a leg or a foot of a colleague or acquaintance, but if its a more sensitive area that might require an actual friend.
Can you go to a medical clinic or ER and get it changed?
Don't go to the ER. They'll charge you an outrageous amount. Call your doc and see if you can just schedule a nurse visit. Before you go to urgent care, call them and let them know what you need and ask what they'll charge. Make sure you don't go to one that says ER
I don't know what your friends are like, but I'd be comfortable asking my best friends something like this.
Edit: ok, if you don't have friends or family you can call upon, this is simply aftercare from a healthcare professional. Dunno if you live in a proper country or America, but that's the truth of it.
engage. radically listen. remember details and ask about them later. how do you find this audience? check out community meetups online or at libraries or advertised in game shops or coffee shops. start by asking someone a question, then offer info... give and take. make jokes. laugh at theirs.
In my experience, you make friends by being a friend. Some people just acquire a collection of friends to do things with, those are good people to start with. I invited one of our gay coworkers to a concert (because he liked the band) and now all my kids love him and we also go to yoga together. He is definitely someone who collects friends, he does hang out still with other people who used to work here.
Someone like that is a good place to start, to practice having friends. Once you are more comfortable with people it will be easier. You only have to be involved at the level you want, but basically I'd say if you want someone who would change your medical dressing that needs to be someone for whom you would do the same. That's how you would know it's ok. For me I would get an appointment with the walk in and pay, instead of asking someone who doesn't know what they are doing.
what do you mean by a good person? every human has good and bad in them. there is no such thing as a good person:
Humans or modern humans are the most common and widespread species of primate, and the last surviving species of the genus Homo. They are great apes characterized by their hairlessness, bipedalism, and high intelligence
there are people who make me feel good because they give me various benefits. is that what you mean?
let's say i followed your advice. then i also need to be open to forming connections. no? I think i currently enforce a boundary that keeps me friendless. any thoughts on that?
What kind of boundary do you mean and why is it so strong as to prevent friendship? Does it even prevent acquaintanceship? Do you at least have non-strangers in your life?
If I was in your situation I would go to the hospital.
Assuming the original injury was treated by a healthcare professional they would have guidance on this matter.
Contact your insurance or your regular healthcare provider they can also help you with this matter.
I'd imagine if I was in a similar pickle my family would help me.
I am not a medical professional, this is not medical advice. I am not familiar with you or your case. Always seek out a qualified professional for all medical concerns in a timely manner.