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how do i find someone who wants to change my wound dressing? (i can't reach it)
  • what do you mean by a good person? every human has good and bad in them. there is no such thing as a good person:

    Humans or modern humans are the most common and widespread species of primate, and the last surviving species of the genus Homo. They are great apes characterized by their hairlessness, bipedalism, and high intelligence

    there are people who make me feel good because they give me various benefits. is that what you mean?

    let's say i followed your advice. then i also need to be open to forming connections. no? I think i currently enforce a boundary that keeps me friendless. any thoughts on that?

  • how do i find someone who wants to change my wound dressing? (i can't reach it)

    i don't have friends

    I DON'T HAVE FRIENDS. this post isn't about wound dressing.

    it seems like i need to make some friends just so there can be someone i can trust who can help me when i can't help myself due to health reasons

    1. i think i never asked anything from a friend in the past. how do you ask such a thing from a friend?
    2. idk at what level of friendship you can ask something like that?
    3. idk how to have such a friend?
    4. how do i make friends for this purpose?

    title was an example. other examples: you might need someone to accompany you at your hospital night stay after your surgery. you might need someone to drive you to a hospital after you break your foot or lose consciousness

    how do i deal with love as someone who was never loved?

    someone here must know

    i think my parents caused me to exist just so i take care of them when they are old. they sent love to my direction but they didn't love me. they loved their insurance plan, themselves (they saw their being in me), what they feel about themselves (through me). i was not allowed to exist peacefully or mind my own business. i was not allowed to have a preference or emotion. i am 10 and 14 years younger than my siblings. they knew my predecessors weren't gonna be stupid enough. they hate each other. pretty much anything originating from them were negative. this family was a theatre. it takes a certain level of wretchedness to do this. and these people were what i know of humans. so i didn't like humans.

    anyways, at some point, i met many different people in a short amount of time. my opinion of humans improved.

    two of them (women) made me feel more alive but i didn't get close to them physically despite being pulled by them really hard.

    then i forced myself to practice being physically close to people (women). it was very difficult.

    meanwhile in therapy i realized i avoid intimacy really hard

    last two points combined led to some new observations

    i think at least one person loved me. i never saw someone looking at me like that before. i think maybe they sensed my background and how i dealt with it. she treated me like i'm her kid and at some point she acted like my kid. i don't remember a similar experience at such level. she wasn't sexual like some others. she felt more wholesome

    and i feel weird about it. like what the fuck is even love? what do i do with it? do i eat it? keep it? store it? grow it? do i let it exist by itself? i am asking stupid things but it is just kinda weird.

    how do i cope with this positive thing?

    i am kinda trying to get myself used to this concept so i can stop avoiding intimacy. i am still avoiding, really hard. but if i stop avoiding, i'll find myself in a relationship probably quickly

    i probably don't know what i don't know too.

    back to what do to with love?... do i fuck it? i know what to be and how to be i think, but it feels like too much change if i go there. a whole ass human depending on you or giving herself to you in every way is weird. too much responsibility or too much power. idk. it feels like too much of a bond. its like two people are chained to each other kind of thing.. and she expects me to control that bond however i want. also its no longer just me. right now i am an independent singular consciousness. i can go anywhere, live anywhere, do whatever. i am actually in top 0.1-0.01% in terms of freedom. but if i let things happen, a woman is gonna be always around me lol. and i will have to make plans for her and deal with stuff. then a family reeeee. people get used to everything so maybe my future family will become boring too?

    again, love feels weird. maybe they just love what i might provide to them. maybe there is no such thing as love and it is arrogance or stupidity to expect it to exist

    also this might be like a drug. this person can feed me love and take everything in return and i might be ok with it. my brother did that but obviously that's a different type of love

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