The former vice presidential nominee offered a blunt mea culpa on MSNBC.
Former vice presidential nominee Tim Walz criticized Trump for economic chaos while taking personal responsibility for the situation during an MSNBC interview.
"We wouldn't be in this mess if we'd have won the election — and we didn't," Walz told Chris Hayes. He called Trump the "worst possible business executive" and praised the Wall Street Journal's editorial criticizing Trump's tariff war.
Walz emphasized Democrats must offer something better, not just criticize Trump. Recently, he acknowledged a leadership void in the Democratic Party and admitted spending too much time combatting Trump's false claims about immigrants.
This headline is trash. He's saying we wouldn't be in this mess if they'd won. The headline makes it sound like he's taking much more blame than his actual quote implies.
I think this is a half assed acceptance of responsibility. Firstly i don't believe our democracy even functions anymore. Our entire political system has been compromised by money, bribes, campaign contributions from billionaires. Both the dems and republicans are both fascist parties. The Democratic party any where else in the world by the standards of the rest of the developed world is a center right wing party we have no true left opposition party in the usa. The democrats are clearly a controlled opposition party who's primary goal is to appease their wall street military and prison industry profiteer donors and prevent any policy shift to the left in order to thwart economic democracy and continue the class dictatorship that is modern neo liberal western “democracy” which is inherently undemocratic.
There are 14 defining traits of fascism and 13 of them are present in both partied albeit to differing degrees. But the one trait that both parties work to maintain s plausible deniability as to its existence is fraudulent elections. But to think that even though money has corrupted every other aspect of our political system that for some reason maybe the ideals of American exceptionalism and the integrity of democracy itself, that one aspect of fascism is a bridge tok far to cross and those with extreme wealth and greed who lack all humanity and show no self Restraint on any given day would at least control themselves there for the good of mankind? If you truly believe that i have a bridge to sell you.
In germany the highest constitutional court decided in the last 10-15 years or so(i don't remember when exactly) that electronic voting is unconstitutional because it is impossible to differentiate between fraudulent results and legitimate ones for anyone who isn't a cuber security or IT expert and its important that laymen(or lay people) can understand the results of an election and see the proof for themselves. And even if we put all this aside in 2016 we saw the Iowa caucus (a democratic process void of electronic obfuscation)deliberately manipulated for clinton despite sanders supporters outnumbering clinton supporters 2 to 1 and i remember seeing a video back then(i wish i had saved it) of election workers doing a test on a vote counting/tabulation machine to verify results and the machine completely skewed the inputed data which distressed all the workers participating to the point where 3 people were in tears.
This isnt a “trump was right” statement because those who are nominated by the party are most likely complicit and know who will be chosen and even if they do not know till the media puts out the results and manufactures the consent of the people they still very likely know the reality. And Trump definitely knew in 2016 and had no problem the election was rigged then because it benefited him which means he doesn’t care that the election is rigged so long as he benefits and gains power from it.
But regardless of what i believe it is the reality that every thing about our society is rigged by the ultra wealthy. And it is naive to believe that they would allow the workers the ability to choose who governs them when they regularly make it clear what they think of us. That we are a disposable commodity who’s existence is only a means for their own end. As a labor pool to exploit and wring dry for profit so they don't have to do any of the things they see as beneath them while they live in opulent luxury and spend more on weekend vacations than you or i could earn in a dozen consecutive lifetimes.
Now in the crazy off chance that our democracy actually does function (which is just impossible given the way the world is currently run by the .001%) then the democrats lost because they refuse to move to the left and they intentionally lost because their donors are the dame donors funding the republicans and democrats are under orders to sabotage any leftist populist candidates to maintain the class dictatorship that their billionaire owners have established and aim to maintain at all costs.
So it seems like it's going to come down between Gavin The Transphobe and Tim Walz for 2028, and honestly Tim Walz is who I learn more towards, dude feels like a second coming of Bernie.
Meanwhile Gavin started out in 2025 being the strong man who stared Trump down, but he not only folded, he sold out transpeople.
Anyone who carries water for the "Transpeople are crazy and giving them basic human rights is going too far" is a danger to us all
It's so obvious the democratic party lied about Biden to get through the nomination phase and used the fact that the money already donated for the campaign was specifically to Biden or Harris and would not have easily been given over to any other new candidate. You do have to wonder, especially after how Trump was greeted by them, just what actually happened here. The fact is that the truth about Bidens condition should have been known, he should have decided not to run, and the Democratic party should've had a real primary for real candidates and new ideas.
Tim Walz was as bad of a VP pick as Tim Kaine. The white guy as VP to shore up the right wing vote is a total myth. Biden was kind of the first one, then Tim Kaine, then Tim Walz. It just doesn't work. Neither will Newsoms podcast attempt at finding common ground which he hopes will translate into moderate votes. Democrats really have no clue just how bad things are about to get...
honestly, if walz had been managed competently, I think he'd have been a pretty good folksy VP candidate. especially if he'd kept up on the 'weeeeird' stuff.
harris was just a terrible idea, and she didn't even push her strengths. it's like she, and the people who put her there, were all trying to lose.
“We wouldn’t be in this mess if we’d have won the election — and we didn’t,”
(Implies that if they(H&W) would have won we wouldn't be in this mess)
has quite the different sentiment than
"Tim Walz says ‘we wouldn’t be in this mess’ if it wasn’t for him and Harris"
(Implies its their fault we are in this mess)
These headlines -_-
Not that I prefer straight bias but we got conservative media calling these people cutting all of everyone's safety nets "heroes" and this is supposed to be liberal media straight misquoting for clicks?
I don't blame Harris or Walz. I don't even blame Biden, the senile old fool that he so clearly is.
I blame the Americans for fucking up the most outrageously obvious binary choice in history.
Has there ever been an election so obvious? Even during Trump vs Clinton one could almost be forgiven for giving Trump the benefit of the doubt as a "political outsider", but by 2024 we knew exactly who this fucking guy was... The fact that people today are acting surprised and outraged about all the stuff that's been happening during Trump's first 1.5 months is only further proof that Americans are perhaps the dumbest amnesiacs to infest the Earth.
Literally all we had to do was vote against Trump's particular brand of fascism.
But Americans are the type of people who fail a single question true or false quiz because they forgot to write their name at the top of the page, and we deserve to suffer the consequences of our collective stupidity over and over until it is bred out of us, or until our society falls. The American people allowed this to happen--and not just Trump, but everything bad that has happened over the course of American history.
So many copers in this thread. I hate to break it you guys but Trump was always going to win that election based off the economy, the cover up of Biden's obvious senility and the bit no one wants to talk about - that the Democratic candidate was a Black woman. There is no alternative timeline in which Harris runs on a utopian fantasy land progressive policy agenda and defeats Trump.
There's no leadership void in the Democratic Party, it's been Bernard Sanders for quite a while. Them denying this is to their (and everyone elses) detriment. Just run Bernie/AOC and let's get this over with.
Any ADULT can easily see that politicians are going to be imperfect, and no single candidate is going to align 100% with your stance. Demanding that they do, or else you'll vote for literally the worst possible option, or sit out, or vote a "protest" vote, all so that someone, somewhere will "learn" something is just fucking childish and stupid. And this will be continue to be true no matter how many times the Tone Police show up to admonish people about blaming voters. Sorry, not sorry: I blame the voters.
Nope. This is on Biden. It's his fault Harris/Walz were put into an impossible situation.
That senile old fuck was supposed to be a one-term president. If they'd spent 4 years planning for 2024 instead of sitting around with their thumbs up their asses maybe they could have run a winning campaign.
But no, Joe was too proud or stupid or both to stick to that plan. This election was lost the instant he doddered his way on to the debate stage on 6/27/24.
Instead of frittering away the last few months of his presidential term, Biden should have just resigned and allowed Harris to take over his role. She could have pivoted way to the left without having to undermine Biden's agenda and that would have really sent a clearer message to the democratic base.
I already had some respect for Walz, and it has now grown by leaps and bounds. While much of the messaging from the democrats seems to contain some level of voter or constituent blaming, Walz is out there taking responsibility.
Turns out holding back the things that work (like calling fascists "weird") while not breaking with some of Biden's unpopular policies was a terrible idea... who would've thought? At least Walz is honest enough to admit it. I doubt the DNC will let the social democrats like Walz or Bernie take the lead though... establishment dems would rather stand by and praise Reagan while Trump dismantles the constitution.
All the democrats had to do was field a white male opponent against Trump who can be charming and give good speeches. Instead they put up a biracial woman, who the fuck amongst the democrats thought that America was ready for a biracial woman president, like did they do zero pooling to figure out what the people wanted, aren't politicians supposed to know the pulse of the nation, it's literally their job to serve the citizens of the country. They should have made Bernie or even Walz the presidential candidate and Kamal could have been the VP
I hate seeing these Democrats question themselves and their honorable positions on important issues, just because they think they lost. We all know in our souls that HitlerPig, Skum, and the Russkies STOLE the election, but the Dems quickly rallied around the concept that they got beaten fair & square, because they didnt want to be seen as the same as the 2020 Republicans. So they threw us to the wolves, and have totally abdicated their oath to "protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic."
The Dems have to stop acting humiliated and embarassed, and get ANGRY at having our nation stolen and dismantled. HitlerPig was able to get his followers angry enough to attack the Capital, but Dems couldnt even be bothered get their followers to even question it.
The Republicans now have the Dems questioning their entire future direction. Should they move to be more progressive, and embrace Medicare 4 All, UBI, higher taxes on billionaires and corporations, harsh punishment for traitors, etc. Or should they claim the middle and try to draw reasonable Republicans to their side. Theyve tried the latter many times, and even if they win the election, being Republican Lite only makes it easier for people to shift a bit more right and vite MAGA.
Its true that people want a different sort of America, but only about a 3rd really want the MAGA direction. Most other citizens would prefer a direction that gives them more security in housing, jobs, food, and healthcare. Even Republicans would like it if the Conservative Propaganda Machine wasn't constantly telling them that implementing those programs would trum us into Venezuela. If the Dems really supported a true progressive platform, and sold it properly, the6 could win - in a FAIR election.
But we will NEVER have another fair election until the Democrats acknowledge that the Republicans have fully rigged the voting system, and do something to punish those who did it. If we dont, the 2026 election will see most Democrat congressional reps in Red states flip Republican, even in Blue districts, and in 2028, HitlerPig will win with 98% of the vote.
Well, I mean the worst Walz did personally was maybe his performance against JD, but that's pretty small compared to a lot of other errors that can be attributed to the collective campaign decisions and DNC as a whole. And yes, Biden. And really, 2020 and 2016. Actually fuck it, compared to all the butterfly effect possibilities, Walz is such a small part of why we're in this mess, lol. I still want the 2000 supreme court to support the Florida recount that actually says Gore won.
It wasn’t really Tim’s fault. I will never understand why Kamala decided it was more important to try to court Republicans than get Democrats excited. Democrats, and I know this will be a big surprise to Democratic leadership, don’t want to vote for conservatives.
You know what? Yes we are in this mess - BECAUSE of you. You didn't call on Trump for him admitting that he allowed the election to be rigged in his favor. You didn't hold up the election for it to be truly verified. You just allowed Harris to verify it because you wanted to try and make yourselves look good that you didn't cause an insurrection for brownie points. You didn't work hard enough to change the course of your campaign with Harris because you decided to centralize it on a narcissistic whore like Trump.
Aside from 71+ million uneducated fucking morons that call themselves American, you have a part of fault in this. The "at least we're not Trump" play didn't work in 2016, what made you think it'd fucking work in 2024? You didn't build off of any of the momentum from Biden and you didn't dare try to say or do things differently than what Biden did.
While it is not entirely your fault, it is partially your fault too. You better fucking have something better by 2026 or this country mind as well be called the United States of Amerinazis if it isn't already classified that.
I blame the DNC and Harris far more than him, he was a relatively minor politician recruited by them pretty late in the game. Everyone was worried he'd be too boring, but despite the background character designation, he still came across better than Harris.
finally! I hate when peope are always blaming trump or maga or republicans for this shit when its been the democrats every time. reagans deregulation and tax cuts, bush juniors war on terror, trumps total idiocy. ALL DEMOCRATS! We need to stop fighting the republicans and work with them against our common enemy.
Everyone is blaming politicians as if it wasn't the fucking voters that decided to elect a pseudo-fascist into power.
The Democrats wanted to stop the pseudo-fascist. You elected them. It's not their fault, you elected, now own it. Stand to your choice and don't try others for your terrible choice.
Looking at the disinformation on social media I don't think they could do much.
I saw people being convinced that Harris had positions that were compete opposite of her actual stances.
I even saw people have complete opposing view. For example about situation in Gaza, I saw:
pro Israel people being encouraged to vote for trump, because Harris was supporting "Hamas terrorists"
pro Palestinians being encouraged to not vote or vote for trump in protest, because Harris was strong supporter of Israel and it won't make any difference
When narrative is already controlled by social media that already is biased toward specific candidate, it is impossible to win.
I don't think Harris, Walz or even Biden could do anything when everything was attack against them.
We either need to make sure that non far right is also represented in social media.
Alternatively Democrats would have to use a celebrity, for example somebody like Jon Stewart of whose popularity could cut through the disinformation.
Progressives like Bernie and AOC, they are after what we actually need, but they are not immune from this disinformation, only people who actually pay attention to politics know them the rest of population can be easily persuaded that they are just "commies that want to kill America"